Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

“Okay guys, Anna is coming over any minute.” Sandra, Ruki’s girlfriend paced around the room nervously. The GazettE boys were about to meet her best friend, Anna. Uruha, Ruki and Aoi were sitting on the couch, Reita had a cigarette break on the balcony and Kai was making some food for her. Ruki chuckled and as Sandra passed him, he pulled her down on his lap.

“The only one that is freaked is you. Take a chill pill.” He smiled and Sandra sighed.

“Hey, I think it’s her.” Reita called from the balcony. After he said that the doorbell rang. Sandra answered it.

“It’s me.” A voice called.

“Anna, hey! It’s the third floor.” She buzzed her up. Sandra then turned to the guys and took a deep breath.

“And guys? Don’t stare.” The doorbell rang.

“Why would we stare?” Uruha asked. Sandra didn’t answer, she just opened the door.

“Anna, Hun!” Sandra squealed in delight, as she threw her arms around the girl. She chuckled.

“Hi, Sandy.” Anna said, as she pulled Sandra off her.

“I hope I didn’t come too soon.” She apologized.

“Oh, no, you’re just fine. I’ll take your coat.” When Anna handed Sandra her coat and stepped away from her, the guys realized why Sandra said not to stare. Anna was a pale, Aoi-heighted, brown-haired and eyed girl with full lips and a spark of life in her eyes, but her right side of her face was mutilated, one long scar coming from her temple to her chin. Uruha felt a wave of pity washing through him. When he looked at the others, their gazes have softened. Anna seemed to notice that, and as she bent over to take off her boots, she flipped her hair that was behind her shoulder forward, creating a curtain hiding her scar. She then looked up.

“It’s finally nice to meet you. Sandra told me a lot about you.” Anna said in a musical voice and smiled at them. Kai just stepped out the kitchen and looked at Anna.

“Anna-kun!” He greeted her cheerfully, as he stepped to her and enveloped her in a hug. Anna smiled and put her arms around him, placing her head on his chest.

“Yukkun.” She said with a grin, as Kai pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Wow, you are familiar with each other.” Aoi commented, while both of them laughed.

“We went to school together.” Kai grinned as he pulled Anna closer to the guys.

“So this is Takanori.” He pointed at Ruki and Anna snorted.

“I know. Sandra has more pictures of him than of me, which kind of hurts.” She said in a fake painful voice. Kai and Ruki laughed.

“Then this is Yuu.” Aoi waved at her without a word, trying hard to keep his eyes on hers.

“The guy who is being a very impolite host right now is Akira.” Kai pointed at Reita, who was still smoking on the balcony.

“Hi, Akira!” Anna called at him.

“Hey, Anna.” He called back.

“And then there is Kouyou. Watch out, he’s a real ladies man.” Kai whispered urgently but loud enough for him to hear, while wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her protectively to him. Before Uruha could say anything, Anna leaned her head back in laughter, partly showing her scar.

“I don’t think I’ll worry about that.” She winked. She was talking about her scar and Uruha didn’t know what to do. If he would laugh, he would offend her, but if he would just stare at her, she would take it the wrong way and be offended.

“Actually, you are my type of girl.” He was able to say without thinking.

“You should be on your guard.” Anna laughed again.

“Thanks for the heads up. Where’s Sandy? I hope she’s not robbing me again.”

“Hey! I never did!” Sandra called from the hall as she came in.

“Sit down, Anna, sit down! You gotta tell me everything! I haven’t seen you for ages!” Sandra said excitedly, as she pushed her down in an armchair.

“Yeah, WE haven’t seen you for a long time!” Kai said, as if to remind Sandra that he knows her longer that she does. Anna laughed, her scar showing again.

