Sequel: Bleeding Is a Luxury



Jett paced the living room with Spencer in her arms. She looked down at the baby in her arms and sighed. She looked up when the front door opened. She waited for the voices that followed the sound of the door shutting to make their way into the room and waited for them to tell her what was going on.

“Well?” She asked.

“We couldn’t find him. Morgan and Matt have some interesting news though.”

“What Ash?”

“Morgan killed that trashy fire starter.” Matt said a grin on his face. Morgan shook her head and let him wrap an arm around her.

“How?” Jett asked. “It’s kinda hard to kill one of you. Since fire starters are practically immune to every way of death.”

“Sword.” Morgan said.

“You can use a sword?” Sabrina asked.

“Matt taught me. Thank god, because it came in handy. Now, can we find this asshole because I no longer have a home!”

“You’re not going anywhere, baby, look what happened to Jett. You’re staying here with Spencer, and Rebecca.” Morgan narrowed her eyes at Matt and he sighed. “Not going to work. And don’t even think about setting me on fire.”

“But I want…”

“I know baby, but I don’t want to risk it.” Morgan’s eyebrow rose.

“Matt, before she kills you, can we go?” Jimmy asked. Sabrina rolled her eyes and the whole group including all of Rebecca’s kids except Genevieve and Heather. Morgan crossed her arms over her chest as Rebecca took her nephew from her sister. Everyone had changed into clothes easiest to fight in. Nobody said a word when they noticed Jett’s lethal heels were once more on her feet. Once they were outside they looked to Johnny and Deidre. The two sighed and a moment later they all paired off into two groups.


Stealth looked around him and nodded. He glanced at the blonde beside him as she closed her eyes and concentrated. When her eyes flashed open, they were glazed over and she was completely still. She was more useful to him than most had been. She smiled as a moment later her eyes glittered pale green.

“They’re coming, falling right into the trap.” She said. He nodded and stood.

“Prepare for battle, for tonight we fight!” He yelled and everyone of his followers moved silently to prepare.


“They expect us tonight.” Christina said as she came out of her trance. The others nodded.

“Then we surprise them now.” Jett said and the others agreed with her.

“But…are we ready?” Jett smirked.

“I am.” the others just laughed. A moment later there was a rustle in the wind and the rest were standing there. Ashlyn smiled.

“I saw you all plotting, decided it was time for us to rejoin forces.”

“Yeah it is. They expect a male wolf, we send in a lioness it will throw them off.” Christina said.

“Why a lioness?” Brian asked.

“Because that’s my favorite.” Felicity said grinning. “They are expecting whatever form to be male, since we can not shift into animals not our gender then, I go. They won’t be expecting it.”

“It’s a good idea.” Jett said. The others agreed. As one they moved teleporting about half a mile outside of the area where Stealth was. Felicity moved off with Christina and stripped before transforming into the proud Lioness she was. When Christina and Felicity rejoined them the smile on the lionesses face was actually more of a smirk. Ashlyn shook her head and looked at Sabrina.

“Remind you of anyone?”

“Yeah, Dad.”

“Alright let’s move.”


Hector one of the guards heard someone scream and then the roar of a lion and he turned from his post and looked out over the field. His eyes focused on the animal now in the middle of the field running as fast as possible towards the building that they had taken up residence in. He turned and sounded the alarm. A moment later Stealth was beside him and staring out to see what was going on.

“How the fuck did a lion get past our guards?” the guard asked Stealth.

“That isn’t a Lion, it’s Gates.”

“But sir, it’s female.”

“There are no female shape shifters.” Stealth growled. A moment later he turned back when another commotion was heard. This time at various points fifteen people appeared all poised for battle. He grinned. A moment later he appeared in front of Jett.

“Look who’s not being a coward!” Jett yelled and stood her ground as he moved towards her. Jimmy saw what was happening but since fights had broken out everywhere he could do nothing as the man advanced towards his wife.

“I’m not the cowards Sarah. You are.” And a moment later she smirked as she dipped down the stake he had aimed at her missing her by inches. She pulled a knife from her boot and sliced out at his leg, she missed his leg and caught thin air. Moving quickly she dodged another attempt with the stake and narrowed her eyes at him and the stake flew from his hands into one of his people.

Everyone fought as more and more of Stealth’s followers appeared out of nowhere. Ashley was standing in an inferno flames flying as she killed mercilessly as everyone tried to move towards her. No one even got within throwing distance for a stake. She looked up when she heard a scream.

“Bethany!!” She yelled as her sister burst into flame. She took off running and when she caught the one that had killed her sister she was suddenly in an inferno again and the vampire was screaming in pain as it enveloped him as well.

“Fall back!” Someone yelled and Ashley whipped her head around to see that it was the blonde that had been fighting by her fathers side. She looked at the others that were moving towards her and they took off at a dead run towards Stealth and Jett, just as Jett buried the heel of her boot into Stealth’s chest. She stumbled back a moment later as something pierced her side. She looked down and saw the blood already falling from where the arrow pierced her side. She let her gaze move to the roof where a man stood cross bow in hand aiming it at her.

“Dad…” She breathed and Zack’s head snapped up as he followed her gaze and she dropped to the ground, her side oozing blood.


They appeared at the house and Morgan was the first to them. She was in Matt’s arms a moment later and he clung to her. Zack carried Jett into the living room and lay her on the couch. Sabrina shoved forward and ripped the shirt off of Jett so that she could help the woman heal. No one said a word and Alex made Jimmy leave the room with Spencer. Rebecca looked around and realized one of her daughters was missing.

“Where’s Bethany?” She asked. Ashley looked at her mom.

“She’s gone.” the red head said and dropped into a chair and began to cry. Johnny ignored the glares from Zack and Rebecca and pulled Ashley to him and then sat in the chair her in his lap as she cried.

“What happened to S…Jett?”

“You wouldn’t believe it if we told you.” Zack said.

“Father.” Jett said as she slowly sat up and her eyes met Zack and then Rebecca’s. The three of them shared the same thought.

♠ ♠ ♠
Well this is the end of Scream. There will be a sequel. I promise.

Jett's Killer Boots

Lovez && Hugz && DeathBatKisses
Vengeance is my Syn

Post Song:
What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) - Kelly Clarkson