Slow Dance


Hate. It's a strong word, but it's the emotion I was feeling.
I was currently staring at my black ceiling. Dark. Just like my mood.
The world wasn't fair. I had been beaten when I was young. Until my parents abandoned me.
My life was horrible.
The only thing I loved was My Chemical Romance.
I was in love with them. Music was the only thing I was into.
It's my life.
I currently live with my adoptive mother, Lillian. She's the only person who actually cares about me.
Total things I've ever cared about? A total of 5.
- My Chemical Romance.
- Winter
- Goths/Emos
- Music
- Art
There's something else you should know. I'm lonely. Never have been loved, never will.
Until that one day when this girl in the streets found me.

Walking down my cool streets at about midnight. It's summer. A time when the sun is disgusted by me.
A time for it to mourn as one of Earth’s inhabitants doesn’t enjoy the sunlight in the morning.
Maybe someday when I’ve learned my lesson I’ll enjoy walking in the light to burn my pale ghost-like skin.
Then there was another person on the streets. I didn’t know how they got there, but they were there.
I looked at the person closely. It was just a mere girl my age. Blond hair, green eyes, and she had a feeling of seeing.
“Would you like me to tell your future?” She asked with a slight German accent, and I had nodded in curiosity. The girl closed her eyes and held my hands in her own smaller and smoother hands.
“You’ve felt much hatred all your life. From your parents, friends, and that kind women Lillian. She has tried to make your life easier, and you haven’t done anything to help her with that.” The girl shook her head.
“You’ll also meet someone that cares about who you really are, and his two closest friends will help you both with your small problems.” She opened her eyes, but didn’t dare drop my hands.
“What is his name?” I asked in a whisper. She smiled.
“His name is Gerard. You both will meet when you are walking in a park. Don't search for this park. It will come to you." She dropped my hands.
"May I ask your name?" I asked. I've never cared about anyone else.
"Alicia." The girl whispered, and she walked away. I didn't stop her. Didn't need to. I'm not supposed to care.
Instead, I kept walking.

That was the last time I saw her. Didn't even know why I asked her name. It's like I had to.
Midnight wasn't as much fun when sitting in a dark room and you can't sleep.
So I got out of my bed, pulled on my black converse, and walked outside into the snow.
Winter's my favorite time.
I slowly walked up the walkway of Lakeside Park.
Snow was everywhere. The trees, the bridge, and especially the lighthouse.
The bridge was lighted by blue lights. Just in case if people want to walk on it.
It was also over an ice covered river, and the river was lightly lit by the blue lights.
Dark blue lights.
I walked up to the bridge, and stopped about halfway to look out at the ice.
Then I heard a small sound. I couldn't tell which way it was coming from.
The left? The right? I don't know. It was on the bridge though, and I didn't dare look.
"Excuse me?" The voice called out, and I turned to my right. The voice came from a tall man, with black hair, and shadowed eyes.
"Yes?" I asked back.
"I'm looking for someone. Do you know if there is anyone else here?" He stopped two feet away, and I could tell that his eyes were hazel. I thought I recognized his face, but I didn't know from where.
"Um, no. Not really. We're the only ones here. Who are you looking for?" I asked, curious like the day the girl read my future.
"Um... this one girl said I'd meet a girl called Ivory next time I went to a park. Any park." He smiled, and shrugged. "If you don't know her then I'll just be going."
The person turned to go, but how did he know my name?
"Well, I could give her a message. She's in my um... art class. What's your name, and where do you want her to meet you next time?" I asked.
"Well, could you give her this?" He handed me a black letter.
"Sure. Wait, why did you bring this if you knew you wouldn't find her?" I asked.
"I just needed some air, so I wrote this in case I met her. It's confusing really, please just give this to her?" The pleading look in his eyes nearly made me melt.
"Sure. I'll give it to her." He smiled, and turned away.
When the guy wasn't looking I quickly opened the letter.

