‹ Prequel: Have Faith in Me

Hot Mess

Hot Mess

Leanne grinned at her best friends and twin sisters. They weren’t identical by any means but they were sisters. Leanne was the brunette, Jacey Rae was the red head and Kyle was the dirty blonde. Jacey smirked back as the trio made their way to the bar. It was after all their birthday and today they turned twenty five. Leanne who ever since Jacey had hooked up with Matt and Kyle had hooked up with Johnny was the only one that was really crazy when they went out. The other two still had their moments, but tended not to drink too much seeing as they had boyfriends and husbands to go home to. And in Kyle’s a pair of twin baby girls. They were out with out their men that night and according to their darling husband/brother in law, they needed their sister time. And Kyle needed away from her three month old daughters for a night. Johnny was babysitting. That had several comments being tossed his way. Leanne had said she couldn’t believe that Kyle had left her nieces with someone who still needed babysat himself and Kyle had shaken her head and smacked her sister.

“You ladies look like you’re having fun…”

“Oh god did Zacky send you out to check up on us?” Leanne asked glaring at the brown eyed man that had just joined them. Jacey hit her sister.

“No, just figured if I was gonna go out to drink I’d come here. Ain’t this where we brought you girls the year we met?” Brian asked Kyle and Jacey ignoring Leanne.

“Yeah, that’s why we choose it again this year. Although I’ve got to be leaving soon. Me and Matt have been together two years today.”

“Wow, I can’t believe that one. Matt’s married, in March Johnny’s gonna be married and Zack’s wedding date is undecided.” Brian said looking at Leanne. She swallowed. So she was being stubborn and not deciding on a date. She didn’t want it to be too close to her sisters dates or her nieces October 8th birthdays.

“Well I promised my husband I’d spend time with him tonight…it’s our turn to try for kids…” Jacey said looking pointedly at Kyle who just grinned and hugged her older sister.

“Oh god… first to marry is the first to have triplets…” Leanne called after her sister. Jacey flipped her off.

“Yeah I should be going to. First birthday with the babies and Johnny all of us together.” and Kyle followed her older sister out the door. Leanne rolled her eyes.

“Can I buy the birthday girl a drink or is that considered cheating on Zack?”

“One drink won’t hurt. Although that’s all this is. A drink, then I’m leaving. I should spend some time with Zack tonight.”

Kyle woke the next morning to her girls crying and Johnny kissed her forehead and moved from the bed as well. She smiled at him and pulled a shirt over her head and shorts on and they went to get their daughters. Kyle was walking downstairs when there was a knock on the front door. She rolled her eyes and answered the door with Quinn in her arms. She raised an eyebrow as her baby sister walked in the house. There were tears falling down her face and she didn’t know what to say. Johnny had already put Jami in her bassinet and he took Quinn from her mother and placed her in hers as he went to make the bottles.

Brian woke up and reached beside him his hand hitting nothing but the cold of the bed beside him. He laughed. She had slipped out on him. Brian smirked. He had her last night and god had it been great. Now all he had to do was get her to want him again. Want him and not kill Zack. Who was in love with her. He Brian Elwin Haner Jr. was jealous of Zack for having what he wanted. And Brian wanted Leanne, and not to share either. He wanted her to himself. The way she had felt last night had been enough for her maybe, but he wanted more. He wasn’t in love with her, he was in lust with her. But hey, he Brian Haner Jr. didn’t fall in love ever. He knew he would have her to himself. It was only a matter of time. For now he would deal with being her lover while she was engaged to Zack.

Zack was waiting up for her and had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for her. He sighed when he heard the door open and then shut. He had lay there awake for the past hour. He had sighed wondering if maybe she had gone to one of her sisters houses. He looked at her as he sat up on the couch. She was crying and she looked like she was battling with herself. She looked at him as he waited for an answer to the unasked question.

“Zack…” and she burst into a fresh wave of tears.

“Lea, what's wrong...?” Zack asked.

“Zack...I...I messed up.”

“What do you mean you messed up? You not coming home isn't this big a deal. It would have been nice if you'd called but…”

“It's not that I didn't come home... it's the reason that I didn't come home…” and she started crying harder.

“What are you talking about? So you got drunk... it was your birthday. Perfectly understandable.” Zack said looking confused.

“I slept with Brian last night…I’m so sorry…”

“... I think I just hallucinated because I could have sworn you just said you slept with Brian…”

“No you didn’t, and yes I did…” Lea said waiting for him to go off and start yelling at her.

