Status: Comments= Updates= Very happy writer :D


wait! Its HIM?

“Thank god our school colors are black and red. “ Snow said while leaning against the wall.

“Yeah thank you lord for not torturing us.” I said while looking up and holding my hands against my chest in a ball. The teacher came in and we sat down.

“Eacy and Yasmin bleachers now” Me and Snow got up and sat on the bleachers.

Our Teacher is Snow’s Aunt and she knows how fit we are. She even tells the rest of our group when they have P.E to sit on the bleachers cause she knows how fit they are too. While we sat on the bleachers everybody else had to run for a while. The teacher came over and told us to watch the class for a while because the office called her. We said ok and watched the class. I got down and looked at them. Then I saw a couple girls walking around.

“Hey start running you 3” I said to them. They looked at me
“Oh really and who said you are in charge?” One of them asked.

“The teacher did. In fact I have detention slips right here to for her when she gets back.” I said while taking the papers off of the bleachers.
They got wide eyed and started running again. The teacher came back and told everybody to get dressed and meet back here. Me and Snow went and got dressed and went back to the gym. Everybody came in and looked at the teacher.

“Ok so guys and girls school will be closed for a while because they are making the school look a little better. The reason I told you to get dressed is because you guys are leaving now. You don’t need to get your stuff from your lockers that will be dealt with.” Everybody started cheering and ran out the gym.

Me and Snow went out side and waited by the tree to wait for the others. Everybody came and we started walking to my house. We got there and went to the basement we started just messing around. I turned some music one and then Disturbed down with the sickness came on and we just started rocking out. When the song ended we just went back what we were doing. We heard a knock and Luna and Aiden came down stairs.

“Hey guys where have you been?” I asked before tackling Dipher.

“We stopped at 711 on our way here because Luna had to get some juice.” Aiden said while sitting down on the couch.

“Damnit girl. You and your juice.” I said while going up to her.

“What it’s not my fault my parents only gave me juice growing up.” She said while sitting down on the floor. I smiled and then I heard my parents calling for me. I ran up stairs and saw that they were in the kitchen.

“Hey mom and dad.” I said while hugging them
“Hey Eacy. Umm there is a woman out in the living room who needs to talk to you.” My mom said.
I nodded and walked to the living room. I saw a women looking at one of our pictures.
“Um hello” I said while looking at her. She jumped and turned around.

“Oh I didn’t know any body was standing there. Hi I’m Mrs. Dent. I was wondering if my son is here?” she said. *WAIT DID SHE SAY DENT????????* I thought.

“Umm hold on let me get him.” I said while running down stairs to the basement.

I got down stairs and saw Aiden sitting on the couch watching #1 and #2 fight over the remote. I grabbed Aiden by the arm and dragged him up stairs. When we got up there I looked at him.

“Mom. Living room. Now” I said while pointing at the living room entrance.

He nodded and walked up to his mom. I looked at him as he was walking to his mom. *I can’t believe it’s him* I thought while feeling a tear going down my cheek. I walked down stairs and saw that #1 and #2 were still fighting remote. I walked up to them and took the remote out of Eric’s hands.

“HEY!” they both yelled at me.

I shook my head and plugged in guitar hero and then I saw their eyes get wide and then they grabbed a guitar and began playing. *I can’t believe that’s the only thing to make them shut up* I thought. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and saw Aiden walking into the room. I moved my eyes to Eric and Seth playing and laughed when Eric was trying to mess up Seth.

“Hey Shadow umm can I talk to you?” I turned around and saw Aiden behind me looking at me. I shook my head and told him to follow me. We walked up stairs away from everybody else and walked into my room. I closed the door and we sat on my bed.

“I’m sorry Eacy. I didn’t mean to leave you 2 years ago. My...” But before he could finish I cut him off.

“I know. You couldn’t leave your mom. I understand.” I said while looking at him.

“I didn’t know you missed me that badly. But when you through that rock at Luna’s head before she said my name I knew that you did.”

“Well of course I would miss you badly. You were my best friend. We could never be separated Aiden.” I said while practically yelling that last part.

I started crying and then arms wrapped round me and held me. Aiden was rubbing my back trying to clam me down. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the bathroom and set me down on my counter next to the sink. He got a tissue and started whipping away the tears and the make up running down my face. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.
“Thanks Aiden”

“You’re welcome Eacy. Or do you want me to call you shadow?” He said while smiling. I laughed a little bit.

“You can call me what ever you want other than that little nickname you gave me when we were little.” I said while looking at him.

“Oh wait what was that name again? Oh yeah Drowner. I won’t. I have grown up since then.” He smiled and helped me down from the counter. We walked back down stairs and then Luna came running up to us
“Where have you been the fire works are about to start.” She said while panting.

“Crap we will be out side in a second.” I said to her and she nodded and walked away back out side.

I grabbed Aiden’s hand and pulled him up to the attic. We got up there and I opened the big window that faced the back yard. We sat down and looked out the window. We saw the others sitting on the grass along with my parents. Then all of a sudden the fire works were going off. The fireworks went off for a while until it ended. Everybody came back in side and my parents went to bed when we went back downstairs to the basement. When we got to the basement everybody as there already doing what they did before.
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OMG IM SO SORY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING!!! :( ik ik u can hate me idc. ok all i have is 1 commenter, 2 subscribers, and like 12 readers. oh nd yea i kno its long once again idc
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thank u for commenting and bcuz u were the only 1 to do so this chapter is dedicated to u. Comments = updates
dont make me throw my flying monkies at u O.O