I am a Goth Cheerleader

Can't Help Falling in Love

When my eyes scanned the crowd, I saw Marius and he was with Sydney. I could not believe it. He was trying to get back at me for something I did not do.

“Dean, I cannot get out of the car. If Marius sees me he’ll think I went out with you because I actually was cheating.”

“Ok, he didn’t see us. Why don’t I go in and I will text you when I am in the theater. By then he will be in there.” Dean said reassuringly.

I ducked down before Marius could turn around. As I sat on the floor of the car, I thought of the past weeks. I tried so hard to be a good girlfriend and friend and I cannot believe Diana and Marius would believe everyone else. I guess they weren’t very good friends anyways. I snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated. It was Dean texting me it was okay to come in.

I walked into the theater and I saw so many people. I saw where Marius and Sydney were and walked right past with my head held high without looking at them. As I made my way to the front, I heard my name. I turned around and saw a girl with black and red hair make her way to me.

“Yes,” I said turning towards her.

“Blair as I live and breathe I cannot believe it is you. I know you don’t remember me but it’s me, Kelsey Gwen Jones.”

“Oh my God Kel, I have not seen you since sixth grade when you moved.”

“Yeah, my parents divorced so I moved in with my dad here. Who are you here with?”

“My friend Dean, I have a favor to ask you. I cannot tell you why now but could you pretend like you’re dating him.”

“Sure, just don’t forget to tell me later.” She said suspiciously.

Kelsey’s POV

I was glad I saw Blair. We were best friends in sixth grade then my parents had to move me. After the divorce, I became fed up with my mom’s attitude so my dad got custody and I live with him. I did not know what Blair had up her sleeve but there was never a dull moment.

As she led me to where Dean stood, I could not believe my eyes. He was gorgeous with his red hair and dark brown eyes. This would not be hard.

Normal POV

I got to Dean and I saw his eyes widened when I got there. I figured that this would be easy he already likes her.

“Blair who is this lovely person,” Dean asked.

“This is my friend Kelsey who moved in the sixth grade. She is going to be your fake date so now I can watch the show with you.” I said happily.

“Hi Dean, it is so nice to meet you.” She said hugging him. She always hugged people no matter what so it would look authentic if Marius saw us.

The show started shortly after our meeting. Kelsey and Dean were both singing along with the band and holding hands. They were cozy the whole night; I knew this was going to get Dean over Diana.

After the show was over and we were walking out Marius saw us. I looked over once and he was kissing Sydney. I knew he was trying to make me jealous and it was working. I shed a tear while I followed Dean and Kelsey out. I was hoping no one saw.

When we were outside, I explained to Kelsey what happened. She never thought that Diana would do that. Kel decided that she was going to join gymnastics too. That was something we shared. The upside was that she and I could also join the cheerleading team since Sydney was a senior and had graduated. I told Kelsey we had gymnastics practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“Well Blair, I’m glad to see you again. Tomorrow text me directions to your house and we will hang out.”

“That sounds great Kel, I will see you tomorrow.” I was glad it was Saturday today because I needed a day away from all this. I knew Kel and I would find something fun to do.

“Blair, I really like your friend Kel. Can I come over to your house tomorrow because I have someone for you to meet to?”

“Great Dean, let’s get out of here.” I said wanting to leave. I asked for this bands CD’s from Dean because minus Marius, Dean and I had a good time.

The next morning I awoke to my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I saw that Kel had texted me. I gave her the details and she gave me directions to her house. I informed Dean also and went to get a shower. I was excited that Dean was bringing a guy for me to the house. He said he just met him because he moved in next door. He was our age too. I got dressed in my cutest outfit, did my hair, and makeup. I heard the doorbell ring and it was Kelsey first.

“Oooh Blair, who are you all dressed up for?” She asked me.

“Well Dean is coming and he’s bringing a guy for me to meet. I guess he did not want me to feel alone.”

Just then the doorbell rang, Kel hugged me, and I opened the door to reveal a sexy guy. He had high cheekbones, face framing hair, nice eyes, and full lips. His nose was a bit long but it fit his face perfectly. His nails are painted black and he was wearing a Misfits shirt with no sleeves that showed his toned arms, tight black skinny jeans, and Metallica converse.

“Hey Kelsey and Blair, this is my friend.”

“I’m Lestat Armand Westgate at your service.” He said leaning down and kissing my hand.

I giggled a little at this gesture, I was glad when he started laughing a bit too.

“Let me guess, your parents really loved the Vampire Chronicles.” I asked smiling.

“Exactly,” he said as he walked in the house. “My mom is a huge fan of everything vampire.”

“Ohh wait, I’m so sorry to be rude. This is my friend Kelsey.” I said introducing them.

She hugged Lestat and then sat back down with Dean.

“So what do you guys want to go do today?” I asked all of them.

“Blair can we go see Twilight: Eclipse I know it’s girly but I love the movies.”

“Sure, I’ve read the books and saw the movies. Well there is nothing else to do so let’s go.” Dean and Kelsey went in her car, Lestat, and I in my car.

“So how did you come to live here with us?”

“Well my mom decided that she did not want to live in sunny California anymore. My mom is like me, we do not do well in the sun. So my parents, sister, and I moved here to Illinois. My sister is a year younger than I am and we get along great. So I will be starting my senior year at your school.” He said.

I told him about my twin, the trouble with my ex-friend and ex-boyfriend, and things I liked to do.

I was glad he was in my life. I hoped that he liked me.