“Are you fucking kidding? You slept with my best friend?” Zack said looking at her incredulously.

“I was drunk, Jace and Kyle deserted me…I…”

“Don’t try and push this off on them…They didn’t sleep with Brian you did.”

“I told you didn't I ... Zack it was a mistake... I just felt like everyone deserted me when he showed up and I should've called but i didn't and now you're mad at me and I…” She dropped down to the ground where she was now leaning against the wall crying. He looked at Leanne for a minute before running a hand over his face and sighing,

“I'm not going to pretend it's alright Lea, because it's not, but at least you did tell me…”

“Zack...I love you of course I told you...after I cried to Kyle but still…” She said sniffling as she looked up at him. He was still sitting on the couch. He hadn’t moved. But he was watching her.

“ I love you too Leanne, but right now I need to go somewhere and think because this is the last thing I expected to hear when you walked in the door.”

“I can leave…Zack I’m sorry.” Leanne said nodding at him.

“ No... you stay here. I'll go somewhere else... just, don't go anywhere until I get back.”

“Okay…” Lea said looking confused for a moment. Zack grabbed his keys and walked out the door. She watched him leave and the tears started falling again. What had she done? She looked down at the ring on her finger. What was she going to do to fix this? She sat on the couch that he had just vacated and lay down crying. He was going to leave her. She lay there crying for almost an hour before falling asleep.


“Hey Matt, can you meet me at the beach?”

“Sure what’s up Zack?”

“I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.”

“Okay when?”


“I’m on my way are you already there?”

“Yeah.” Thirty minutes later Zack looked up and saw his best friend walking towards him. Matt sat and they stared out at the water for a few minutes before Matt started talking.

“So what’s on your mind ZV?”

“She didn’t come home last night Matt.”

“Maybe she crashed at Kyle and Johnny's? Jacey said they were both still there when she left last night…”

“She didn’t, she told me where she went…”

“Okay, where’d she go?”

“Brian’s.” Matt looked confused at that.

“Brian’s? Why would she go to…oh. Shit Zack I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, I’ve been hearing that a lot lately.” Zack said thinking about how many times Lea had apologized to him already.

“Have you talked to Brian yet?”

“Dude, do you really think that’s a good idea? The way he’s always looking at her?” Zack said getting pissed again. Brian had always been jealous about him and Leanne since the days of making fun of Johnny and Kyle.

“I know... just, I can't believe he'd actually fucking do that. Brian does a lot of stupid shit, but he's never done something like this.” Matt said running his hands over his face. He didn’t know what to tell his friend.

“Would you come with me? You know if I went now?”

“Yeah I’ll go…” then he muttered “It’s probably better that there’s a witness anyway…”

“No one’s killing anyone. Possibly beating the hell out of yes…just not killing.”

“You say that now.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence man.”

“You’re welcome.” Matt said grinning.

“C’mon his place is only ten minutes away.” Zack said rolling his eyes.

“Alright lets go then.” Matt said and the two of them left. Matt following behind Zack. This was probably the worst thing that Brian had ever down to any of them. Matt gave Zack a warning look when he thought that he was just gonna barge into Brian’s. A moment later Brian answered the door and came face to face with Matt and Zack.

“What’s up guys? Did I miss a rehearsal or something?” He obviously was hung-over, just hiding it.

“Like you don't fucking know Brian.” Zack said.

“what the hell is your problem dude?” Brian asked smirking

“You're a fucking asshole you know that? She's my fucking fiancée. You're supposed to be one of my best fucking friends!”

“Zack calm down.. Brian... He's right your an ass” Matt interjected

“Not my fault... she sure as hell wasn't thinking about Zack last night when she was screaming my name...some fiancée” The smirk on his face had Zack at his throat.

“Fuck…” Matt muttered and pried Zack off Brian. “Zack calm the fuck down!”

“Thanks Matt” Brian muttered

“I only did it so he wouldn’t go to jail.”

“I'd have preferred it if you helped me bury his body in the desert after I killed the fucker.” Zack said glaring at Matt.

“Still an option if you can’t work this out.”

“I’m still standing right fucking here!”

“And breathing…Isn’t that unfortunate?”

“Chill already both of you... Since when the fuck am I the Calm one?”

“Since he started sleeping with his best friends fiancée’s.”

“No … only your’s” Matt was pulling Zack off Brian again a moment later.

“Alright seriously enough is enough.”

“He’s the one that came in her trying to kill me.”

“Because you fucked my fiancée.”

