Status: inactive

My Chemical Family

water guns and questions

I woke up in a bunk and didn’t remember where I was until Gee came in and said "Good morning girly."
"Morning Gee," I said sleepily back.
"Well come on and get some coffee before Mikey drinks it all," He said.
That got me up for sure. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the kitchen to get my coffee.
I heard a choir of "Morning Ivy” when I walked into the room.
I ignored them until I had sugar and caffeine in my system before answering them. "Morning guys".
I got my stuff and got dressed and ready for the day. They had to perform a concert today and we all got in for free and got to hang out backstage. Then in the morning we would head out for the next stop on the tour.
When I walked back I noticed Frank had is back turned towards me so I tackled him.
"Please let me up," Frank said
"Ok. Only because you’re my favorite brother," I said, then got off of him.
I left the room and went to see what kind of movies they had on this bus, but saw Mikey was playing a video game with Ray and Bob. Since I couldn’t watch a movie, I decided to find their stash of water guns and fill them up then start a water gun fight with the girls, Frank, and Gee.
I loaded the guns, found each of the girls, and gave them a gun. We then we set off to
find our targets. We found them and chased them outside so we wouldn't ruin anything in the bus.
Once out there, we all ran for a safe place to shoot from. An hour later we were finished with our water guns and were soaking wet. Me and the rest that were wet went in and got Ray, Bob, and Mikey all wet.
"Hey guys. Since we are all wet, and there is no sense in changing clothes because they’re clean, we could go outside and hang out get to know each of our sisters," Bob suggested.
"Sounds good to me," said Frank. "Come on Ivy."
"Ok Frank, I’m coming," I told him.
We walked outside and I sat down cross-legged by the bus where I could lean on it. Frank came and sat in front of me.
"So Ivy, what is your favorite movie?" Frankie asked me.
"30 Days of Night," I answered him.
"What is your birthday?" He asked.
"August 29," I answered.
"What is your biggest fear?" He asked.
Why did I have a feeling he was going to use this one against me?
"Spiders and clowns," I told him.
"Why are afraid of clowns Ivy?" He asked curiously.
"Because of an experience I had when I was younger," I said "I was at a circus and one of the clowns was in the back of the tent, trying to set it on fire, and from that day I thought that all clowns were bad."
"Ok, wow. That is scary. I think I’m afraid of them now, too," He said.
"Frank, I don’t think you can be scared after me telling you why I’m scared of them,”
"Ok well, our clothes are dry, so we better go get ready for the show," Frank told me. "We have to be there at 6 for a sound check."
"Ok," I replied. "Let’s go on in."
We walked in and I went to the back room to grab my make up and redo it for the show ’cause it had ran from the water gun fight. Once we were all ready, we went to the stage so they could do a sound check. An hour later, they were ready to run out on stage when the crowd was ready for them.
All of a sudden, we heard the beginning of the show, and knew it was only going to

get better to night. After the show we went back to the bus changed into pj’s and went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the second chapter. Thank you to JaspersGirl108 for commenting and thank you to my bata. Read and comment please.