Status: Cute and cliched.

Before the Summer's Out...

Chapter 6: Hot, Bored, and Horny

The next day was swelteringly hot. I slept in as late as I possibly could and then had to hustle to get to work. Even in the Dairy Queen, it was uncomfortably warm. It was too hot even for people to make the trip here for ice cream. I spent most of my shift leaning against the massive fridge. I was thinking about Heather. Today was a particularly sexual day. I think it was because it was so hot and making me sweat and having lubricated skin made me think about sex.

I've never masturbated at work before. Usually I've got other people working with me and, of course, customers coming in demanding smooth, creamy ice cream. God I was so fucking horny that day. I lounged on the floor and thought about Heather in her white bikini. I'm very detailed with my fantasies. Some guys just think about some porn star giving them blow jobs. I like making up situations, the back story, where me and the girl (Heather) are, and the tension, all of it. It makes it so much hotter.

Of course, the problem with masturbating in public is that you're always distracted, worried you're going to get caught. Luckily for me, that day I was the only one on shift. And I was so horny, I didn't care about the possibility of getting caught. I actually didn't, it was kind of scary being that turned on and riled up. But you don't let the opportunity pass you by. I had my legs stretched out in front of me and was leaning my head back against the fridge.

So, ok, Heather and I were in her hot tub. I don't know for sure if she has one, but I'm pretty sure she does. We were home alone, but her parents were due home soon-ish but not right away. The risk of being caught is always hott in fantasies. Heather comes sliding over to me and runs her hand through my hair, making all of me wet. Steam comes off of her buttery tanned skin. She takes her hand away from my hair and unties her bikini. She drops the white stringy top outside of the Jacuzzi and sidles right into my lap...

"Excuse me?? Doesn't anyone work here??"

I jerked abruptly, giving away that there was someone behind the fridge when I shook it. Frustration seethed in my blood. Interrupted when I was getting to the peak of jacking off! I was irate and embarrassed. I stood up and hastily buckled my belt. I came around the fridge to the front desk.

Just my damn luck. There were four really pretty college age girls staring at me.

"Um. What can I get you?" I asked them, pretending like I'd been standing there waiting for them.

"Your manager," the tallest, boldest blonde one said. She crossed her arms. She was a bitch.

"He's not here right now. It's just me."

"Fine. We'll have three Strawberry Sundaes. And I will be pissed if you don't give me some sort of discount for making us stand here for five minutes while you're jacking off behind the fridge," she said snappily.

Her friends gaped at her, giggling and shooting me condescending looks. I felt my face go bright red, even though I knew she was just saying that because she was pissed. There was no way she could have seen me... I don't think.

I turned around abruptly and made the ice cream. When my back was to her, I glanced over my shoulder. She was talking to her friends. I spat in each of their sundaes. Absolutely disgusting and immature I know, but it's not like I have AIDS or anything. And plus, it's one of those things people always say that they do at their jobs and now, if I ever got a chance to say that I'd done it, I wouldn't be bull-shitting.

I gave the girls their sundaes. "I'll just charge you for two. Since I made you wait and all while I was having an uncontrollable narcoleptic episode. I nearly died," I told her. I can't believe I said that! Horniness was giving me serious stones.

The girl shoved the money at me and put on her sunglasses. She took the sundaes."Your fly is down, sport," she informed me and left with her giggling girlfriends.

I waited until they were gone before I yanked up my zipper, feeling like a first class asshole.

When my shift was finally over, it was four o'clock. It was still hot out, but not a blistering, fresh midday hot, more of a muggy, stale hot. I changed out of my work uniform into some super ratty jean shorts that cut off just at the knee and a white t shirt. I caught the bus to the mall and slowly stopped sweating on the way.

By the time I got to the mall, I was only mildly warm and uncomfortable. Although the mall was heavily air conditioned, everyone seemed to feel the same warm discomfort. I wandered for a little bit, knowing that I had awhile before Enid would call me. I started looking around the stores that I'd been shopping in for the past five years of my life. The mall was perfectly familiar to me. I walked past a huge store called DenimSex. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it carries all those high end, super expensive brands of clothes. I could never afford it in there. But I was in a hot, bored, horny mood, so I went in, just to look around.

I was in the midst of a wall of really expensive jeans when something intangible made me turn.

My connection with Heather is so deep, I can't stand it.

I stared at Heather. She was on the other side of the store, in the girls' section. She had her cell phone on her shoulder and was expertly sorting through the racks of soft tank tops. I had this sudden impulse to duck behind a display of clothes and spy on her. But I didn't have to be that creepy. I could just pretend to shop while staring at her.

Heather seemed upset about something. Whoever she was on the phone with was making her distressed. Her lovely forehead had a small crease of worry, her blue eyes turned down and her jaw was tight, making the perfect bone structure of her face stand out more. She abruptly hung up, without saying anything. I had to assume either she'd hung up one someone or someone had hung up on her. Why would anyone want to cut off the access to that beautiful voice prematurely? I'd apologize for whatever I'd done, just so that she'd keep talking. Although I didn't think I had it in me to do something to make Heather upset.


I accidentally knocked a pair of flip flops off the rack. I thanked my lucky stars I wasn't Enid. She would have knocked over the entire rack and then fallen on top it herself.

"Oh hi Heather," I said to her.

She came over and picked up the flip flops."I thought you'd be bigger than a size nine," she said and grinned at me.

Oh my god, oh my god. Sweat began beading between my shoulder blades again.

"I'm not. I just... was trying to get to the size 14s," I lied. It was a joke. She picked up on that and laughed. Her laugh sounded like wind chimes and was infectious, making me want to laugh. I think I just giggled nervously.

She put the flip flops back on the rack and sighed. "Oh Benj. I wish all guys were as sweet as you," Heather said to the flip flops. Oh my god! This was fantastic.

"They replaced puppy dog tails with sugar when they made me," I said.

Holy Christ that was probably the lamest thing I have ever said and ever would say. I wish my mouth had a vacuum super power. I'd suck back those words. And if I had that super power, it would be too bad I wasn't gay. But I'm hopelessly heterosexual. Especially for wood Nymph, sex kitten Heather.

"Awww. C'mon. Buy me an Orange Julius," she grinned girlishly at me. She wasn't being forceful, just flirtatious. I was basking in it.

"Sure," Of course I agreed.

Heather put her hand on my arm(!!!!!!) and we walked out of the store.
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