Dear Ivory,
I've been told that you and I will meet someday, and I believe today is the day.
I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you for long, but I had to go.
It's not like I don't care about meeting you. I'm a very, very busy person.
Here is something you should know about me. Just one thing.
I'm in the band 'My Chemical Romance'.
Please meet me in the cafe on Main Street on Friday.
I'd like to get to know you some more.
-Gerard Way

I nearly dropped the paper, but I continued to hold on to it. It was like my dream had came true, and also the fact that the girl had been right.
I've actually met him. Gerard. A famous singer to my favorite band.
The name wouldn't leave my memory now.
If I was supposed to be with Gerard, so be it.

I finally got home around one.
Lillian was asleep, but she did come check on me while I was awake at around two.
She always did check on me. Ever since I was thirteen.
Lillian can't trust me for a fraction of an instant.
She's the only thing in this world that thinks of me as her daughter.
But she also beats me when she's drunk, or mad, or tired.
Sometimes I wish I could disappear or run away.
I woke up at six to get ready for another dreadful Friday.
Then I remembered last night.
The park. The bridge. The person. The letter.
I jumped out of bed to get dressed.
Black skinny jeans, dark blue tee, and my black converse.
I looked like a miniature version of Marylyn Monroe with long black hair and blue eyes.
I nearly forgot the time until I looked at it forty-five minutes later.
Fifteen minutes, and I'd be late.
My school started very early.
Seven o'clock.

The bell rang just as I pulled into a parking lot. We had our own parking spot.
That's what we get when we have a large high school, and parking lot.
I had a parking space in the second row. It wasn't as far from the front doors as you'd think.
Right up front.
The car fronts didn't face the school face. The school face faced the left side of the cars.
Don't worry; you don't have to picture it.
It's too hard anyway.

Art is the only class that I'll actually get an A+ on. All my other classes are either A's or B's.
Depending on what it is.
We were currently working on photography.
My favorite subject.
The world’s most impressive job.
That's what I wished to be when I grew up.
A photographer or an art teacher.
The teacher walked in. Mrs. Gray.
She's possibly the most interesting art teacher in the world.
Mrs. Gray and I have the same interests.
Photography. Gray and white drawings. Pencil sketches.
All of these things are hard, challenging, and possibly most interesting.
But soon enough, that class finished, and the rest of the day began.
If only it could be nine o'clock. Then I'd be able to be at the Cafe with Gerard.
He didn't even know that I was Ivory.
The only people who actually pay attention to me are Mrs. Gray, Lillian, and Kay.
Kay is the prep who noticed how miserable I was before anyone else noticed in this school.
She knew I had nobody here to protect me, but now I knew why she enjoyed picking on me.
It made me feel more miserable, and it made her feel powerful.
That's why I stopped ignoring. I fought back.
And while thinking these dreadful thoughts, the devil herself walked up to me.
"So, Ivory, apparently Jack, your ex, saw you with somebody else at Lakeside Park last night. Did you meet with anyone? I'd like to meet him since I'm your best friend." She smiled, cruelly.
"I'm not sure if you'd like to meet him." I growled.
"So it's true. There is a guy?" She asked, my nerves began to fray.
"Kay, I don't have the time and patience for you right now. I'd like it if you walked away." I hissed, and the venom leaked through me clenched teeth without me trying.
"OK, fine. I'll leave you alone. I'll see you later, Ivory." And she walked off laughing.
Kay had something planned.

School finally ended, and I started to walk home to get ready.
I would try to act normal. I'd carry the letter her gave me, and also the letter I would be giving him to prove that I was Ivory.
Lillian didn't ask what I had planned tonight like she usually did.
Instead she smiled, and ignored the questions.
"Hello, Ivory." She greeted, and I waved a little.
At least to be kind of nice.
My room was just like I left it.
Dark. Clean. CD covered. Music enlightened.
I smiled a little.
Tonight at nine o'clock.
I'd be meeting Gerard Way at a cafe.
And he didn't even know who was coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Had to re-edit this!
OK. This is done!
Sorry this took so long to get out!
I was having a small trouble with it!
Don't worry! It's out now!
So... here is the first chapter of my 3-shot for a competition (doing competitions for a while)!
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Pay attention to these author notes (I might say something important)!

^-- OMG! That's just to funny! Read carefully!