

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back
Would you cry if you saw me crying
Would you save my soul tonight?

Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh oh please tell me these
Now would you die for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms tonight?

I chucked my pillow at my alarm clock as I continued to try to stay asleep. I really didn’t want to be up today. It was like three in the morning, who the hell needs to get up at three in the morning?! There was a knock on my door and I groaned.

“Magenta, are you up?” My older brother opened the door slightly.

“No.” I groaned as I put my head under the covers. I could practically feel him rolling his eyes.

“Get up. We have to leave in thirty minutes.” He turned on my light then left my room. I laid in my bed for almost fifteen more minutes till I felt someone rip my comforter off.

“What the hell?” I said annoyed as I tried grabbing for it and keeping my eyes close. I heard a deep laugh come from the end of my bed. I groaned. I knew that laugh. “What do you want Axel?”

“Nothing.” He said innocently. “Your mom asked me to come wake you up.” I rolled my eyes. “But I might just have to do a little bit more Magenta.” He said as he looked up and down my body. I rolled my eyes again.

“It’s Maggie. Mag gie. How hard is that to remember?” I snapped as I sat up from my bed. “Not Magenta.”

“Nah. You’re wrong. I’m pretty sure I was told it was Magenta.”

“Whatever. Can you just get out so I can get dressed?”

“No. I think I’m going to stay in here. It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.” He smirked. I glared at him and chucked my pillow. It absolutely missed him and hit my door. He laughed at me as he picked it up and walked out. Oh my god. Axel is annoying. And I don’t get why he always has to bring up the fact that we use to date. I was idiot then, now I know not to date an asshole like him.

I stepped out of bed and got dressed as quick as I could then left my room. I went and sat down at the kitchen table and laid my head there while the rest of my family started bringing out our suitcases into my parent’s car. We were going on a trip to England for a week. It was supposed to be a family vacation, but then my parents thought it would be fun to have me and my brother each bring a friend. But she forgot that I don’t really have any friends, so I’m stuck with my brother and Axel.

“Is Maggie up yet?” I heard my mother say from the front door.

“She said she was going to get changed.” I heard Axel respond.

“Blue, go and get your sister.” My mother sighed, probably thinking that I was still sleeping. I didn’t hear him respond but he walked off.

“I’m going to go and get a drink.” Axel mumbled. After a few seconds he walked into the kitchen. “You know your brother’s gone to get you out of your room right?”

“Well, I guess he can’t since I’m in here.” I mumbled into the table. I heard the chair beside me pull out, and I’m sure Axel was sitting there. “Can you leave me alone?” I snapped, annoyed, at him. He cocked his head to the side and just stared at me. “What?”

“Why aren’t you nice to me?” I bit my cheek and clenched my fists to stop myself from throwing something at him.

“You know why.”

“Remind me?”

“I think we have to leave now.” I said as I stood up from my chair and started towards the front door. He walked up beside me and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Well, you’ll have time to tell me on the plane.” He smiled before he walked off to go and talk with my brother. I sighed as I walked up to the group.

“Oh there you are sweetheart. Now we can leave.” My mother said as she ushered us all out the door. “Do you have everything you need?” She all asked as. “Anyone need to go to the bathroom?” We all shook our heads and climbed into the old suburban. I climbed in the farthest back seat and laid down on it to fall asleep again.

After a few minutes I felt something hit my head. I opened my eyes and a sweatshirt was on my head. “You looked uncomfortable. I thought you might want that to lay your head on.” Axel said.

“Thanks.” I mumbled as I made it into a ball and laid my head on it.


“Stop staring at me.” I snapped as I looked over at Axel. I don’t get why I had to sit by him, it’s like my family just wanted to annoy me this whole vacation. He looked away and smirked.

“I wasn’t staring. I was looking out the window.”

I wasn’t staring. I was looking out the window.” I mocked. “Yeah you were. My head isn’t that close to the window.”

“Maybe you’re confusing me staring at you with you staring at me.”

“If I was staring at you I would puke.” He pouted slightly and stayed silent.

“Can’t you be nicer?” He said after a few minutes.

“Can’t you jump off this plane?” I replied back.

“Nah. I’m pretty sure that would kill me.”

“That’s the point.” I rolled my eyes. As I grabbed my iPod out my pocket and slipped my ear buds in.

“Aw. That was mean Mags.” He whined. I just ignored him and turned my iPod up louder. “What are you listening to?” He asked after almost forty-five minutes.

“Nothing.” I mumbled. “My iPod died like over fifteen minutes ago.”