“Get over it already, what the fuck do you want an apology?”

“I want to know why the fuck you'd do that to me when you're supposed to be my fucking friend.”

“Because…” Zack raised an eyebrow at that answer.

“Dude that’s not an answer… Seriously don’t make me call Jacey.”

“What’s she gonna do? She’s like five foot nothing.”

“Leanne’s her baby sister.”

“And yeah that woman is overprotective of them.”

“Regardless of how tiny she is... she'd kick your ass. She'd have probably beaten us here if she knew.”

“Thought I’d find you here. What the fuck is your problem Brian?” Kyle demanded as she walked up. All three men turned to look at the five foot nothingness that was pissed as hell at Brian.

“Jesus fucking Christ…”

“Nice answer…not what I was looking for…” Kyle said glaring. Matt knew Jacey had a temper and now he knew that her sister did as well. Brian threw his hands up at them before speaking.

“Look... we got fucking wasted after Kyle left last night... I'm actually surprised we made it back here in one piece. I'm sorry, it shouldn't have fucking happened... is that what you wanted to fucking hear?” He was obviously frustrated.

“Yes.” Zack said glaring. The man obviously didn’t mean it but he’d take it.

“Can I go home now?” Matt asked.

“I don't care where you go... so long as you don't stay here... and that goes for all of you... “ then he muttered “I'm too hung-over for this shit.

“Next time you touch my woman I will kill you.” Brian rolled his eyes.

“He’s serious, and I’ll help him.” And with that she too left. Wanting to get back to her husband.

Zack walked into the house just as he heard the water in the shower upstairs turn off. He moved quickly and when he got upstairs she was dropping her towel to put on clothes. He touched her arm and she turned to face him. He shoved her back against the wall and crushed his lips to hers. Not caring that he held her a little too tight. He had his body pressed against hers, pressing her back against the wall. He dipped his head down taking to kissing her all over. Her skin was soft under his hands. She was helpless but it wasn’t like she cared all that much. He somehow managed to loose his clothes a moment later and keep her pressed against the wall. His grip loosened on her body as he entered her and a few moments later she was digging her nails into his back and crying out as she came and Zack’s grip once more tightened with his own release.

Two days later Leanne was laying in bed after a long night in Zack’s arms. She had tossed and turned after they had made love. It was different now. She wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore and she wasn’t quite sure that she wanted Zack. She sighed as she got out of bed. He was still asleep. She wrote him a note saying she was going to Jacey’s. She walked out the door and slid behind the wheel of her car. She sighed. The problem was she wasn’t going to Jacey’s. She had no idea why but she was headed to Brian’s. When she got there it was in time to catch him coming home from somewhere.



“What are you doing here?”

“Are you sober?” She asked glancing at the twelve pack in his hand.

“Yeah…why?” And a moment later after setting the beer down to unlock the door she had her arms around his neck and her lips to his. He lifted her up and sat her on the hood of the car. She moaned as his hand moved under her shirt and undid her bra. A moment later both were gone and she pulled his shirt over his head. She ran her hands over his chest and down to the top of his jeans. She muttered something under her breath that had him grinning. A moment later their positions were switched and she was naked straddling him on the hood of his car lowering herself down on him. He moaned as she began to ride him. They made it to his bed where he had her several more times. Every time she screamed made him want her more.

Zack woke alone and reached for Leanne but she wasn’t there. He sighed when he found her note. He raised an eyebrow when he saw it said she was at Jacey’s. He picked up the phone and dialed his friends number. And waited for him to answer. When Matt answered Zack immediately asked for Leanne.

“She’s not here man.”

“But her note said that she was going over there…”

“Well she’s not here. Try Kyle’s…or not she just walked in with the kids and Johnny…”

“Then where the hell is she?” Zack asked and he knew that he already knew the answer.

“Man I don’t know.”

“She wouldn’t would she?”

“Zack… don’t, she wouldn’t…”

“What if she…Where have you been Lea?”

“Oh I went to Jacey and Matt’s sorry didn’t you get my note?” Leanne asked her fiancee smiling. Matt who heard her on the other end, heard the way she had said it and shook his head. He knew Zack had heard it to. She had been somewhere she shouldn’t have.


Jacey, Kyle and Leanne all walked out of the doctors office together. Each a smile, except for Leanne who was wondering what the hell she was going to do. She was pregnant and she didn’t know who the babies father was. Jacey grinned at Kyle and Kyle shook her head. She glanced in Leanne’s direction and they both knew that Leanne was fighting with herself.

