Status: Cute and cliched.

Before the Summer's Out...

Chapter 8: Tempest Eyes

Blonde hair?

I blinked. Walking up behind Heather was Enid. At least, I think it was her. The body was Enid's very short, very small. The skin was very white, like porcelain. And the hair was the same. Very pale blonde. I'd noticed that it shone in the sunlight before, obviously. Her hair was very shiny. But today it was striking me like I hadn't seen it before. And... Enid wasn't wearing her glasses. That's what made me think that maybe it wasn't Enid. Then the girl I thought maybe was Enid accidentally knocked into someone, stumbling backwards and losing one of her flip flops. Yes it was definitely Enid.

"Um, hey Benj. Heather," Enid said when she reached our table, her cheeks a little pink from her incident.

"Hi Enid," Heather said kindly, a wide, inviting grin on her face.

For some reason it made Enid skittish and she looked away from Heather at me.

"... do you want to sit?" Heather said obviously.

Enid sat stiffly in the chair between me and Heather at the round table.

"Where are your glasses?" I demanded, staring at her.

Enid blinked at me, her eyes wide. "Oh. They gave me some contacts to try. Does... does it look bad?" she asked, sounding completely unsure of herself. She looked quickly at Heather than back at me.

Heather calmly watched both of us, a small, sly smile on her lips.

"No. No just different," I said quickly. Since when did Enid have blue grey eyes?

"You look real cute Enid," Heather said to her.

I looked quickly at Heather, registering that she was so humble and down to earth. Even a Goddess can notice how pretty a human can look.

Did I just inadvertently say Enid was pretty?

I must have been having a really horny day. Or, or something.

"Um thanks," Enid said, bewildered by the whole thing. She glanced at Heather and then looked back at me. Her eyes were still wide and staring.

I wondered if it was the contacts that were making her eyes do that. I was so stunned by the discovery that Enid had blue grey eyes, I was staring too. I mean, I'd never noticed! And they were so... stormy looking. Intense.

"Well I'm out. I gotta phone Joey and smooth things over. Thanks for the Orange Julius Benj. I'll call you later," Heather said.

I blinked several times and then looked at her. Heather, oh my god, just said she'd call me.

"Oh, oh, ok. And you're welcome," I said, stammering.

Like some weird magnets I didn't understand, I looked away from Heather and at Enid again. Her eyes were sucking me in like some sort of dangerous tempest.

"Oookaay. Bye," Heather said and walked away.

I kept staring at Enid. She blinked. Her hand went up to the bridge of her nose to push up glasses that weren't there. Her reflex was funny. It made me smile. Enid laughed and then I laughed.

"Are you sure it doesn't look too strange? I mean I feel kind of naked without my glasses," Enid said. Wrong thing to say when I was having a horny day.

My brain was suddenly, without any conscious decision on my part, trying to imagine what Enid would look like naked. My conscious mind had a war, trying to fight it back. Ew! She was my best friend! My clumsy, super geek best friend! And on the other side, she was my best friend, the one person I knew better than anyone, even Heather, I knew her better than I freakin knew myself, Enid- naked. Her small, small, pale, pale, body. I... had no idea what it would look like. I couldn't imagine it! And yet I wanted to...?? I wanted to know what Enid looked like naked. Oh my god. I needed to jack off and sleep for fourteen hours and get this horniness out of my system.

"Um. No Enid you don't look strange," I managed to say. I sounded like I was being strangled.

"Are you alright? You seem to be having like an asthma attack," Enid said, going to push her non-existent glasses up her nose but then trying to pull off like she'd meant to brush her bangs away. It was unsuccessful. I knew what she'd been doing.

"Um. What?" I said.

Enid laughed at me. "And aren't you supposed to be like freaking out that Heather said she'd call you?" she said, wiggling her fingers mysteriously at me.

I blinked several times. Oh my god that's right. I had to make myself look away from Enid.

"Oh. Oh yeah!" I said and frowned. The excitement of that suddenly made my chest tight.

"What is wrong with you? Don't have an aneurysm," she giggled at me.

That made me snort. "I'm not having an aneurysm, Enid," I said and looked at her out of the corner of my eyes. I couldn't help it. Enid's blue grey eyes were some sort of black hole curse!

"You sure? I think one of your eyes is turning pink," Enid said, squinting her eyes critically at me.

I wanted to reach over and open her eyes again with my fingers. How weird is that??

"Shut up. They are not," I said putting my hand stupidly over the eye closest to her.

Enid laughed at me. "I think it is too! You should really get that checked out. Excess blood in your brain-"

"It's your fault. You made me break a blood vessel," I accused, glaring at her with the eye that wasn't covered by my hand. Why I was acting like such a douche, I don't know.

"What?? How?"

"By having blue grey eyes! They are like magnets!" I blurted out.

Enid blinked at me and suddenly her expression softened. That made my one, uncovered eye widen. I'd never seen Enid look like that before, at me or at anyone. "... really?" she said, blinking and frowning, biting her lip in thought.

My blood was suddenly cold and electric. I stood up abruptly, startling Enid.

"What's wrong?" she asked, alarmed.

"Nothing. Nothing. I have to go. I'll, I'll talk to you later," I said.

"Uh ok. My parents are going out tonight. Come over, we'll watch a movie," Enid said with a shrug.

I backed into my chair, knocking it over. I stabilized myself, but had to trip over my own feet. I righted the chair. I was having an Enid moment. Oh my god!

"Um," Was my parting word before I turned and left. One of my hands was still covering my eye. I needed to go home and take a shower so cold that I got pneumonia.
♠ ♠ ♠
Those tempest eyes, man. Suck 'em in everytime :]
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