“Then why do you still have your ear buds in?” He furrowed his eyes brows. I bit my lip and looked away. He knew how adorable I thought he looked when he did that.

“So you wouldn’t talk to me.” I snapped. “But I guess that isn’t working.”

“Nope. So, what were you listening to?”

“Axel, why the heck do you all of a sudden want to talk to me?” I sighed annoyed. “You and I haven’t talked in like two months and now all of sudden you’re talking to me. What’s up with that?” He bit his lips slightly and stared down at his hands.

“Never mind. It’s not important.” He mumbled quietly and grabbed the book off his lap and ignored me.

“Axel.” I whined. He always does this to me. Makes me want to know something, and then doesn’t tell me. “Tell me.”

“It’s not important.” He looked up at me real quick then back to the book.

“Then tell me. If it’s not important you can tell me.” He sighed and sat the book down.

“Fine.” He combed his fingers through his dark brown hair and made it stand up. “Well, we broke up over two months ago. And I know you hate me for that, but I was hoping by now maybe we could be friends.”

“You want to be friends?” I said a little annoyed. He knows how bad he hurt me, and now he thinks we can be friends?

“Yeah.” He mumbled as he looked towards. He looked nervous and scared. I stayed silent, trying to figure out whether or not there was something else he had in mind.

“Sure, whatever.” I sighed after a few seconds. I looked away from him and towards the window.

“So, now that we’re friends, what have you been up to the last couple of months? I haven’t seen you in a while.” I stayed silent. He didn’t need to know that I almost tried to kill myself after he broke up with me.

“Boring stuff. School. Friends. Nothing interesting.” I lied. He nodded, staying silent, and went back to his book. He defiantly knew something.


“Alright, so this is your rooms you three. Axel and Blue are sharing this room then you have the room adjoining it Magenta.” My mother said as she handed us are room keys. “Your father and I have a room a few doors down. Today, will just be relaxing and looking around the resort. You don’t need to spend time with us if you don’t want to. You can just do whatever, but please stay on the resort.” We all nodded and once they walked off went into our rooms.

I immediately set my suitcases on my bed then looked around. It was a really nice hotel room. Everything had a black and white theme to it and I liked it. I started unpacking the suitcases and put them into the bureau that the TV was on.

“Hey Maggie, Axel and I are going to find the pool. You want to come with us?” My brother said from the door that adjoined our rooms.

“Sure, just give me a few minutes to get changed.”

“Alright, just come to our room when you’re done.” He walked back into his room.

“Alrighty.” I finished unpacking then grabbed my black, splattered paint, bikini and put it on quickly. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a towel then slipped into some flip flops and walked into the adjoining room. “Alright, I’m ready. We can go.” I put my hair up into a messy bun as I followed them out.

I kept staring at my feet or concentrating on tiny things on the wall while we walked down the hallway out of the hotel. Anything to stop concentrating on the fact that Axel had no shirt on and his bathing suit trunks were riding pretty low. I mean it’s not like I have any feelings for him, he broke my heart and I wouldn’t want to deal with that again, but he was still attractive.

“Scared you’ll jump me if you look at my sexy body?” Axel smirked as he walked beside me.

“Oh yeah. Totally.” I said with sarcasm in every word.

“Knew it.” He laughed as he put his arm on my shoulder. I looked at his hand then back at his face.

“Can you move your hand?” I said a little annoyed. He trailed it across my shoulder.

“I moved it.” He smiled.

“I’m serious Axel. Move it off me.” He sighed and dropped it off my shoulder. “So, where is the pool anyways?” I said after like five minutes of walking around the resort. My brother shrugged.

“I don’t know. I just want to go to it.”

“Well, is it outside or inside the resort?”

“Outside I think.”

“Then why are we walking inside of the resort?” I said annoyed a little. My brother could be such an idiot sometimes.

“I don’t know.” He laughed as we found a door that led to the pool.


I was sitting in a chair by the pool, trying to get a tan. I had my iPod up so loud, I’m surprised I wasn’t deaf by now, so I didn’t notice anyone come and stand in front of me. I was a little surprised that I didn’t notice Axel pick me up either, but by the time I realized I was out of my chair and in the air, it was to late. Axel had taken my iPod away from me then picked me up and threw me in the pool. I came back up out of the water around thirty seconds later and looked around to glare at Axel, then I giant wave of water hit me. When Axel popped up from his cannonball I was glaring at him and he immediately started laughing.

“Why did you throw me into the pool?” I snapped as I started to go to the edge of the pool, but Axel grabbed me and pulled me back.

