Status: Need to know what people think

Don't know how I ended up with you

Should or Shouldn't

Have you ever noticed sometimes in life you never get what you wanted, that is exactly how I’m feeling right now. I’m a English girl who has been sent to America in search of a family who screwed up someone in my family, well actually the guy is one of the many guys I live with, were all like a big dysfunctional family but we love each other.

I’m a very rich French module, my older brother who is well known for getting what he wants even if it means killing for it, is who sent me here. I’m not complaining because he went to far this time if he thinks he can control me when I’m countries away he seriously has problems, but hardly any other gangs know what Daniel Silvester’s little sister looks like that is exactly why the ‘Silvester’ gang sent me, let me properly introduce myself I am Sophie-Rae Silvester, the 17 year baby sister to the well know Daniel Silvester.

The thing is I’ve been in America for 6 whole months and I haven’t even tried to find the family that messed up one of the guys, but I just got of the phone from Dan’s best friend Luke and found out they know were they live, but the worst part is the address is the family home of my boyfriend, the love of my life.

I think I should start from the beginning…

Day 1 in America.

“Hello miss, how may I help you?” Said the lady behind the airports flight desk,

“Do you know what taxi companies are reliable, I don’t want to be robbed or raped.” I hiss at the lady, I feel bad I’m being way over dramatic, but I’m pissed off. Great, she’s looking at me like I’m I psychopath.

Then I get pushed aside by Luke, who so kindly dragged me here. How bloody sweet.
“What my Friend was trying to say was, can I have your number?” Luke said with enthuses on the friend, he was glaring at me the whole time he said it.

See me and Luke have big history, I’m over it but he just likes to shove girls drooling over him all the time in my face, but to be honest I don’t give a shit!

The help desk just giggled and wrote down her number, I scoffed picked my bags up and walked off. Waiting outside trying to get a taxi. Finally I got one and told him to take me to the nearest hotel, which he did I paid the taxi driver and got my luggage and made it to the hotels main entrance, thanked the door man and walked in. Straight to the reception desk.

“How my I help you miss?” The receptionist asked.

“Do you have an available penthouse?” I asked

“Yes, it’s about $3,000 a night, miss” she replied. I smirked at the cost, just to piss Dan off I took it, giving her my details and Dan’s card number, she got someone to show me to the penthouse, which was by far the best I’ve ever seen. See I don’t live in England, me, Dan and the guys all live in my French village, yeah I know wicked I own a village, it’s not massive but we need the space, so It’s great.

I went to sleep straight away because of jetlag, I couldn’t sleep at all during the flight because of Luke trying to make me shag him, I mean he is more fucked up then Dan.

Day 2 in America.

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the curtains, I swear I shut them, oh well. That’s when I noticed two strong arms wrapped around my torso, I literally screamed. The person unwrapped their arms from me and jumped out of bed, luckily fully clothed. I instantly stopped screaming when I realised it was no one other than Luke.

Luke spun around and glared at me, “Do you really have to scream I thought someone was coming to murder m…US.” Luke said with a girl like voice, while wearing a stupid smug grin. I huffed and got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast and have a drink.

“So, why’d you rent a pent house, Dan want’s you back in a week.” Luke said, sensing I wasn’t gonna answer he continued, “It’s a quick job Rae, I know your pissed at us but they hurt one of us were gonna get em’ with or without your help. I hope you understand that.” Luke stated, while I just glared at the glass of orange juice in my now shaking hand.

The guy this family hurt is a guy I’m really close with his 15 years old exactly 2 years younger than me, My mum adopted him because he was being beaten by his family, Dan knows how that feels because our dad use to start fights with Dan. That’s why Dan got in to this life, so my mum adopted Jamie, but he stays with me and Dan, which is great because Dan trains him and I have someone to talk to and have fun with, with out being ordered.

Luke knows how I feel about Jamie, and knows that I want revenge on the people that put Jamie into hospital with; 5 broken ribs, broken leg, broken arm and he was also in a coma for a week, but I wouldn’t leave his side till he woke up, Jamie was beaten up 2 weeks ago, he was out partying got drunk, tried walking home by his self but ended up being beaten up and left in a ditch. The next morning we all went searching for him and found him, he was brought to the hospital, and not released till Monday and it is now Wednesday, see how quick they ship me off.

“By you not saying anything, I’m going home, but just remember Rae, with or without your help.” Luke says to me before slamming the penthouse door behind him. Once I got over what he said I slid down the wall, holding back my sobs. I was really alone in America, far away from everyone I knew, no job and a question I could ask no one. Should I or shouldn’t I help?
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Please comment and advice me how to improve!!!