Robin, Boy Virgin: Original Series

Seventy Five: That's Kill

At lunch, Minnie and Harold were still talking about the existence of God. I kind of faded in and out of that, but their hands were really close to each other's on the table. Cora and I watched their hands, sitting on pins and needles. I practically want to take Harold's hand and just slap it on top of Minnie's. Or at least tell him to do that on his own. He didn't, though, but you could tell he wanted to.

Cora and I were eating corn chips and sharing this dry turkey sandwich I'd bought at the cafeteria. Mostly I was eating the sandwich , Cora was eating her corn chips. I kept glancing at her, wanting and not wanting to tell her that I couldn't hang out and get sexual tutoring after school. It was the kind of thing where it hurts, but you just gotta get it over with. I watched Cora steal a sip of my Coke and then I looked away from her, chickening out for the billionth time. Across the cafeteria, I caught Amanda looking at me. I wanted to glare at her but micro-smiled back at her when she smiled at me. Fucking bitch. Ruining everything.

Next to me, Cora suddenly reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. I hadn't heard a thing, I guess her seventh cell phone sense had gone off. I watched as Cora looked at the caller ID and lit up like a Christmas tree. I blinked as she answered the phone.

"Hello?" She grinned. "Hey," She said cheerfully. "I'm at school right now. It's lunch period," She said, rolling her eyes and still smiling. I could barely hear the buzz of the caller's voice, I had no way to tell who it was.

"Um, my friends?" Cora said obviously. "Harold, Minnie, and Robin," She answered looking at us, her eyes settling on me. I looked back at her, staring in her beautiful eyes. Cora frowned at whatever her caller was saying.

"... I'm sitting next to Robin," She said, confused and smiling. Her expression cleared and she rolled her eyes. "Ugh, dad, don't be retarded, I'm not saying that. No I'm not giving him the phone either," Cora said. Ah, the illusive Californian rocker papa. I picked up my Coke can, swirling the drink, and even more curious now that I knew who it was. I wondered what he sounded like.

"Oh really? That's kill. Yeah for sure," Cora was saying enthusiastically. That's kill? It must be a west coast thing. It sounded cool, though.

"K. I'll definitely do that. Sure, dad. K. Love you too. Bye," Cora said and hung up the phone. I would have had an immature problem saying 'I love you' to my dad in school. But, of course, Cora didn't. She put her phone in her purse.

"Was that your dad?" I checked. Cora looked at me, smiled and nodded.

"What did he say?" I asked curiously.

"Oh he was talking about Christmas break," Cora grinned, excited. Even though she meant that she'd be leaving for a period of time over vacation (and I obviously don't like that), I do really like that it makes her happy. So... it evens out.

"Oh yeah? What was he trying to get you to tell me?" I asked slyly.

"Nothing," Cora mocked my tone, shaking her head at me. I crinkled my nose at her, still wanting to know what he'd said.

When lunch period was over and we were all leaving the cafeteria, Cora looped her arm happily through mine. I smiled and then noticed that, in front of us, Harold and Minnie were holding hands. And it was really weird and, like, cute, because they did it so casually and easily, as if they'd been married for years instead of just starting a high school romance.

Who knows though? Maybe they will get married one day. That'd be sweet in every sense of the word; I'd get behind Harold on that one.

Cora and I walked to Music Comp and the second we were alone, I wanted to jump on her and take off my clothes. I'm not used to being this permanently horny and revved up for sex. It's kind of awesome and kind of scary. Cora kept her cool, of course, and sat down at the piano. I sat down in my chair and restlessly picked up my guitar.

"Coraa," I sang. "You leave me-" I cut myself off, realizing I was about to say "-wanting more-a". But I didn't want to whine about wanting to have sex with her every time I opened my mouth. Cora grinned at me, like she knew what I'd been thinking anyway. She leaned over and kissed me. I don't know if it was all in my sexed up head or Cora was contributing to it as well, but that kiss was like pouring a drop of water down a dehydrated guy's throat. And that guy had been stuck in the desert and was dying to chug back a lake of water.

I impatiently pushed the guitar out of our way. When I did that, Cora immediately climbed into my lap: which leads me to the better conclusion that she wants me too pretty bad, too. Which, of course, is fantastic. We really like that. Cora and I desperately made out like crazy for a minute and then she drew away from me. Jesus, I was panting, so my breathing sounded like a deranged maniac.

"Are you busy after school and Jazz band?" Cora asked me quickly. More like gettin' busy, doll face- oh damn!!

"Uhmm. Shit. Yeah, I am," I said, still breathing hard but sounding dreadfully depressed.

"Are you blowing me off, Boy Wonder?" Cora teased, raking her fingers through my hair and making me crazy. I looked away from her, trying not to start cussing at Amanda (who obviously wasn't in the room).

"... you are blowing me off," Cora realized and accused, blinking at me. She smiled, waiting for an explanation.

"I gotta... go over to Amanda's house and... make a poster for Geography," I said, forcing out the words. Wow. Hm, let's see. Make a Geography poster with a popular girl I can't really stand or go over to Cora's house and potentially get naked? Gee, that's a real toughie, fack.

"Really?" Cora asked in the strangest tone I've never heard her or anyone else use before. Sort of brooding and calculating.

"I must have murdered someone in a previous life and now karma is taking out its icy vengeance on me," I said. I wanted to make her smile, but it really did kind of feel like that.

"Yeah," Cora kept using that confusing tone. Her eyes slid away from mine.

"... I'm sorry," I said without thinking. I just felt like I needed to say it. Cora looked at me and blinked.

"For what?" She asked, sounding normal again.

"Um... I dunno," I mumbled. I'm sorry for denying you the chance to use my body like a jungle gym? "Just... for blowing you off, like you said. I really don't wanna go... I'd rather be with you," I told her. Cora blinked and then smiled genuinely at me.

"... thanks, BW," She said softly. Then she kissed me. This time it wasn't a dying for thirst-sex kiss, it was just one of those nice, tender kisses. Which, don't get me wrong, are very nice, too. I kissed Cora back.
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1.) So I wrapped up my spring semester at school. It's summertime, for me! Don't be jealous (well, yeah be a little jealous lol) but don't be too much because this really means I'll have a lot more time to spend slaving away over all my writing. For all y'all to consume and enjoy (hopefully. Hopefully you'll enjoy it hehe)

2.) I felt like a proud teacher when you guys read between the lines and, like, analyzed what you thought Robin truly wanted from Cora. I'm givin' you all gold stars!! Good reading comprehension guys!

3.) Music for this chapter: "Strange and Beautiful" by: Aqualung
and in a totally different direction lol: "Sour Cherry" by: The Kills.
(And my current guilty pleasure that fits, surprisingly. I can't... stop... listening to it!! GAH! Repeat, repeat, repeat, until I'm immune to it's hott catchiness...)

4.) .Comment and be prepared for daily (that's right daily) updates again!..