Status: Cute and cliched.

Before the Summer's Out...

Chapter 9: Am I On Cocaine?

I did take a shower when I got home. Not an ice cold one, but a very long, very cool one. I was standing in the shower, staring at the white tiled wall for about half an hour. We'd need to replace those tiles soon. Microscopic traces of black mould were starting to form in the lines between the tiles.

When I finally got out of the shower, Derek came marching into the bathroom, invading my privacy.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, hastily wrapping a towel around my waist.

"Whatever, you girl. Your phone keeps buzzing," He said and dropped my cell on the counter.

I snatched it up. I had two text messages. The first was from Enid.

Hey. Bring some of that white cheddar popcorn when you come over she instructed. That was fine with me. We both loved that Smartpop white cheddar popcorn.

The second text message was from Heather.

Benji! I need another Orange Julius lol! :> ttyl. Oh my, she was cute.

I got dressed slowly, putting on fresh shorts and a t shirt. I'd spent too long staring in the shower to masturbate. Stupid! I should have done it while I was in the shower. But I'd been completely devoid of thought in the shower. It was a nice break, if kind of pathetic. Now I could feel the horny feeling coming back, making my muscles itch. I'd just have to wait a little longer while I was at Enid's. Oh god Enid. Had she said that her parents were going out??

I went downstairs and into the kitchen to get a bag of white cheddar popcorn. I caught a whiff of cinnamon. Whatever my mother was baking wasn't helping my horniness. Heather posing in sexy model pose number six while shaking her hair and making the cinnamon smell sweep over wasn't making me calm down, that's for sure.

I walked over to Enid's house. I felt jittery. Like I was on cocaine. At least I think that's what it felt like. I've never done cocaine. I'd imagine it was about as weird as this. I felt like I was so twitchy, I'd twitch right out of my skin.

I took a calming breath and rang Enid's doorbell. She opened the door. She was still wearing her trial contacts. My calming breath whooshed out and I was sucked right back into her blue grey tempest eyes.

"Hey," she greeted anti-climatically. She paused and frowned. She leaned toward my chest and sniffed. I stared at the top of her head, my eyes wide.

"... are you wearing your Stetson?" Enid asked, wrinkling her nose and looking up at me.

"No," I declined immediately. Then I remembered that I had put some on while I was still catatonic in the bathroom. "I mean yes," I corrected.

Enid laughed. "And you called me bipolar. Come in," she said and turned away from the door.

I followed her inside and shut the door. "Where, um, where did your parents go?" I called after her.

"They went out to my Aunt Sandy's with Grandma Suzanne for the night. You remember Aunt Sandy, right?" Enid called from the living room.

"Uh sure," I answered honestly. "She's, um, got the kids," I said and went into the living room.

Enid laughed at me. "They all have kids. Are you suffering from dementia today or something?" she asked.

I snorted. "No," I said.

Enid put in the DVD and sat down on the futon, crossing her smooth, chicken-y legs. Wait a second, since when where Enid's legs hairless? I mean, her natural hair was so thin and white blonde you couldn't see it, so she rarely shaved or waxed or whatever. But now I was pretty sure that her legs were hairless. They looked so... smooth. I wanted to touch them. And not in a sexual way, really, just like an awed kid in a museum wants to touch the dinosaur bones. It compels you, captures your entire interest.

"Do... I have something on my knee or something, Benj?" Enid spoke up.

I looked up at her face and directly into her tempest eyes. "No... did you shave your legs?" I asked, frowning and looking down at her thigh again.

Enid slapped a hand down her leg. "Stop looking at my legs you creeper!... but yes I did," Enid admitted.

I looked away from her legs and frowned some more. "Well, if you don't want people looking at them, why did you shave them? You never shave your legs," I insisted.

"I don't know. Because I wanted to?" Enid said obviously and aggressively hit the play button.

"Hm. What are we watching?" I changed the subject, criss-crossing my legs tightly in front of me on the couch.

"Forrest Gump," Enid told me. Good, I like that movie.

We sat in silence, eating the white cheddar popcorn and watching Forrest Gump. It was hard to sit there next to stormy eyes Enid and not look at her. In fact, it was putting me a little on edge. I still felt like I was on cocaine.

"Shoot," Enid muttered.

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eyes. A piece of popcorn had fallen down her shirt between her boobs and she was fishing it out.

"I'm getting a beer," I yelped and scrambled over the back of the couch to the kitchen.

"Uh, ok," I heard Enid say from the living room.

I stole a beer from the fridge and chugged back half of a can. The head rush made me feel better and worse. I got a little dizzy, but I wasn't so tense now. What was with today?? Usually horny days were kind of fun, since you knew at some point you were going to feel really good after you got off. But today felt like Hell! Enid was suddenly making me crazy and I couldn't handle it. My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out.

Text message from Heather.

The rents are going outta town next weekend. I'm havin a little get together. Come Benj! I want you there! Hehe, no girlfriends allowed. She was teasing me. She knew I didn't have a girlfriend. And yet I was not sure if I could bring Enid. Weird! Weird, weird. I mean, yeah when she and I go to a party, it's true we are sort of there together. But Enid and I were friends. I mean, the officially titling of us was friends.

I abruptly had the thought that while Enid was driving me crazy, I highly doubted level headed, smarty pants Enid ever felt this way about me.

I went back into the living room.

"I got a text message from Heather," I said before thinking.

"No shit? What did she say?" Enid said without looking away from the movie.

"She's having a party next weekend. She invited me," I said.

Enid looked at me sharply. I looked back at her and raised my eyebrows.

"... and you aren't doing back flips off the wall or picking out her wedding dress?" Enid observed shrewdly.

I was going to say something snappy back to her, but then realized she was right. Normally, that was how I would have reacted. But today, on this hott, horny, random, cocaine day everything wasn't going the way it normally would.

"No. I guess not," I said and took another swig of beer.
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Enid's eyes and her boobs are driving Benj crazy lol. What's the deal?