Status: Currently in the process of re-writing and posting it.

Shot Lipgloss Through My Veins

Chapter Two

Kaylee’s POV

Rolling up my sleeve, I looked, disgustingly, down at my arm. The cuts. I winced as I stupidly poked at one. I hated having to move away from my old town, my old friends. I guess friend would be more accurate. Things won’t be any better here, they’ll only be worse. I shook my head and sighed.
As I rolled my sleeve back down, I stared into the mirror. I just hated that image... more so than usually. And I certainly detested this damn uniform. Black skirt... skirt! And a stupid white blouse. I didn’t even have the comfort of a nasty, uniform jacket, they were out of my size. I never go anywhere without a jacket. And right now, a stupid uniform one would make me extremely happy... yeah, my self image is that bad.
Stupid New Jersey. Stupid Belleville. Stupid life.
I grabbed my bag and left without a word to my parents. As I walked towards my bus stop, I noticed a guy about my age standing there smoking a cigarette. I stood a good distance (and awkwardly) behind him. I took a quick, close up glance at him. He seemed like someone you shouldn’t talk to until he talks to you first, so, I stared at the ground.
The only sound, as we waited for the bus, was his drags and exhales. I let out a breath and a fog poured from my mouth. Absolutely, fucking freezing. I would really kill for the jacket right about now.
“Hey, you! Want a smoke?” I thought heard the guy say.
I was surprised to look up and see another guy, with glasses, staring back at me. The first one had his back turned on me, lighting up another cigarette.
“No thanks. I’m trying to quit, with my asthma and all.” I said, but staring longingly at the unlit fag in this new boy’s fingers.
He just nodded and turned around. As he turned a nice, big, whoosh of cold air hit me like a train. I muttered fuck, quite loudly, and ‘Glasses’ turned again to look at me.
“Where’s your jacket? Isn’t it a little cold out here to be wearing no jacket?” He said with wrinkled eyebrows.
I smirked. “They didn’t have my size.”
“Sucks... I’m Mikey.”
“Kaylee.” As I shook hands with Mikey, the other boy turned to look at us.
“I’m Frank. And you’re bleeding.” I looked at my extended arm. Shit.
I dropped to my knees and searched through my bag, looking for something, anything, to soak up the blood. I couldn’t find anything and started to research, frantically.
Frank then grabbed a bandana from his backpack and grabbed my arm. He skillfully rolled up my sleeve, cigarette still in hand, and wrapped the bandana around the bleeding cut. I could tell he noticed the many other cuts, but neither him nor Mikey said anything.
“Thanks.” I said, blushing profoundly. A simple yep was mumbled back and he was turned around, drawing on his cigarette yet again.
“You alright?” Mikey asked, concern in his eyes.
I nodded and stood up.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I finally got Caitlin to post this story on Mibba, and I was lucky enough to be asked to co-write. :)
This chapter was just taken from Caitlin's old Quizilla and rewritten so I can't take credit really. Hope I did it well :D Enjoy!