Status: Finished

So Long Good Night

This is a one-shot.
Gerard Way, yes you all know him. And you call can remember back to the times Gerard had his problem with his drug use and alcohol consumption. Well, this takes place back to that time. But, instead of getting well, things got worse. Please, sit back, get comfy, grab a box of tissues and a tub of your favorite ice cream, and prepare for a tragedy.

NOTE and DISCLAIMER: I do not own Gerard Way or My Chemical Romance in any way. The events that occur in this story are all fan fiction based. They are not true. Although, Gerard Way did have a drug abuse, alcohol consumption problems, and suicidal thoughts, He is alive and well with a wonderful family. So do not worry. (:
So Long Good Night
-Title By My Chemical Romance of course :]
  1. So Long Good Night
    Gerard Way goes down hill fast thanks to alcohol and depression.