Status: Active (Chapter Updated Once Every Week Or Two)

Wish For A Bit Of Stability, My Darling Clementine

Beware Of Gypsies

Genies are more complicated than one expected. They're not Islamic spirits with gaudy attire such as gold bangles and puffy pants, but tortured souls who were once human. They're not blue and animated like Genie from the Disney movie, Aladdin. And they most certainly do not break into song and dance when released from their magic lamps. Genies are human beings who have been sentenced to a lifetime of imprisonment by none other than a gypsy.

Gypsies are sly but pleasant creatures nonetheless. In fact, the most common reason for a genie's imprisonment is offending a gypsy.

Genies do not grant three, but an unlimited supply of wishes. The master is granted any wish he or she pleases. However, there are a few limitations. First of all, genies cannot manipulate time. Time is far too tricky for a common genie to toy with. Secondly, a genie cannot fulfill wishes involving death. Gypsies can, but they felt as though there should be limitations with what magic a genie could possess, in case the genie convinces a master to kill a gypsy. Lastly, but most importantly, a genie cannot grant wishes involving “love.” Love is far too powerful and dangerous to tamper with. Even the most powerful gypsies cannot manipulate the laws of love.

The life of a genie is very much restricted. Genies are to be loyal to their masters and cannot pass onto another unless the genie completes their duty or if the master dies. A genie can neither age nor die. Genies must restrict themselves from becoming too attached to their masters, for when a genie fulfills their purpose, the master’s memory will be erased and they will carry on their lives as though nothing happened.

However, these limitations are petty compared to the most important decree of all. None of the banter from earlier can compare to the punishment a genie will receive if one was to bent it. If a genie is to break this law, consequences will be dire, for this is the one rule a gypsy warns to the imprisoned slaves:

A genie can never, ever fall in love with their master.