Robin, Boy Virgin: Original Series

Forty Six: Gossiping and Meddling Out of the Kindness of Our Hearts

On Wednesday morning, I woke up and outside my window, and the weather was gray, but not raining. Yesterday, I had, in fact, taken Cora to a nearby playground. We had played tag, and chicken fought on the balancing beam, and Cora finished the experience by showing off some agile moves on the fireman's pole. Yeah, watching that got me all riled up and turned on. I had to keep my cool, though, and not, you know, jump on her.

I got out of bed quickly that morning, because Cora had promised she would pick me up today. I didn't want to lollygag in bed and then have to rush to be ready and risk skipping something crucial, like putting on deodorant or brushing my teeth.

Downstairs, Glenn was making coffee.

"Morning," I said, since his back was to me. He turned around.

"Morning, kiddo," He said. I grabbed the juice out of the fridge and poured myself a glass.

"Listen, Robin, I want to talk to you about something," Glenn began. I was chugging juice. I swallowed it.

"Now?" I asked, gasping for air from the juice chugging, hoping he'd say no.

"No... But, well, if you've got time now," Glenn started to say. I heard two short honks outside. I dumped my glass in the dishwasher.

"Gotta go, dad," I said, pulling on my jacket.

"Can't you hang one second?" Glenn tried to ask as I hiked my backpack up on my shoulders.

"I can't leave a lady waiting," I said. Glenn raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? A lady? Well then by all means. I'll have to speak with you later," He said. He was trying his hand at sarcasm, but he is too nice for sarcasm. He was grinning like a goof. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you later, dad," I said.

"Yeah. Have a good day, kid," Glenn said.

"Yeahp you too," I said as I headed out the door. Cora was sitting in the Charger as it rumbled quietly, showing off its coolness. I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Morning," Cora greeted me.

"Morning," I replied. Cora backed out of the driveway and took off down the road.

"So guess what?" Cora said.

"What?" I asked.

"Guess," Cora insisted. I sighed.

"Ummm, the school burned down and you're treating me to an entire day at the movies," I said.

"A real guess, c'mon," Cora said impatiently.

"That was a real guess!" I lied. "Just tell me," I commanded.

"I talked to Minnie last night," Cora said. See, now, why would I have guessed that? That's so normal sounding, no one would have thought to guess that.

"And she said that she does, in fact, like Harold," Cora revealed.

"Are you sure you should be telling me this?" I said suspiciously, questioning Cora's character since she wasn't keeping Minnie's secret.

"Ordinarily, I would have left you in the dark," Cora began. I rolled my eyes and made a put off noise in my throat.

"But I want you to pass it on to Harold," Cora said. Well, if we're gossiping and meddling out of the kindness of our hearts...

"Ok. Then you should pass it on to Minnie that Harold likes her. Because he definitely does," I said. Cora grinned at me, making my heart pound and my brain forget what the crap we were talking about.

"Ok. You talk to Harold, and I'll talk to Minnie," She said. Talk to them about what, blue eyes? I blinked and mentally shook myself, looking straight ahead. Right, talk to Harold about Minnie, right.

"Sounds like a plan," I managed to grunt.

Cora pulled into the school parking lot and we walked into school together. We split up and I went to Harold's locker while Cora went to Minnie's locker.

Harold's locker is at one of the far ends of the school. You would think that his locker was very clean, but actually it's kind of a dump. Well, I mean, it's not dirty per se, but there's so much stuff in there and it's consequentially really unorganized.

"Hey," I greeted him at his locker. He looked up at me. We used to meet each other at our lockers all the time, but we haven't for awhile. Even before Cora showed up and I fell in love with her and only ever wanted to be around her, us meeting each other between every class kinda just stopped.

"Hey," He greeted back. Naturally, he said nothing to protest my showing up at his locker.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Fair I'd say," He said honestly, taking out a binder and closing his locker quickly before any of his crap could fall out.

"How are you?" He asked in return.

"Pretty good. Cora gave me a ride this morning," I said. And my mind immediately jumped to something dirty and I snickered. Harold, as wise as he is, had to grin too; he is still a seventeen-year-old guy, you know.

"You are so into Cora, my friend," Harold told me. I stopped snickering, but decided to quit denying what was so obviously true. Besides, Harold is my friend.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered. Harold grinned. I glared at him.

"Maybe you should let Minnie at your locker. She's an amazing cleaner," I retorted confrontationally. Harold just grew thoughtful.

"She likes you. For sure," I went on.

"How do you know?" Harold demanded.

"She told Cora who in turn told me," I betrayed easily. Harold's face actually frowned, displeased.

"Don't talk about me and Minnie," He requested, sounding uncomfortable that he felt touchy about the subject. I chuckled at the poor bastard.

"Sorry, man. I have to," I said, elbowing his arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Wednesdays. The strange, hump day. Next chapter, I promise, is gonna be exciting. I'm excited to post in tomorrow!

Woke up todaaaay. To everything graaaay: "What You Wish For" by: Guster
The movie this song was featured in is Life Is A House. Very sad, but a freaking good movie lol. Like, the one shower scene with Hayden Christensen... just you should watch it if you haven't already.

.Comments make the day sunny!..