A Cupid; In Skinny Jeans And Converse

Life? Nah Don't Need One.


I sighed as I opened the folder that someone had left taped to my locker...

Name:Kassie Johnson

I looked at the name and closed my eyes..Kassie Johson, 5th period Biology, blond hair, blue eyes, tall, tan, thin.



Bio:I am currently single, I was born March 17, I am athletic on the volleyball team, I have straight A's, I only wear American Eagle and Aeropostale, mostly because I work there! I text like all the time, and you will always be in my heart if I become friends with you.I can be a suck up but oh well.I have a younger brother Johnny who I love dearly, he is in the 4th grade and he always love my boyfriends.I am super close with my family.Anyway I just want a guy who won't hurt me.
I rolled my eyes, that is what every girl that comes to me wants.

Looking For In A Guy.Include Looks And Personality:

Looks; Tall;6'0 up.Tan,not super dark.Light blue eyes/Dark brown.Shaggy skater hair, blond,black or brunette.
Personality;Nice,fun,caring,sweet,humor,serious,and not an air head.

Cell Number:419-734-8569

Other Information To Reach You:

Myspace; Kiss.Kassie(;
Facebook; Kassie Johnson
Yahoo; KissKassie14@yahoo.com
Other? None.

I closed the file and threw it into my backpack, it was the end of the first week and this was my first case.

The whole ordeal had started in the seventh grade when I had hooked up my best friend Tulip and her current boyfriend Damien, they have been together for 4 years, and as soon as they had hit month six everyone was coming to me asking me to hook them up with
someone that was set up to their standards.

So I had a whole system by the end of the year, you were to get an application from Tulip, which would cost you $5.00 per application, and then you were to have a folder and write your first initial and your last initial on the front of it, put in your application and then tape it to my locker, which I would then read it and then have a survey for potential boys to fill out and then once I got them back I would look through them and then choose who was closet to what the person was looking for in a person and then I would call the person who gave me the application and tell them the persons name and then give them their number and tell them to call them, and then ask them out for a date, and there you have it, everyone has been with the same person since day one.

But my number one rule was that, if school had just started you can't give me any folders until the end of the whole first week so a total of 5 days, and I also promised that if I couldn't find them a person with in the first month of looking I would give them full refund-which has never happened-and that would be the end of that.
"Stella sweetie!" turning around I was engulfed in a huge hug.

"Hey Tulip," hugging my best friend back.

"So who is your first case?!"

Rolling my eyes I answered,"You already know, Kassie Johnson, because being the special person you are, you get their money."

"I knew that," she smiled.

"Sure you did, stupid!" bolting off before she could smack me.


"GOTTCHA!" I screamed and slapped the person behind me, turning around and looking up I saw...DAMIEN!

"Dami, you dick, that scared the shizzles outta me you ass hole!" I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my lips.

"Sorry baby sister," he smacked my head, and then got slapped, by Tulip.

The two of them hugged then kissed, and kept kissing, and kept kissing, I cleared my throat,"Okay you two love birds, can we get going? I gotta get home, get on myspace, and check out potential people for Kassie, and then I gotta check facebook and see if I can find anyone on that too."

Damien rolled his eyes, and then ruffeled my hair, I bit at his hand,"Stell, I wish you would stop doing this stupid thing, why don't you just find yourself a boyfriend?!"

"Um,because all these other people need boyfriends/girlfriends and because of that I have no time to actually look for myself," Damien rolled his eyes then left out the door down to his black mustang with the gray top down.

Tulip skipped after him, her black hair bouncing behind her, I just followed, ran my hand through my hair and let out a long sigh.

Okay, so maybe I could look for someone sometime, I do work at Java Joe, maybe I can spot a hottie there, or when we go to Hot Topic tonight to pick up Damien, I could ask Dylan out for coffee...Never mind.

"Stella you better not be thinking about asking out Dylan you know that will end badly, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him, he is a huge dick, and all he wants from you is sex, he told me himself that he would tap dat all the way home and back," the same lecture every time from Damien.

And my response was the same,"Damien, I can look after myself if I have to."

"Just listen to me and just don't okay?!" that was also the same response every single time from him, it did get quite annoying.

"Damien, just let her have some fun, I mean you are only 17 once! Let her enjoy Junior year and make mistakes!" she rubbed the back of her head, after I smacked it.

"Gee thanks Tulip, that is just what I need, to be told I am gonna make mistakes, I haven't made one mistake since the 7th grade or I would be in deep shit, because hello I can't afford to make mistakes, now Damien just hurry up NOW, I have to get home to look up stuff for Kassie, so HURRY!" that just made him drive like a fucking turtle.

Sighing I laid my head back...




"LOVE YOU TOO SOLAR!" Jumping out of the car-not bothering to open the door-I ran inside my house, and up the stairs, then up the other flight of stairs, to my attic bedroom.

Time for some major searching...

Pulling the red chair out from under the desk I plopped down, and logged onto myspace.


Welcome Stell[ar](:!!!

Looking for love for others can be so boring! working the 8-12:30 shift at Java Joe with Tulip &Ricky.Text me(:


New Message..


Subject: Please Open!!!!!!

HEY girl, i just wanted 2 knw sum shyt lyk uh,OK so i wuz askn tht tulip chick if i culd hve a application..nd she said: NO YOU SKANK,I DON'T GIVE THEM 2 PREPZ! i wuz like WTF betch.so i decided 2 cum 2 u.so? culd i have 1 plz?!
thnx bunch bitchez(;

Sorry but if Tulip says NO then I say NO too because she is the one in charge of the applications not me, so it's not like I can actually just go up to her and be like, can I have one for someone you already said no to?
NO I can't so sorry honey, try again later this year, and maybe you will have better luck.
Check your spelling sometime, and DON'T ever message me again with that type of writing, it bugs the shit outta me.

Looking away from the computer screen my eyes drifted to the window, a tree stood in front of my window, its leaves were already changing color, from green to a light yellow to a golden yellow...my eyelids began to get heavy.

Standing I sauntered over to my bed and sat down on the edge of it, yawned...No, Stella you can't sleep you have work tonight.... So? A short nap won't hurt..Yes it will.. No.It.Won't...

Deep brown eyes, warm smile, black shaggy hair, light skin, well built...soft lips...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about not updating lately.
My internet was down, well here it is,
a new story :)
I am NOT stopping my other stories, I just
had the ideas for this one ready so I had to type it out.
The People Who Comment will be mentioned in the next chapter
Author's Note As Loyal Readers.
So Comments.Subscribe.And Tell(:
-Nicole Elizabeth.
Oh by the way, at the end, that is her dream guy :)