“Everything?” Both of them nodded, so she started talking. She was talking for a long time and each minute passing by, Uruha found himself being extremely intrigued and he wanted to know more about her. Anna’s voice was soft, changing lightly the tone when she talked of something that annoyed her, and completely different voice when she was talking about something she really held close to her heart. Her voice was calming Uruha, tumbling down the built up stress in him. Even though the scar on her face was making him really curious and the question where she got if from was itching on his tongue, he found it rather easy not to look at it. He always caught himself staring into her eyes, his eyes sometimes traveling down to her lips, sometimes studying her body language. When Anna’s eyes looked into his, they both couldn’t help but smile. He found out that when Anna laughs a dimple forms on her left cheek, much like Kai. With or without the scar, Uruha found Anna attractive. Uruha found out that Anna was a fantasy writer and she had a book out already and it was slowly getting popular. He found out that she played the guitar, but she had to buy a new one, because she accidentally threw it out of the window. Uruha didn’t have a clue how you can throw a guitar accidentally out of a window, but he was too mesmerized by her voice to interrupt and ask. He didn’t know what was happening. He was supposed to mesmerize her and not the other way around. After she finished talking, Sandra and Kai started about everything. Since Kai and Anna didn’t see each other for four years, they had a lot of catching up to do. Kai talked about the band, how they met Sandra and Anna listened with wide, innocent eyes. Uruha never saw a creature more interesting than her. Anna stayed over far too long. It was two in the morning when they already stopped talking and even though Anna was perfectly okay with going home on her own, Sandra forbid her to do so. Anna, of course, was pretty tired by that time, and id she would argue with Sandra, she would waste the precious energy she had so little of, so she agreed.

“So who’s room you’re gonna sleep in?” Sandra asked her.

“It’s really okay; I can sleep on the couch.” She tried to persuade her, but Sandra didn’t listen to her. Anna sighed. Ruki and Kai were taken, since Sandra was sleeping in the same room as Ruki and Kai had a girlfriend.

“If Kouyou won’t mind.” She shrugged, looking away to hide the blush on her left cheek.

“Eh? Me?” Uruha asked, surprised. He thought she would pick the calm, cool Reita, or the happy and hyper Aoi, not him. Plus, he warned her about him being a lady’s man. He saw Anna’s side of face pulling downwards, and he realized she thought he rejected her.

“No, no, I’m just surprised you picked me.” He explained. Anna’s face brightened.

“I don’t know. I just felt like it.” She said happily.

“Okay then! It’s settled! Anna, let’s get you some pj’s!” Sandra stood up, grabbed Anna by her wrist and they disappeared in the apartment. Right after they guys heard the door slam, their smiles fell.

“What happened to her face?” Aoi demanded quietly, as if he was afraid they would come out any minute. Kai’s smile fell, too, and got replaced by a mask of fury, which was very rare from the leader and drummer.

“Her boyfriend. I, Anna-kun, Sho-teme and my ex-girlfriend, Megumi, were on a New Year’s double date. The bastard got drunk like a skunk and he took out some fireworks. Anna herself was pretty tipsy, and when she saw them she roared with laughed and told Sho “Well slap me on the knees and throw a firecracker in my face.” I was too far away to stop it, holding Megumi’s hair when she was throwing up, so I could only hear them talking. After that I could hear some slapping and the sound of lighting a firecracker. I turned around just to see Sho throwing the firecracker at a shocked Anna and exploding of the firecracker in her face.” Kai’s fury evaporated, when sorrow covered his features. He hid his head in his hands. He then took out his wallet and threw out a picture.

“The way she looks now is my fault.” Uruha picked the picture up, slowly to reveal Anna a few years back, grinning fully with Kai at the camera. Uruha was left speechless with rage boiling up inside of him. He didn’t know why, but he had a sudden urge to find that bastard and kill him. And he knew Anna for only a few hours. If he would know Anna for about as long as Kai, he would be sitting in jail by now. Aoi rubbed Kai’s back, with his hand, telling him it was no way his fault, while looking at the 18-year old Anna. Kai looked up with red-rimmed eyes and he glared at Uruha.

“And Shima, I swear to go, it you hurt her, I will do the same to you.” He growled. Uruha was taken aback by this, but he understood him. He nodded his head and held up his right hand.

“I promise.” Kai smiled weakly at him and slapped his hand. The door to Ruki and Sandra’s room opened and Anna with Sandra stepped out. Anna was wearing baby blue pyjama bottoms, which were too big for her, their end was being dragged on the ground. Anna’s chest was covered by a baby pink, spaghetti strapped shirt. She took off her make-up and her long brown hair was in a braid, falling down her back. Uruha was shocked. She looked as good natural as she did with make-up. This trait was only a few women had, like Sandra. She was wearing black pyjamas and her curly blonde hair was loose.

“Okay, I think I’m packing up for the day.” Kai stood up, tucking the picture back into his wallet.

“Good night, my ladies.” He hugged both of them. He kissed Sandra on the cheek, while on Anna, his lips gently brushed against her scar. Anna closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. Uruha knew it was stupid, but he felt a sting of jealousy at his heart. Kai left the two girls and gently closed the door behind him. Anna smiled at Uruha.

