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My music is gunshots and my movies are filled with death

The Past

“Shylo!” yelled my mom from behind the scrim door of our house.

“Shylo, come on dinner’s ready” said mom while ruffling my hair.

“Ok” I sat down at the dinner table. Dad was telling the story of how Asia got eliminated from the planet.

His hazel eyes glowed as he talked about how he and his army buddies dropped the bomb and watched it disappear while they escaped the inferno.

As I looked at my father, I noticed his features and compared them to my own. His blond hair made him look much younger than he really was. My hair was a dark brown like my moms. His high cheekbones and full lips made him like one of those fashion models from those magazines my mom collects.

“So Shylo how was school?” asked my mother.

“Fine, we learned how to find the volume of a 7-dimensional figure.”

“oh that’s good.” The voice from our intercom system interrupts us.

“Benet’s!,” screams a male voice from thin air. “Benet’s, if your there, Run! The enemy is taking over! The president has been executed by the enemy! Run while you can! Run Brot-“

The intercom goes silent. Then, a scream escapes my uncle’s lips. A gun is fired. Then silence.

We all just sit there in utter shock. None of us even move until we here it. Gun shots, screams, mayhem. Dad is the first to jump into action.

My mom gathers Damien and Gracie, my twin brother and sister, out of their cribs and puts us under the floorboards.

She whispers, “I love you “as she covers us.

Someone bursts in the door. I hear my mom screaming, my dad pleading. Then I hear the sound that’s engraved in my nightmares, gun shots, lots of them are set off. Then, there’s silence

The babies begin to cry and I muffle them with my shaking hand

The intruders exit, leaving us alone. Our parents…..dead

Copyright © 2010 by g234
♠ ♠ ♠
new story yay!
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