Status: New story idea

How to go from Mr. Perfect to Geeky Nerd in 30 days or Less


I woke up the next morning feeling like P-diddy... yeah right. I grimaced and got up for school as I usually do on Monday morning's. Then I remembered the girl from last night. I don't even know her name but I can't get her out of my head.

"Jarid?" My momther called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I called and quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. When I got there my mom handed me an asperin with a glass of water. I smiled appriciatly and downed them. I'm not that great with drinking so I rarley did. Last night I had only 2 beers and a shot of vodka then I was out.

"Morning." I said and gave my mom a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." she replied and set a plate of waffles on the table in front of me. I glanced at the clock. 8:17.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked and rushed through my breakfast.

"Well, you were passed out and I know for a fact that I get pretty pissed if someone wakes me up when I pass out." she said curtly and poured a glass of orange juice. She handed it to me and I downed that too.

"Bye." I said and kissed her on the cheek. My little sister, Alexa, woke up and came downstairs. She was only 3 years old. I gave her a hug and kiss then ran outside to my car.

I slammed on the gas and my engine reeved.

"Danmit!" I said angerily and pulled the break up. I was at school in under 10 minutes. A record for me, actually. I rushed as I heard the bell signalling classes were beginning.

In math I got there just as Mr. Preten finished writing the announcements on the board. I got into the only seat avalible, the one next to Fat Betty. She had like, 3 triple chins.

I smiled at her and turned my undivided attention to Mr. Preten.

"Okay class, if you were reading the board while I was writing you may have noticed that it says 'Partner Up.' By that I mean that you will now have math partners. The partners will be as follows, Ryan and Sally," here Ryan smirked at me from across the room. "Ben and Brianna, Michael and Denvera, Jarid and Melissa..."

I stopped paying attention after my partner was annouced. Who is Melissa anyways??

"Alright. Now you and your patners will push you desks together and try to figure out the questions on page 137." he ordered and everyone started moving. I heardsomeone push their desk beside mine and heard the loud screech of metal of a chair being dragged across the room.

While this Melissa girl bent over to get her math book from her bag I glanced at her. Funny, she had the same colour hair as the girl at the party last night.

She looked up at me after getting out her notebook, pencil and eraser and opening up the math book to the correct page.

Oh shit. Was my first thought as I gazed into the eyes of the girl at the party last night.
Suddenly, math seemed very interesting.

Very interesting indeed.