“Should I wait, so you can get changed?” She asked him nicely and Uruha smiled back. Anna quietly gasped. His smile was beautiful.

“Actually I still wanted to have a drink or two. You can head on to lala land.” Anna laughed and nodded.

“Well then, good night.” She came over to everyone, and hugged them. Sandra did the same, but she stopped at Ruki so she could kiss him, grab his hand and pull him to the bedroom. Anna gently closed the door behind her. She noticed the big bed in the middle of the room, and with a big yawn, she crawled in. She fell asleep almost instantly, with Uruha’s scent on the pillows.


She woke up when the rays of sun slowly came through the window, shining in her face. Anna slept well. She had a good dream and she even wasn’t disappointed that it ended. She opened only her left eye, because her right was in the sunlight. The first thing she saw after she got used to the light, was a creamy white color. At first she didn’t understand what if was, but when Uruha swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbed. Her body was pressed up tightly against his, her head gently placed on his shoulder, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. Her hands were on his chest, gripping his shirt and her right leg was wrapped around his. Uruha’s arms were hugging her, one of his palms flatly placed on the lower of her back and the other one buried in her hair. His head was leaned against hers. Uruha’s warm breath was going down her neck and under her shirt, earning him a shiver as she unconsciously pressed herself closer to him, to get away from his breath. Uruha chuckled in his sleep, and pulled Anna up on his body. Anna’s cheeks reddened and she gently shook Uruha.

“Shima-chan…” She whispered quietly, but Uruha only grunted softly and dipped his head into the crook of Anna’s neck.

“Shima-chan…you know that we’ve met before?” She asked him, not really caring if he heard her or not.

“You know how you went to a soccer club, right? I was at your every match. We even played once. Do you remember?” Anna felt silly. She laughed nervously.

“Of course you can’t remember. So many women passed your life, how could you remember one girl?” She asked his sleeping body.

“I do remember.” He suddenly said, making her jump. Anna leaned away from him, and looked at his face. He looked into her eyes.

“I can remember it very clearly, Annie-kun.” He used her old nickname. How could he remember that?

“When we played together the first time, you wore our club’s uniform and your hair was in a braid, falling down your back.” His fingers slightly pressed against her spine. Anna smiled softly.

“You once told me that only I was allowed to use the nickname Shima-chan.” Uruha chuckled.

“And it was true.”

“How come we acted so formal around each other the whole day and now…” Anna didn’t finish.

“I couldn’t actually remember you. Only when you came out with your hair in a braid I remembered.” He explained softly. Anna’s cheeks reddened.

“You know that I actually had a crush on you?” She asked him, smiling sheepishly. Uruha looked surprised.

“You did?” Anna nodded.

“Never thought someone would have a crush on me when I was little. They bullied me for my lips, you know.”

“I actually liked your lips. They were different.” Uruha grinned, but soon after his grin slowly fell.

“But you don’t anymore.” He looked away, as his arms started loosening their grip on Anna’s body.

“There are three things in my life that I regret so far. The first thing is my scar, because it was my fault. The second one is that I wasn’t able to become a doctor, because I hate needles. And the third one is…that I never tried how those different lips felt on mine. I guess that I’ll have only two regrets from now on.” She said, making her look at him halfway through the speech. After she finished, she pressed her lips against his gently. Her eyes fluttered shut, as her hands buried themselves in his hair. Uruha wasn’t replying at first, but when his hands slowly crept up to her face to cup her left cheek, and kissing her back, she couldn’t help but smile. He delicately nipped at her lower lip and Anna sighed in content, opening her mouth and brushing her tongue against Uruha’s. Uruha grunted as he pressed her body to his, his hands slowly going down her back, settling at the very end of it. Anna smiled again, as she pressed her forehead against his, breaking the kiss. Uruha’s lips slowly kissed her way to the right side of her face. He gently caressed the mutilated skin, making her giggle. He leaned back against her forehead.

“What is it?” He asked her with a smile.

“You know how an ironic couple we will be? Beauty and the beast.” She chuckled quietly, but Uruha didn’t laugh. He growled, as he rolled over and pressed her in the bed. She looked at him with wide eyes, and she couldn’t stop the soft moan coming out of her mouth.

“Nobody will dare to call you that. I’ll take care of it.” His lips hungrily claimed hers, and she didn’t struggle.
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Enjoy :)