Have You Seen Her Ghost?


"Don't go too far, okay?"

That's what Alex' and Anna's mom's always said, when their kids went out to play.

Alex and Anna were both six years old. They did everything together. They were best friends.

Every time they didn't have to go to school, they went out onto the street to play. Anna's mom didn't want them to go anywhere else than the street they lived in, neither did Alex' mom.
They both had very protective and loving parents, who cared a lot about them.

If anything ever happened to either of them both parents would have been crying their hearts out. They loved kids, even if it weren't their own.

Today, a late September day, Anna went over to Alex' house. She didn't want to play alone or with anyone but Alex. She loved him, like a six year old kid loved their best friend.

When Alex' mom opened the door and smiled at Anna, she already felt at home. Anna loved the boy's parents, just as much as she loved her own. They were like a second family to her.
Stepping in and seeing Alex lying on the couch, eating popcorn and watching his favorite cartoon, she ran towards him and wrapped him in a tight hug. Before Alex could even hug her back, after the shock she gave him, Anna already pulled away and planted a wet kiss on Alex' cheek.

Both smiling they left the house, letting out all energy they had saved from school, running to the playground. The only playground within five blocks, they were lucky to have it in their street.

Alex jumped onto one of the swings, rocking back and forth until he couldn't go higher into the air. Anna, however, was just sitting on the swing next to him watching, smiling. They both loved those moments, the comfortable silences no one felt like ruining.

When the sky started to get darker in the evening, the kids knew they had to go home, they weren't supposed to be out that late, because of their mother's worries, though they did it again every day.
Anna and Alex stayed outside, enjoying each other's presents every time.

So they made their way home. Neither of them wanted their mother to be mad at them. They loved their family, with all of their tiny heart.

Finally reaching Anna's house, they hugged each other, not wanting to let go and wait for the next day to come.

When Anna got inside, her mother already ran towards her, hugging her again, kissing the girl's cheek softly.

"Did you have fun?"

She always asked the same question, when Anna arrived home. Every time the girl just nodded her head, grinning.
After dinner Anna asked, "Can I go and play with Alex?", bouncing up and down on her seat.

Anna always asked this exactly in the same way, not even knowing that she did it.

Her mother, just gave her a weak smile and said, "I'm sorry, hon, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

At least the woman tried to be creative with her answers, though not succeeding every time.

With that said, Anna jumped up from her seat, leaving the kitchen and her loving mother behind. She ran into her room and sat on her bed, looking out of the window. It was the window, which was exactly opposite the one in Alex' room.

They would just sit there and stare at each other, each day, almost as if they could hear each other's thoughts.