Robin, Boy Virgin: Original Series

Twenty Eight: Damage Control Backfire

"Like who?" I threw back at her again, narrowing my eyes at her. Cora took another deep breath and looked around the room, thinking. Outside, I could hear the sounds of a few, early bird Jazz band people setting up.

That's when Cora's expression lightened; she turned beautiful and calm and made me sweat with panic.


"Minnie," Cora said. A single burst of anxious laughter escaped out of me.

"Are you serious??" I laughed condescendingly, soundly like a first rate jack ass. Cora expected me to ask out Minnie to prove I wasn't into Cora herself? That was the most fucked up thing I had ever heard.

"What's wrong with Minnie?" Cora demanded.

"I- well, nothing, I-" I struggled to find my words. Cora smiled at me slyly. She opened the band room door and peered out around the corner.

"Yep, she's out there. Go get her, tiger," Cora ordered.

"I... Minnie would never go out with me," I stalled. Cora shrugged one shoulder.

"Why not? You're both musical and cute and funny," She said. I just gave her a stone-faced, pathetic look.

"Besides, all you have to do is just ask her out. Unless... you can't because you do actually like me in which case you have bigger problems than getting rejected," Cora went on. I glared at her and then my legs stood up on their own accord. Cora blinked and watched, a little stunned, as I walked out the door.

Minnie was sitting down, tuning her double bass. I couldn't believe that I was walking toward her. I mean, with the intent of asking her out on a date. I looked back at Cora over my shoulder. Cora was leaning on the practice room door frame, watching me, anxiously excited. When I looked at her she flicked her fingers out at me, gesturing for me to keep going.

I walked up to Minnie and stood there, rubbing my hands a little on the front of my jeans. Minnie looked over at my legs and then up at me.

"... hello, Robin," She said and smiled a little, wondering what was up with my weird behaviour.

"Hi Minnie," I began. I didn't say anything else. I couldn't make my mouth say any words. My legs easily enough could make me walk over here, but the rest of me couldn't finish what my stupid legs had started.

And I think I was also having a hard time because I couldn't believe I was being forced into asking out a girl by another girl that I had a stupid, STUPID crush on.

"... what's up?" Minnie prompted, and her smile worried about me and my very odd attitude.

"Um, well. I wanted to ask you something," I began. Oh Jesus, here I go.

"Ok," Minnie said patiently and waited, looking at me expectantly.

"Uh, Minnie? I was, well, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go see a movie with me sometime," I forced the words out. Minnie blinked.

"If you don't want to, that's ok. I mean, I'd, I'd totally understand and I won't let our friendship get awkward or anything-" I immediately began to back track in a rush.

"You were proposing a date, right? To see if we would be compatible as a couple?" Minnie checked.

"Um, well. Yeah," I agreed, to the first part at least, looking around the room and then back at Minnie. Minnie blinked and shifted her eyesight, thinking. Come on, Minnie. Just clearly but politely shoot me down so I go back to the practice room and say "I told you so" to Cora.

"Well, alright," Minnie said. She, she accepted my date offer. Oh my God.

"Really??" I frowned at her, baffled. Minnie smiled.

"Sure," She nodded.

"Um, ok. G-good? I mean great," I realized I should say.

"So, Friday? I understand that's the traditional date night," Minnie said.

"Yeah. Sure. Friday. Sounds good," I said, still shocked that she'd actually said yes. Minnie smiled at me and then went back to tuning her double bass. I turned around on my heel and went back to the practice room.

"Well??" Cora demanded. I shrugged my shoulders and lifted my palms to the air.

"She said yes," I admitted, feeling incredibly heavy. Cora blinked at me a few times and then smiled; looking so beautiful it made my muscles ache.

I couldn't believe it. Even when the situation only indirectly involved her, she still got her way. Now I was going on a date with Minnie and all because I had a stupid, life ruining thing for Cora. Man was I paying for getting drunk and telling Cora I liked her. And I was going to some freaking extreme measures just to control the damage I had done. Let's see, I was now lying to, well, yeah I was lying to everyone.

♠ ♠ ♠
If any of you guessed that it was going to be Minnie, my writing is both transparent AND you guys are super readers!!

"Notion" by: Kings of Leon. I realized that I didn't have a Kings of Leon song yet and felt so ashamed of myself *shakes head*.

.COMMENT on Robin's damage control skillz (and on Kings of Leon!)!!..