Robin, Boy Virgin: Original Series

Forty: And Then the World Changed

I went into the band room and marched over to the practice room. I didn’t know what was waiting for me on the other side of that door. I had no clue, and I wish I could have had some clue. Because then maybe I wouldn’t have had such an extreme heart attack. I opened the door and Cora was in there. Just Cora, don’t worry, I didn’t walk in on her and Brandon or anything.

But Cora was sitting at the piano, wearing an over-sized black t-shirt with the Pink Floyd prism silk screened on the front of it.

I stared, my heart pounding out of my chest. That Friday, that very second was when I realized I was in love with Cora. Like, harsh, big time, for realz in love.

“Hey BW,” Cora said, looking at me and smiling as if the world was still spinning and everything was normal. She was crazy! I wasn’t crazy, it was her.

“… hi,” I managed to say, staring at her. I sat down in my chair and kept staring at her in that glorious t-shirt. Cora was writing in her notebook on top of the piano.

“I love… your shirt,” I choked out. Understatement of the year, I’d say. Cora looked at me.

“Thank you… I love the Pink Floyd prism,” Cora said. Really?? Why??

“Why?” I asked drawing the word out like I was mentally handi-capped and I was still gaping at her like a freaking psychopath.

“I dunno, really. There’s just something symbolic about it. Actually, I’ve thought about it before and it’s kind of like… like it’s almost the crucifix of good music,” She said.

Oh. My. God. Oh my God! Ok. Ok, ok. Just, take it easy, Robin! Holy crap my heart was going crazy and I was getting a major hard on. Holy crap!!

But you see what I'm saying right?! I don’t believe in fate or destiny or crap like that, but when it actually happens to you, that changes things. I mean, when a sign like that fucking smacks you in the face, you can’t ignore it! I couldn’t ignore it. This beautiful girl was sitting in front of me saying the words I could never say about my music and, and, and she became the love of my teenage life in those very short seconds. That’s crazy! Isn’t it? How is that… even… like…??

I was freaking out. I couldn’t handle it. I’m sure that I must have looked like I was having an aneurysm.

"Hon, could you throw this out for me?" Cora requested, making a slight face. She was handing me a tall Starbucks cup. I stood, opened the door, and threw out the coffee in the garbage. I closed the door again.

"You went to Starbucks?" I asked, stunned she would do something so mundane when my life had just completely changed.

"Oh. Yeah. Brandon bought it for me," Cora said, a little grossed out.

Whoa. When you're in love, jealousy sky rockets to a whole new level. I honestly felt like I had freaking arsenic coursing through my veins. My eyesight even turned a little funny.

"Oh," I forced myself to say. Swear words wanted to flow out of me, but I held them in.

"Yeah," Cora said. That's when I spied the CD sticking out of Cora's purse. I acted crazy and leaned over and took the CD right out from her purse. Like, I had no damn right to do that, but I did anyway. Cora didn't stop me, though, so I guess she wasn't too sensitive about it.

"... did douche puppy make you a mix CD?" I asked through my teeth. Un. Be. LIEVable.

"Um, yeah," Cora said quietly, probably really confused by my psycho behaviour.

I turned the CD over to look at the track listing. Alright. Lessee here. What does Brandon consider to be music?

"Oh my God. Chris Brown?" I said. "Gwen Stefani?? He couldn't even have the decency to put No Doubt on there? He had to go new Gwen?" I went on. Oh and the coup de grace of shit pop music! "Simple Plan?? Holy Jesus," I said. I know I was being a major gaping asshole, but I couldn't help it. And the terrible music just made everything worse!

Cora took the CD out of my hands. Her face twitched, trying to fight down a smile at my mocking. She put the CD in her purse and then her face was perfectly serious.

"Don't be a music snob. It's... a nice gesture," Cora said. I stared at her.

"What's the mixed CD for?" I asked quite venomously.

"... he wanted to apologize for what he did to you. Because it really pissed me off," Cora said. Oh. Oh, super. He apologizes to her, not the actual person that he was an asswipe, too. Yeah, yeah that makes sense. Not! Fuck.

"Oh. Well, as long as he said sorry to you, then, that's... that's great," I muttered darkly.

"Robin," Cora began.

"No, it's cool. It's great, you know," I interrupted. I glanced at Cora. She was looking at me out of the corner of her eyes, suspicious of me. I felt insane, so I was probably acting like it.

"Cora?" I began. Since I was crazy, I might as well play it to the hilt. Cora raised an eyebrow at me, waiting. She looked apprehensive and a little scared.

"Why are you dating Brandon?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" Cora said.

"Like, I actually don't get it at all. Is it because you're both beautiful people? Is there, like, some kind of rule nobody told me about? Cuz Brandon is a total douche bag and I really don't understand why you're with him. Straight up," I said. Oh my Go- I actually said, 'straight up'. But I really didn't understand!

"It... I..." Cora struggled to find her words blinking at me. Then she narrowed her eyes.

"Look, Robin, Brandon asked me out and I said yes. End of story. I don't know if you've noticed, but the bitches in power here, hate me. No one wants anything do with me, because of the shit the evils say," Cora said. "So when someone half decent asks me out, I'm gonna say yes," She finished. Whoa, Cora had some sharp verbal claws. Not that I didn't deserve it, but still.

"Yeah, except Brandon isn't half decent. He's completely INdecent. He's an asshole!" I exclaimed. Cora blinked and straightened up in her chair, looking at me with a hard glint in her eyes.

"I... Robin... Yeah, ok, I know he was a total asshole to you and that fucking pissed me off. It makes my blood boil when people are bitches to you! But, I don't understand why you're getting so pissed at me-" Cora said, blinking and making hand gestures for emphasis.

"He isn't just an asshole to me. He is a big fucking asshole in general!" I growled. Cora threw her hands up at me, confused at my anger and this fight. The action made me revert to sarcasm. Very biting sarcasm.

"Oh. Ok. Well I guess he's just blind and deaf, then. Because, Cora, you hate coffee, you only ever drink tea. And you wouldn’t be caught dead listening to Simple Plan, Punk-Pop, BULL shit!!" I shouted. I was so freaking angry, I couldn't sit there anymore. My legs snapped up to make me stand and I strode out of the practice room.

"Wait, Robin-!" Cora called after me, aggravated and confused. And hurt. Oh... fuck. But I was too angry. I was too crazy. I was too goddamn in love and jealous, so I just kept walking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoahoahoa!! Anger and Jealousy and Love and Music Snobbery!

And! Omgoodness! We're having a party today, my wonderful readers! 100 subscribers!! *pops champagne bottle cork* WHOO!! I love each and every one of you. I really do. Because if even ONE of you weren't reading, we wouldn't be at this landmark and partying it up!! Much love, much love (even if you're underage, have a glass o' bubbly. I won't tell, this is our party!)

"Run Like Hell" by: Pink Floyd.
Ahhh, finally. The Gods of Punk make their first appearance.
Also, "Rearranged" by: Limp Bizkit (oh yeah, oh yeah. embrace).

.Comment on the World and When it Changes!! (do you believe in fate, destiny, and/or omens or is it a load of superstitious mumbo jumo?)..