Status: Updating when i can.

A Twist in Fate

The Nanny:A Twist in Fate

October 31,1988-Aly's birthday:

No one remebered her birthday.Only asked her to help them get ready for this Masqurade party they are having.
"Aly! Can you do my hair! i want it up!" May shouted orders.
"Yes,madam!" Aly said sacasticaly doing May's hair and Make-up. After an hour.It was Kimmy's turn.She toke longer cuz she wouldnt sit still.After about 2 and a half hours she finished.She sighed and walked to her room and put on her dress and heels.She REALLY diddnt want to go,but alas,she had too.She cuurled her hair and put on smokey make-up and lip gloss.She looked at her self. 'Why?' she asked her self.As she desended down the steps people were pileing in.she put on her mask and sat on the side,by the food. She was reading "Vampire Diaries" again. She ate the cubed chesses,When a man,5'9 came up.He sait next 2 her.He had gourges brown eyes.
"Hello."he said. 'Jeez despreate much' Aly thought.
"Hi."She said not looking up.
"How are you?" He asked watching her intesly.
"Im fine." She said.
"Would you like to dance." He said standing up outstreching her hand.
"If u will stop messing wif me.Sure" Aly said getting up,putting her book down.
They danced and danced like it was the real rennasunnce.
"Oh,by the way,Happy Birthday,Aly."He whispered.
"Ok ethier i noe you,or stalking me!" Aly said looking up,eyebrow raised.
"No.Look me in the eye,Miss Latina." He smirked.
Aly stared at him intently.She seen those eyes.A beautiful Chcolote brown,so creamy u can swim in it.
"Michael." She whispered.She looked around.Everyone swayed from left and right.
"Well how'd ya noe." He winked. 'GOD i love that wink!' Aly thought.
"And you remember my b-day." Aly said smiling hugely.
"Ay,i would NEVER forget."He said dipping Aly.
"Do you remeber how old i am?" Aly said holding his gaze.
"Uhhh.that is alway a mystery." He chuckled.
"Good! I wanna keep it that way!"She exclamed. She just relized they danced them self into the Kicthen.
"What did you do for your birthday?" He asked.
"This," Aly spead her arms around. "Nick,is with Smutbag.So i decrorated,made out fits.Everything." Aly said sad.She was hurt only one person remebered.
"Wow!" was all he said.
"Ya,nothing! At all!" Aly said pissed alittle.Michael could see.
"But,im a Nanny.A renaisunce,Nanny at that! And Sir Michael,what did you get this fair Madien?" Aly asked giggleing uncontrollabley.
"Why a kiss.May i layith upon thee?" He said bowing.She curtsy and smiled. "Yes you may,Sir Michael." They kissed.Not a peck,and passion filled thing u new,Aly was runing her hands through his hair.His arms around her waist. After 5 minutes they let go. "Ah,and another presnet i bought for thee." He said,pulling out a box.
Aly got so giddy.
"You may layth upon thee."She said exteding her hands.
HE gave her a charm bracelet with a heart on it.
"Awww Itz gourges.I -" Aly got cut off.By kimmy coming in crying.She fell.
"Ok,sweet pea.How you stay with Sir Michael and...well Aly." She giggled.She nodded.So they sat there and talked.The party was dying down,around eleven.Kimmy fell asleep and aly put her up.
She came back down stairs.She found Nick and Michael talking.
"Michael ,dont talk to him.He is a Dosshe." Aly said sarcasticly.
"Aly.Stop.Im gonna say u look beutiful and Happy birthday." Nick said handing her a box.She opened it and it Said "Gotcha!" and it squrited her with syrup.Aly gasped.Michael looked horrified.Nick was laughing.
"YOU ASS HOLE! WHY!!!" Aly said crying.
"You wanted to play hard ball." NIck said in between laughs.
"NO.I forgave,a long time ago Nick!" She cried.
"Aly come on,grab some stuff were gonna go to my hotel." Michael said. Aly obeyed and packed some nesscitys.She came back,her eyes were puffy and red.
"Aly,i-im sorry." Nick tried to touch Aly.She moved away.
"No.Dont call me Aly.Call me Miss Garcia." Aly said walking out to meet Micheal in the Car.
'What a Birthday' she tought.