Status: The series is under a mass rewrite... this story will probably be discontinued, but the rewrite will be so much better <3 stay tuned.

How Could Happily Ever After Be a Myth?


Maddie Garver had gotten everything she wanted. She was married to the most amazing man she could think of, and she had two beautiful children. Her husband adored her and his parents approved of her, but there was a few holes in her perfect dream of a life.

Her daughter had run away with a half vampire half werewolf, her son ran away with the thing that killed his aunt, and how could Maddie be happy when her best friend and her sister-en-law were dead.

It was hard for Maddie to see Kegan morn for his beloved sister and his best friend, but it was even harder for her to watch him thinking about how he lost his kids. Everything was perfect for Kegan before she waltzed back into his life. He met his daughter, his sister was still living at home, and his brother was right down the street. He had an easy job, and he had worked things out with his best friend. She came along just in time to see their kids run away with other weirder kids, and his sister’s and best friend’s deaths.

This family seemed to be slowly falling apart, but unlike Kegan, Maddie always had someone to turn to. She could see spirits, and Lydia talked to her occasionally, but she mostly cried on T.J’s shoulder. Something, to Maddie, always felt wrong whenever she would speak to the two of them. At her wedding she had seen them holding hands happily, but she hadn’t seen them happily together since that day. That often struck her as odd, but she didn’t bother the after life.

Just when things seemed the saddest, the phone rang at the Vaara house. A happy voice echoed over the phone as Leo announced, “Mom, I’m coming home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is really more... Of an update on what happened last...
You get to hear more about Kegan in chapter one if you can
wait a few hours... haha I need sleep. 2 am is not a good time
to write more and more :) 0