“What’s up Lea?” Jacey asked. Kyle stopped walking and looked at her sisters.

“Nothing, I’m happy really I am.” Leanne said not looking at her sisters.

“Something’s up and we’re not going home until you tell us. Since I’m hungry, lets go to lunch and discuss it.” Jacey said. Something was up and head been for a while her sisters just weren’t telling her. So the three sisters went to lunch. All three pregnant. All three hungry and two of them knowing what the third didn’t. Once they were seated Jacey looked at Leanne.

“So what’s going on? You’re pregnant, you’re getting married, you should be happy…”

“I don’t know who the dad is.”

“WHAT” Jacey yelled causing some people to look in their direction and raise some eyebrows.

“You heard me can you not yell?”

“Leanne Nicole Marshall… what the hell is your problem? Who’d you cheat on Zack with?”


“Are you insane?”


“Leanne that man isn’t any good…”

“He is too I fucking love him…” and her hand flew to her mouth to cover it. Jacey and Kyle looked at their sister the shock evident in their eyes.

Johnny was putting five month old Jami and Quinn down for their naps when his wife of a week walked into the house. He turned to look at her as she wrapped her arms around him. He placed a kiss to his wife’s forehead.

“So how was the appointment?”

“Well you’re going to be a father again…at the same time you become an Uncle for the first time.” Johnny grinned and looked at his two beautiful little girls and then back to his wife.

“Lets hope for a boy..” and Kyle kissed him and they moved from the nursery to the bedroom.

Jacey was singing Dear God as she walked in the front door of her house. She loved weekends. And the fact that school only had three months left made her happier. Matt looked at her and raised and eyebrow.

“I take it it’s good news?”

“Depends…how do you feel about becoming a father?”

“Well wanna know a secret…?”

“Mhmm what?”

“I’ve wanted kids since I seen you hold Quinn for the first time.” Jacey looked at Matt and it was instantly falling in love with him all over again. She moved to him and he wrapped her in his arms. She kissed him gently.

“So yeah you’re gonna be an uncle two times over at the same time.”

“You’re sisters….both of them? Wow…”

“Yeah… so I love you…”

“Mhmm, I know I love you back…”

Leanne walked in the front door of her house and her jaw hit the floor her shit was mostly packed and sitting in the living room. She looked at Zack who was sitting on the couch. There was no way this was happening. She looked at Zack and he said nothing. Waiting for her to speak. She didn’t know where to start.

“Zack…” She asked. The confusion on her face.

“I can’t do this anymore Leanne. I can’t touch you without you flinching. I can’t talk to you without repeating myself… I’m tired of sleeping alone.”

“So you’re kicking me out?”


“But I’m pregnant…”

“I don’t care if you are or not. I can’t handle this anymore. I loved you from the moment I saw you but you had to turn around and betray my fucking trust. My friend, my band mate…it’s been a year since we’ve been together, you wouldn’t set a date for the wedding… and you know what… if the babies mine then I’ll fucking care. But about the baby, not you. I want you gone, I don’t care where you go, just get the fuck out of my life.” He was at least nice enough to put her shit in her in her SUV and she sighed as she walked out to her vehicle. She watched as Zack took her house key off her key chain and sighed again as he handed her keys to her. She left wondering where she was going to go. First she had to tell Brian she was pregnant. She pulled into his driveway after putting it off and being told by her sisters that she made her bed she had to lay in it now. She bit her lip as she got out of the vehicle and walked up the walk to the front door. She heard music coming from around back and walked around back. Brian was doing laps in the pool with Motley Crue blasting from the inside of the house. Taking a deep breath she picked up the remote and aimed it to the house. The music stopped and he stopped swimming. He looked up and saw her standing there.

“What’d you turn the music off for?”

“We need to talk.”

“Talk, since when do we talk?”

“Brian I’m being serious…” He swam to the side of the pool and she bit her lip.

“Strip join me…”

“I mean it we need to talk.”

“Alright fine…” He got out of the pool and she removed her gaze from him. He raised an eyebrow as he pulled a shirt on over him and sat down. He was now in more clothes than he usual was in front of her. He was wearing swim trunks and a shirt. She was in a pair of sexy ass jeans and a baby blue tank top. “What’d you wanna talk about?”

“Brian… I’m pregnant.”

“What?” There was no way he heard her right. She was pregnant…that meant he wouldn’t get any for a while.

