With Lullabies

When It Gets Cold And Feels Like The End

Despite all the trouble he had caused, a funeral was held at the manor for Victor upon Jasper’s orders. Not a word was said about his attempts on our lives. Instead, Jasper gave a very moving eulogy of what he was like before all this. And then his body was moved into a small, ornate mausoleum a little ways in the woods at the back of the house. It was a place we would both visit regularly, bringing flowers every time.

The months passed by quickly, my stomach getting bigger and bigger as time went on. Jasper wasn’t upset with me for keeping it a secret. He was just elated, and I knew he would make a great father. He took very good care of me, always asking if I need this, or wanted that. Sometimes I had to convince him to get out and do other things.

One night he was sitting on the edge of my bed, telling some silly story while I sat propped up on several pillows. I was laughing pretty hard, and then suddenly I stopped, my eyes growing wide. “What, what is it?” He asked, immediately concerned.

“My water just broke,” I gasped out, putting a hand on my stomach. “The baby is coming!”

He jumped to his feet, uncertain of what he should do. “The servants,” I reminded him, trying to control my breathing.

“Yes, of course!” He said, running for the door. “Just wait right here, I’ll be back.”

I laughed, wondering where he thought I would go. In no time he was back with a couple of the older female servants who had some experience with deliveries. We were afraid to seek help from a hospital because we were unsure what the baby would be like due to our differences. They immediately set to work, scurrying around and getting everything ready. Towels were brought in, and a basin filled with water. “Alright, miss, just relax.” One was saying, smiling kindly at me and instructing me what to do.

The pain was unlike anything I had experienced before. Jasper was by my side, holding my hand and talking to me calmly while respectfully staying out of sight propped up legs. The women had donned surgical masks and gloves, quietly instructing each other. I screamed, sweat dripping off every inch of me. I was pushing as best I could, praying for it to just be over with already. And then a cry rang through the room as our baby entered the world.

One of the servants immediately whisked him over to the table with the basin to clean him off and make sure he was alright. Relief washed over me as Jasper and I gazed expectantly at the little bundle of joy. “It’s a boy!” She announced happily, and I smiled as I leaned my head back into the sweat-soaked pillows. Jasper squeezed my hand lightly and ran a hand down my cheek lovingly.

I was feeling pretty light headed, and then nausea hit me. Something felt very wrong. The nurse had just handed over our son to Jasper, who was holding him in a towel and talking quietly to him. The one still sitting at the end of the bed called to the second one. “I need your help NOW,” She said, tone confirming my fears.

Jasper looked up, the content smile wiped off his face immediately. “What is it? What’s happening?”

“She’s losing a lot of blood, Master.” The servant answered. “I’m trying to stop the bleeding, but nothing is working.”

A third servant was standing in the doorway, keeping any curious faces away. Jasper handed over the baby to her and moved to the foot of the bed. Any embarrassment I might have felt was kept at bay by the sickened feeling that was getting worse with each second. My vision was blurring, and it was getting difficult to breathe; it felt like my lungs were on fire. “We’re losing her!” The servant’s voice held fear this time.

My eyelids fluttered close, and I couldn’t get them back open. It was like they were super-glued shut. Jasper was yelling at me, but my mind couldn’t make sense of the words. I was only aware of my heart beat slowing, the blackness tugging me further and further down. Far away, I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. Then it faded as well, and I was floating in a sea of nothingness.

You have to go back. The words materialized from…somewhere. You can’t leave them; they need you. How could you do that to them?

It wasn’t my fault; I didn’t ask to die. But how could I fight against this invisible foe? I had no power over it. I needed my savior, my hero. His face came to me, and I smiled at the wonderful feeling of it all. Don’t forget, you have two now. Your son…

Something rippled through my body. My heart fluttered once, twice. Pain came through, confusing me as I convulsed. Then the beating was nothing, and my eyes opened wide as I gasped and sat straight up. I looked around bewildered at the wide-eyed faces staring back at me. It took a moment to realize that it was only the servants and my beloved Jasper.

He was holding me in an instant, sobbing a little. “I thought I’d lost you, my Sophie.” He whispered as I wrapped my arms around him.

When he finally let me go, I put a hand uncertainly to my chest. There was no heartbeat, and yet here I was, alive and well. Looking around, I realized everything looked so clear, like I’d never really looked at things before. I heard what sounded like the thrum of little wings, and realized it was my son’s heartbeat. I knew that I would have to get used to this new sense; after all, I was stuck with them for eternity now.

“He needs a name.” Jasper said quietly, taking him back from the servant and coming to sit with me in the bed.

“Victor,” I smiled, and the baby looked up at me with big chocolate brown eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that is my ending. Hope it is satisfactory. :]