Status: slow...but i will not give up on this story

I Fell For Him - Nick Jonas That Is

Chapter 9-More boys

“What's with the way your walking?” Megan asked as I walked to our locker.

“Well hello to you, too.” I joked before turning my locker combination.

“Hi.” She smiled quickly before moving on to, “Why are you walking like you got hurt?”

I started pulling down on my lock, which wouldn't unlock. Stupid thing never opens.

“I fell down in the stairs.” I spoke truefully, well at least the half of it. Dad might have had something to do with it too, but I really did fall down the steps this morning.

“Nick! Help me with my locker!” I called out to Nick, across the hallway.

He half jogged over to me and spun my combination (Yeah he's done this like 10 times already.), before yanking my locker open.

“Easy. Are you sure you didn't just want me to come over so you could talk to me.” He smirked.

I glared at him. “I swear, this locker hates me and only opens when you do it. What do you have? Special powers?”

He smiled and whispered, “You know it, babe.” into my ear before running back over to his other friends. I shivered involuntarily How does he do that to me?

“Oooh!” Megan yelled then whispered, “Someones got a crush on the mysterious new kid.”

“I do not Megan. Stop being ridiculous.” I replied before looking over my shoulder to see Nick. I held my breath as our eyes locked together for a good 10 seconds before Megan's comment snapped my head back around.

“Sure Sabrina. What ever you say. But anyway, you've gotta convince Nick to be in our group for the pre-cal group project.”

“Why?” I asked.

“The dude actually gets what Ms. Emrich is teaching us! Seriously, who puts an art teacher to teach honors math? There is something really wrong with our school system! And don't get me started on our english project! She can not force us to pretend to be married! It has to be illegal or....”

I grabbed Megan's arm and started pulling her towards the gymnasium. She got kinda annoying when she rambled on, like she was doing now.

I brushed shoulders with Nick as I walked past and smiled at him quickly before continuing on.

Its been about a week since I met Nick, and he already was extremely popular. And it wasn't even cause he was famous, because he still wore a hat or other disguise everyday. Even when someone knocked it off once, people didn't notice. I guess we're all just used to him by now, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who really liked his band anyway. He was always nice too, well not always to me, but that was when he was joking around.

“I see how it is Rinx!” Nick yelled after me. “Taunt me and leave me wanting more! I'll get you back in gym!” He joked, well I at least hope he was kidding.

I liked to think he was another best friend of mine, after Megan and Mike of course. The four of us would hang out practically everyday, which is partially why Nick's starting calling me 'babe' just like Mike does.

“Hello?” I turned my head to look at Megan. “Were you even listening to me?”

“Sorry.” I shrugged my shoulders apologetically before walking into the gym locker room.

“Another day of P.E. Happy happy joy joy.” I muttered sarcastically to my other friend Amanda.

“I know right? I love P.E. and sports!” She replied, in all seriousness, before tying her hair up.

I stared at her as she ran out of the locker room. What the heck was wrong with that girl?

I took off my black skirt and purple top before sliding my shoes off and changing into my gym uniform.

I walked out onto the field and towards my class.

“Hey Sabrina.” I turned around and smiled at Marissa.

“Hey Maris...” SCREAM. Was that me?

I jumped and turned around to glare at who I assumed was Tony.

Yup, Tony. Why my band friend enjoys scaring me I'll never know, but I don't think anyone can understand Tony.

“Could you please stop scaring me!” I yelled as I continued glaring at him.

He burst out laughing, “I'm sorry, I just can't take your glare seriously. Its like a puppy trying to look mean.”

He continued laughing as I walked away, then tripped, then thanked Mike for catching me.

“Hey Nick! Come over here!” I watched Mike spetically as Nick ran over. They haven't exactly been buddies, or even gotten along. In fact, Mike tried leaving Nick at the mall on more than one occurrence.

“Yup?” Nick asked, staring/glaring at Mike's hands which were around me waist.

“I've recently come to a conclusion. Sabrina needs a body guard.” He grinned. I cocked my head to the side to gaze at him nervously. “Seriously, she can't go a hour without hurting herself. We, as her best guy friends, are here by responsible for her safety.” He finished with a huge grin.

“Ha ha ha, very funny.” I replied, sarcastically, as I pulled his arm off of me, well I tried anyway.

“Hey, I'm serious now. Nick, I'll take gym, you can have pre-calc and then we can play it by ear.”

“Oh laugh it up guys! I now realize you find my pain funny.” I said before walking off.

I could hear them both calling and running after me as I ran off towards the edge of the gym. Me being myself, I ran straight into someone.

“Oh crap, I'm so sorry.” I started

“Its ok, my bad.” A blond boy, I'm sorry, man said to me.

“I'm Tyler. I'm kinda new here. Otherwise I'm sure I would have heard about your beautiful self by now.” He smiled at me.

“Oh, wow.” I said while giggling to myself. “I'm Sabrina.” I added.

“Well hello.” He said, doing a cool looking eye thing.

“Rinx, are you ok?” Nick asked, catching up with me and putting his arm behind my back.”

“Yeah Rakes, you gotta stop running into people.” Mike said, putting his hand a little higher up than Nick's.

“I didn't mind.” Tyler smiled suggestively.

“Who are you?” Mike and Nick asked at the same time.

“Oh, this is Tyler. Hes new.” I said.

Nick just continued to glare at him as Mike muttered “What the heck is up with all these new kids?”

They all continued to glare at each other, practically sizing each other up, until our gym teacher called Nick and Mike over.

“I'll see ya in a minute.” Nick said to me before running off. Mike just took one last look at Tyler before turning back to me and smiling before running over to Ms. Marks.

“Why do I get the feeling they don't like me?” Tyler muttered.

“Don't worry about them. They're both really good friends of mine, they just get really over protective.”

“Well, as long as your not dating one of them.” Tyler smiled before putting his arm behind me, guiding me to our attendence spots.

I think I'm gonna like this guy I thought as we sat down next to eachother.
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hey guys. i know i haven't posted in forever, and i don't really have any excuses why i didn't write. Just school, friends, boyfriends, and finals. Anyway, now that its summer, I'll hopefully be updating again. Once again, I am so sorry for the wait.

that said, comment and subscribe please!! it would mean so much to me