Status: Currently in the process of re-writing and posting it.

Shot Lipgloss Through My Veins

Chapter Six

That night Emily called me.
"Kaylee! Oh my gosh! You won't believe it!" She screamed into the phone, I had to hold it away so my ear drums wouldn't pop from the excess amount of volume.
"Geez! What?!" I snapped, I was a little cranky. She started giggling.
"Oh my gosh! I can't say it, but, oh my gosh!" She kept repeating herself and it got annoying. I huffed.
"Dude, just fricken' tell me!" I snapped again, I didn't know why I was so cranky.
"Reeow! Someone needs to calm the fuck down or I won't tell them what I found out!" She snapped back at me.
I laughed, "Alright, sorry, what did you find out?" I smiled; knowing her it was probably something pretty lame, she liked to exaggerate things.
"Well, someone likes yo-ooo-u!" She laughed. I blinked.
"What? Who? How did you find out?" I stood up, my hands started to sweat. I was getting my hopes up for something that wouldn't happen.
"Okay, well, you know what's-his-face, um... Jeff! From our 7th hour study hall?" I could tell by the way she spoke she was smiling. I had to think for a bit, but I remembered him, he was pretty cute and nice, but I didn't like him that way.
"Yeah...are you telling me he likes me?" I felt dissappointed. I wen't from having no insides whatsover to having insides made of lead.
"Yeah! Oh! Are you gonna go out with him if he asks you? He said he wanted to." She was really giddy. I sat back down on my bed.
"I don't know... maybe. How did you find this out?" I asked. Emily took a deep breath.
"Well, Mikey bumped into Jeff someplace and they started talking. Jeff kept asking 'bout you, I guess, and Mikey got a little annoyed... Mikey's a little mad at you by the way. At least he seemed really mad when I talked to him. What'd you do?" She got off subject. I sighed,
"I only found out he likes you," I said in a close to every day conversational tone.
"Oh, well, anyways. Mikey asked if Jeff was asking all this cause he liked you or something and Jeff started acting "weird" and left." When she finished speaking she sneezed into the phone. Come to think of it, she sounded kind of stuffy the other night...
"Oh, are you sick?" I got off subject now too.
"Yea, but I'll be in school tomorrow, just sort of hit me all of a sudden last night after we got done talking. Mikey said Frank is sick too." She seemed to giggle a little everytime she said Mikey's name.
"Emily, do you like Mikey?" I had a very strong feeling that she did. It was quiet, then she started to giggle again.
"Yes, how'd you figure?"
I shook my head and laughed, "I just had a feeling you did, you tend to giggle everytime you say his name." I told her.
"What?! Mikey's?" She was smiling again.
Something struck me as funny though; she hadn't realized that I had told her Mikey liked her
"Emily, think back to our conversation just a few minutes ago, did you hear what I told you?" I laid down on my bed.
"Ummm, told me what?" She was confused now.
I sighed, "When you asked what I did to Mikey?" I tried not to get snippy again.
"Ohh! No, I dont think so, what'd you say?" She was genuinely clueless.
I laughed, "I gotta go, I'll tell you tomorrow." I started to hang the phone up and I could hear her scream into the phone for me to tell her and if I don't she'll hate me "forever and a day"!
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Ugh... I hated re-doing this part. It's freakin' boring. Haha...