Status: Redoing(: Comment and I'll update(:

Whispers in the Night.



Dear Journal,

Tomorrow I will arrive at St. Vladimir Academy. From what I've heard and such it's not like any other school I've been to.

I wouldn't expect it to be with that name.

I looked up the name and found out about Mr. St. Vladimir and his shadow-kissed guardian Anna. When I looked further into it I discovered that St. Vladimir was actually a spirit user for magic.

As for Anna, well, she went crazy because of it I think.

I don't know much about it, but I think this should be interesting. People may think I'm a freak by my clothes and such, but as long as they don't know my little secrets, I think I should manage.



I do not own any of the Vampire Academy characters just my own like Jess and Kira.

© 2010 BloodyBlackRose13