Status: Coming in February

I'm Sorry For Blaming You


A woman so beautiful on the outside with her long wavy black hair, her chocolate brown eyes with a hint of amber around the edges that any person would be lost in a dazed if they were to look into them, curves that were of any man’s fantasies, plumb pink lips that with a pout she could have anything that see desired, her skin tan and smooth like a feather you would want to be gentle not wanted to leave a mark. The woman looks like perfection standing at her 5’5” stature.

But inside she was broken. Inside was the confidence of a mouse that at the sound of a footstep would want to run away. She feared the world around her.

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

The woman starts to sing making her ways towards the baby grand piano. She stops and plays a couple of notes on it. After a while she deems herself ready and starts to sing and play once again.

Ooh, ooh
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call ya
But I know you won't be there

The woman’s eyes are now glassy, tears threatening to fall out.

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

A man places a kiss on the woman’s forehead.
“I only do this because I love you” he whispered into her hair. Plunging deeper with every thrust into her stripping her away of what’s left of her pride and dignity. Yet she refuses to cry. She refuses to show weakness. She refuses to give the man any satisfaction that he is finally able to break her down.

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this, oooh yeah

The woman stopped playing and let the tears she was holding bacl escape. Her memories good or bad were flashing in her mind one after the other and they wouldn’t stop. From the time of being with her family and friends celebrating her 8th birthday to her grandfather’s death to the time she started to withdraw from her love ones, pushing every single person that she cared about away was now swirling around the woman’s mind. She begins to play again…

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back

A man walks into the room and walks towards the woman on the piano. She stands behind her as she plays, hearing her play for the first time in years. He looks down at his watch and says. “It’s time to go princess.” She stops stands and faces the man. He kisses her cheeks and says “I only do this because I love you” while also wiping the tears off her cheeks.

The woman doesn’t even fell his touch anymore. It’s like if the man was numb. She barely could hear the world around her; everything has lost its beautiful sound, the sounds of waves crashing onto the shore had disappeared. Everything she touches feels like nothing is there. Her sense of smell she believes she lost. Flowers do not smell as sweet as they once were to her. Her sight to her everything is black and white. Ever since her life was crumbling to pieces she lost the urge to go and enjoy the scenery. When she ate, she only did it to survive. She no longer savor food, chocolate lost all of its flavor to her, she only saw it as a way of getting by. The man walked back out the door. She sung in a whisper…

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, ohh

She wiped the last tear, closed the piano and walked out of the room.

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

Everything was going in a rush. She saw people talking to her but she didn’t hear them. She only saw their lips moving. She felt that she was being moved but knew not where to. When the double doors were pushed open she saw a glipse of a white light but eventually that faded away into the darkness. The woman found to be quite comforting. She let it take over her. She sung again in the whisper, to others it looked as if she was just moving her lips…

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you


The woman flat lined.
♠ ♠ ♠
Italics=her singing
Bold=flash back

Hoped you guys enjoyed a preview of whats to come.

Song credit goes to the talented Christina Aguilera

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