“Because, I was bored. Your brother is ignoring me to talk to some girl and you were the only person I knew.”

“You could have just talked to me!”

“I tried that, but your iPod was too loud. And anyways, throwing you in the water is a lot more fun.” He smirked at the end. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me.

“Go flirt with someone or something.” I said as I climbed out of the pool and grabbed my towel. “Tell my brother I went back to my room, alright?” I said as I gathered up my stuff and started walking back.

“Wait up.” I stopped walking and stood right past the row of chairs while I waited for Axel to catch up to me.

“Why are you following me?”

“I just want to spend time with you.”

“Why?” I said as I started picking at my nails.

“Why not?”

“Because, for two months straight you ignored me all together and now all of a sudden you want to spend time with me. I don’t get it.” He chuckled lightly.

“Mag, you ignored me. I didn’t ignore you. I tried to talk to you so many times and you chucked things at me. After one of your heels almost gauged my eye out I just stopped. I didn’t feel like getting killed. So if anything, I should ask you why you hate me so much.” I bit the inside of my cheek and stayed silent. If I told him why he would think I still liked him or something, which I don’t. I think. Once I reached my room I finally spoke.

“You know why.” I mumbled as I unlocked it and walked in. I went to close it but he held it opened and followed me in. “Can you just leave me alone?” I laid my stuff onto my bed and went to grab some clothes out of my bureau, hoping he would just go to his room.

“No, I want to know why you hate me so much.”

“You know why Axel.” I snapped as I stomped off to the bathroom to change out of my bathing suit. “Can you just leave, please?” I said when I walked out and he was still sitting there.

“No, just tell me why you hate me so much. Then I will.”

“Because you broke up with me.” I pretty much yelled at him. I didn’t want to deal with him right now.

“Can’t you just be over that by now?” He snapped at me. “If you broke up with me, I wouldn’t hate you still.”

“Yeah, well I actually cared about our relationship.” I said quietly as I dried my hair out with my towel.

“What was that?” He stood up from the bed and crossed his arms. He actually looked a little angry.

“I said I actually cared about our relationship. Unlike you.” I stopped drying my hair and glared towards him. I thought I saw some hurt flash across his face but it was quickly replaced with a glare of his owns.

“You think I didn’t care about our relationship?”

“I don’t think. I know for a fact you didn’t. But I mean it’s you. I should of realized that you wouldn’t change just because you were dating me.” I said as I tried to stop from saying everything I’d been holding back for other two months. “I mean, you’re such a player, and you knew I liked you. I know I should have known you were just going to have sex with me then dump me, but I liked you. No, I loved you. But that doesn’t matter. You obviously didn’t love me, I mean you broke up with the day after we made- had sex.” I bit my lip and held back my tears.

“Mags.” He sighed as he combed his fingers through his hair again and started stepping towards me.

“Stay away from me!” My voice cracked and I could feel a sob coming up in my throat. He grabbed me and held me to his chest as I cried. “Get away from me.”

“Magenta. You truly think I didn’t care about our relationship?” He combed his fingers through my hair and rubbed my back. “I cared about you so much, you don’t even realize. And I know I broke up with you, but you don’t understand. I was so confused.” He sounded like he was about to cry. I looked up at him and his eyes were watering a little bit. “I loved you so much, and I had never felt that way about anyone. And I was just scared, so I just broke up with you. I was worried that you didn’t feel the same the way. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, if I knew then that you feel the same way I wouldn’t have broken up with you.” I pulled away from him.

“You could of asked.” I mumbled as I wiped my tears off my face.

“I was worried you’d reject me.” He whispered.

“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore, anyways. I don’t love you anymore and I’m sure you’re over your feelings for me. So we can just forget this, okay?” I said, trying to get my strong voice back as I looked away from him.

“Maggie, I still love you.” He mumbled as he tried to hold me again.

“No you don’t.” I mumbled as I moved farther away from him. “You don’t. You’re just saying that. You don’t. You don’t You don’t.” I kept repeating as I shook my head.

“Yes I do.” He said as he grabbed me again and lifted my chin so I could look at him. He moved his face closer to mine.

“Axel.” I mumbled as I tried to move farther away.

“Please don’t ruin this moment for me.” He said before he pressed his lips lightly to mine. He pulled away after a few moments and pressed his forehead to mine. “Can you please give me another chance? I promise I won’t be stupid and break-up with you because I’m scared of my feelings.” I bit my lip slightly and nodded.
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didn't like the ending, but whatever.
i'm sleepy.