“I said…”

“I heard you… oh now don’t cry Lea…”

“Zack kicked me out and doesn’t care and my parents are gonna kill me, I can’t tell them, they won’t let me move back in and…”

“Lea, you can stay here.” He said as he pulled her against him. He felt bad for her and she was bawling her eyes out in his back yard. He held her not knowing what else to do.

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay, so…”

“Either you or Zack” Lea said answering the unanswered question. Brian nodded.

“You need help moving things?”

“It was all packed when I got home…” and she started crying again and he picked her up and carried her inside. He lay her on his bed and covered her up. She fell asleep immediately. He walked downstairs and grabbed the keys she had dropped on the deck and went back around to her car. He pulled out and then back the SUV into the driveway and emptied her things out of it. He couldn’t believe it all fit in one load. He carried it inside and set it in the living room.

It was a month later when Brian woke in the middle of the night to hear her throwing up that as he pulled her hair back and rubbed her back he realized that he had somewhere in the past month fallen in love with her. He shook his head as she brushed her teeth and then her hair. When she was done he pulled her into his embrace and she rested her head on his chest.

“I love you Lea.”



“Because I’m falling in love with you too.” Brian looked down at her and smiled. This was something new for him and he wasn’t entirely sure that he was happy with it.

The next day they were arriving at Jacey and Matt’s at the same time as Zack and his date did. Leanne’s eyebrow rose at the sight of the blonde haired blue eyed girl that looked shyer than she probably was. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She was wearing flip flops and a ball cap. Her hair in a pony tail though the back. Brian pulled her close to him and she felt better almost instantly.

They walked in together in time to hear Zack introduce the blonde as Destinee Faith Carter. Leanne looked at Brian and he heard it coming a mile away.

“Sounds like a stripper name to me…what’d you think baby?” Leanne asked Brian.

“I think you’re right Lea.” Brian returned and Destinee and Zack turned to them. Zack was confused to see the cuddled together and so was Jacey and Matt.

“What?” They asked at the same time. The other four looking at them. Jacey showing as much as Leanne was, and Kyle walking in looked at her sisters and they glared. She was still far from showing even at three months. Suddenly the attention was turned to Kyle and her still almost flat stomach. Leanne and Jacey glared and Brian and Matt looked at one another.

“Zack, back up, they’re about to go off.” Brian said. Zack raised an eyebrow at Brian but when Kyle even backed up as her sisters started yelling at her. Destinee moved quickly bumping into Brian and Matt as she reached for Zack. He pulled her to him and the four of them watched as the two sisters went off on their middle sister.

By the time the babies were ready to be born Zack had been with Destinee for six months, and she had become friends with Jacey, and Leanne just rolled her eyes. They were all together the day that they went into labor. Two of them giving birth to triplets and one of them giving birth to one baby. When they went to the hospital the nurses were ready to freak out. The last time they had been there it had just been the twins being bored and now here it was seven babies were being born to the triplets at once.

Seven hours later Johnny was sitting with his wife holding their son Rylan Alexander. And Judy Marshall walked in and smiled at her daughter and son in law.

“how’s Jace and Lea?”

“Jacey is fine you have two nieces and a nephew. Derek James, Emma Kaye, and Farrah Leigh Sanders.”

“Wow Alphabet triplets… all the way through that’s hilarious.” Kyle said. “What about Lea?”

“Still in labor.” Her mother said tersely. Kyle raised an eyebrow.


“I don’t want to discuss you sister.”


“On it babe.” and he said and kissed his sons forehead. Then his wife’s. He went to check on his sister in law and Brian. He walked in and Lea was holding one baby, Brian had another and the nurse looked up as he walked in and handed him the third baby. He looked down at the baby in his arms and realized he looked like his daddy. He looked towards Brian. “Congrats man.”


“Oh god Johnny, I just wish mom and dad would talk to me. I want them to meet Brian, get to know him, not what I’m sure Jacey and Kyle have told her. I mean after all he is my husband.”

“HUSBAND?” Johnny asked looking between them and to the babies. Brian was brushing a curl out of his daughters face and smiling.

“Yeah we kinda got married last month…” Brian said.

“So what’re you naming them?

“Jaden Isaac” Brian said nodding at the baby in Johnny’s arms.

“Rian Michael” Leanne said nodding to the baby in her arms.

“And Violet Anne” They said together looking at the little girl in Brian’s arms. His smile was warm as he looked at the dark haired brown eyed little girl. There was no question as to the father. They all looked like Brian except for Violet who looked like her mother.