Status: Cute and cliched.

Before the Summer's Out...


When school started, I was in love. And I mean really in love, not goofy pretend in love with Heather Amestead. I am so over that girl. No, I love Enid now. Or, I guess, I know that I love Enid, now. I think I may have loved her this whole time and just been in denial about it.

You know, all I ever wanted was that epic, high school romance with the most beautiful girl ever. And I got that. Sure, Enid isn't as conventionally good-looking as Heather, and she definitely isn't as graceful, and yeah Enid can be a little harsh while Heather can be pretty nice. But I wouldn't trade my cranky pants poet Enid for a million Heathers. I've learned a lesson here, folks, and the lesson is this:

OPEN YOUR FREAKING EYES AND APPRECIATE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Yep, in all caps. High school goddesses of today aren't worth a hill of beans compared to the poet geeks of tomorrow. Trust me on this, friends, real people like Enid are where it's at. I know that, now. We figured it out together, hey?

... unless, you knew all along that I was in love with Enid and just bat-shit crazy to like Heather. In which case, what the hell, dude?? You could have saved me sooo much time if you had just told me from the start that Enid was the one for me!

It's ok. I'm in a forgiving mood, seeing as I'm in love with my best buddy and all. Still friends?

-Benj (and Enid)
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Sorry it took so long to finish/post! Anyway, that's that little cliche all wrapped up. Did I do the typical story any justice? Lol, I hope so. If not, I hope that at least it entertained you for a bit =]!

.Comment on the finale!..