There's No Sympathy for the Dead, Is There?


It was already 6.30 pm. I had about half an hour left to meet Christie. Just the thought of what I was about to do made me smile.
I quickly fixed my hair and make-up, before walking out into the cold of the night. The weather was just perfect. It was foggy and quite windy, which would drown all screams.

Making my way to the park, I texted Ronnie, to come and look over the whole thing. I wasn’t too confident about getting trapped or not succeeding in slitting her throat. I slowly turned the knife I had in my jacket pocket, getting ready to do what was best for everyone.
At least in my point of view, I thought to myself.

Only about 30 meters from the park I could make out a small figure with dark brown hair. Definitely Christie.

The girl was viewing the empty street next to the park, so she wouldn’t notice me coming up from behind her. It was pretty risky though, because of the street, but I had never been one to back out.

Something so profound, something you won’t expect”, I started singing when I came closer, “Take this scripture like a picture and wear it around your neck..” I got louder the nearer I got.

“Wha-“, she shrieked, as I pulled out the knife and drew it along her neck.

You hear the sounds, they’re carried out..”, I continued. Her body got weaker, until she was just a lump in my hands, I had to hide somewhere.
Dragging her through the park, I was about to dump her in the pond, when I felt a stinging pain in my back.

The last thing I could make out before everything went black, was another stab and laughter.
There’s no sympathy for the dead. I guess I was not the only one who thought so.

“Max? Is that you? Where are we?” That voice sounded like Christie. It couldn’t have been her. She was dead.
Wait. Where am I? The last thing I remember is stinging pain. I don’t have any cuts. What the fuck is going on? These were all my thoughts mixed up. I didn’t have a clue about anything at that time.

“Christie?”, my voice sounded strange. Somehow deeper, but still my voice. “Christie, what is going on?”

“I.. I.. don’t know. Get me out of here, Max.”, she said, her voice full of fear, the girl herself on the verge of tears.

“Calm down. I don’t know where we are or what’s going on. I can’t get you out of here, because I’m pretty confused right now. The last thing I know, is that something or someone stabbed me, then all I know is this.” I explained to her.

Yes, I was talking to her, which other choice did I have? Maybe she wasn’t even that bad? Sure.

“Oh my god. There isn’t any mark on my neck. I could swear someone tried to slit my throat. Wait, they did slit my throat. I must be dead.”

“You can’t be dead, cause I’m here with you and I am definitely not dead.”

“Yes, you are. You said, someone stabbed you. That’s it, we’re dead.”

“So, why’s here no one else? It’s not like nobody has died before us.”, I stated in disbelief.

“I guess, that must be some kind of thing in between. You know, like we’re not with the dead, but we’re not with the living either.” Life has died yet we're still alive and down below.. I must say, Christie was a smart girl. Why hadn’t I ever noticed that before? Oh yes. I didn’t want to talk to her.

Trying to make the best of our current situation, we went to find out where we were. Or, at least, how it looked like wherever we've been.

“Hey, what’s that? The blinding light beaming from your eyes?

We see the stones falling from the sky on fire..

The sky it opens up don't get swallowed by the flames..

“Christie? What the fuck?”, I started to choke.

I can't breathe wake up from this nightmare that I'm in..
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