Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Gerard sighed contently and sat down on the soft couch, grateful for the opportunity to rest his weary feet. He rubbed his tired eyes as soft, instrumental music filled the room. Hearing various noises coming from the kitchen made him smile softly as he imagined his wife fixing something up for dinner. It seemed like the picture perfect home setting that he’d always hoped for, minus the fact that he’d told Lyn not to worry about dinner, and that he’d cook instead. As a response, she’d just rolled her eyes and playfully pushed him to the couch. Oh well…

With The Umbrella Academy being released all over the country, he’d been quite busy with signings, various meetings, and writing the second issue while he took a well deserved break from the road and touring. Running his fingers through his black hair, Gerard closed his eyes for a moment and relaxed as he leaned back in his seat.

“Hey mister, don’t you go falling asleep, now…” Lyn’s voice jolted him into a further state of awareness, and he opened his eyes to see that she now stood in front of him, a hint of a smile on her lips, and her hands placed on her hips. Gerard smirked as he forced himself to sit up, and he shook his head.

“I wouldn’t dare.” Gerard stood up from the couch and circled his arms around her waist as he planted a soft kiss on her lips. Lyn pulled back and smiled at him, almost taunting him with her teasing, playful smile, before she freed herself from his grasp and retreated back to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder that dinner was almost ready.

Gerard’s smirk turned into a genuine smile as he watched the open door to the kitchen. Shaking his head, Gerard sat back down on his couch and grabbed the comic book closest to him. As the smells of what he knew was going to be a delicious dinner filled the air, he filled his mind with comic-book adventures, all the while thinking what he knew to be true.

This was home.


Quietly, Jamia pushed herself up on one elbow, her eyes focused only on Frank's face. He was sleeping soundly beside her, and carefully, she brushed some of his black hair out of his face. He didn’t wake up, but continued sleeping, a small smile on his face.

Planting a soft kiss on his forehead, Jamia got out of the bed, being careful enough not to wake him up. She tensed, and paused in mid-movement when Frank moved slightly in his sleep, and muttered something under his breath that Jamia could only decipher as "No…no pink tour bus, Gerard…" Jamia shot one last (rather confused) smile at her sleeping fiancé before she snuck out of the room.

The smell of fresh coffee soon filled the kitchen. Jamia took her cup and sipped from it as she thought about the past months. Frank hadn't been home since they left for The Black Parade tour, and it felt wonderful to finally have him back. Even in that week before they left for Projekt Revolution, they hadn't had much time of their own, with Frank being sidetracked by being the management of Skeleton Crew…and then there was Frank's current side-project, Leathermouth, to think of, as well.

Hearing the door of their bedroom open, Jamia grinned and took another cup from the cupboard, filling it with the fresh coffee and giving it to Frank the moment he reached the kitchen. Frank smiled at her and yawned, rubbing his tired eyes before he said his thanks and took a sip from the hot drink.

Jamia began to think and frowned a little as she realized that Frank was only home for a month, more or less; afterwards, he would be touring for at least a big part of what was left of the year. It almost didn’t seem fair, that he was denied the privilege of being able to spend more time at home, but she couldn’t blame him for it; she would never be able to, or want to, take touring away from him. He lived for it, and she’d long ago accepted that it was a part of him.

“What’s the matter?” Frank asked, just now noticing the somewhat thoughtful expression that had crossed his beautiful fiancé’s features. Jolted from her thoughts, Jamia shrugged and offered him a sure smile.

“Oh, nothing…just think about the future,” she said, sipping from her coffee, her eyes the only part of her face that were visible from over the cup’s rim. It didn’t matter; those eyes were filled with such love, and such happiness…it was almost infectious, and Frank found himself unable to stop a smile from spreading across his lips.

Frank laughed, wrapping his arms around her (while being mindful of their matching coffee cups), and hugging her lovingly. Jamia smiled and placed her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. She’d missed moments like this, where they could be truly alone; even when she was on tour with the band, being with him like this on a tour bus just wasn’t the same.

“I’m so glad to be home,” Frank whispered in her hair as Jamia buried her head in his chest. Jamia nodded and closed her eyes, taking in the small moment between her and her fiancé.

He had been gone for almost the whole year, and even though she’d accompanied him some of the way, she couldn’t help but miss him. Jamia’s smile wouldn’t disappear from her lips now, however. It didn’t matter where he was in the world at any time; she knew that he would always stay with her.


Mikey smiled to himself as he pulled Alicia closer to his body, one arm firmly around her shoulders as his other hand guided the wheel of the car he was driving. Snuggling deeper in her coat, Alicia yawned a little. She frowned, looking at her watch.

It was only midnight; normally she was still wide awake at this hour. Mikey noticed her sudden silence but ignored it; they were both tired and on their way back to their apartment at the border of New York City. The silence surrounded them as the half-full moon shone upon them, yet neither minded this one bit.

Mikey smiled a little as their apartment building came to view. Planting a soft kiss on the crown of Alicia's head, she snuggled closer to him for warmth, as the fall was taking over the country.

Alicia quickly picked up Bunny the moment she entered the small apartment, cuddling her as Pumpkin soon came to search for attention with Mikey. He picked up the cat and caressed her small head as he made his way towards the kitchen. Alicia however, had read his mind before and was already in the kitchen, preparing a fresh pot of coffee.

He smiled brightly at his wife and gave her a loving kiss on the lips. Alicia returned the gesture, and sat down on the table instead of the chair while Bunny sat next to her. Stroking Bunny's head, Alicia chuckled a little when the small cat purred and moved to sit on her lap. Mikey smiled brightly and poured himself a cup of the fresh coffee before he gave another cup to Alicia.

Wordlessly, Alicia took the cup from Mikey's hands and took a large sip out of it. Mikey leaned against the counter on the other side of the kitchen, lost in thoughts as he gazed at his beautiful wife. Alicia noticed his gaze and felt a blush rise on her cheeks. Mikey smiled softly and placed his, already empty, cup down and walked to his wife.

Mikey walked towards her, standing between her legs as he reached out for another kiss. His arms picked her up from the table and spun her around, causing Alicia to giggle a little before Mikey placed her back on the ground and giving her a passionate kiss. Alicia pulled back from the kiss and looked Mikey straight in the eye.

“I love you,” Mikey whispered softly, though he needn’t have even voiced it at this moment. Alicia looked a little surprised by the sudden words before she threw her arms around Mikey's neck and pulled him closer to her.

It was good to be home.


Christa leaned against the door frame, a smile gracing her lips as she watched her boyfriend work. Ray had his back turned towards her, his guitar safely against him as his fingers trailed up and down the cords. She sighed contently. This image never ceased to bring with it a feeling of comfort, though she never knew why. Ray with his music, music and Ray…they fit, and she never tired of watching him work.

He probably had no idea she was standing there but she didn't really care. She loved watching him play, even if it was only some practice. Ray stopped playing and looked up, his eyes directed at the wall in front of him; it seemed he had sensed that someone was there.

Christa chuckled a little and walked up behind him, letting her arms encircle his neck from behind before she placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

“Once again, my feelings were right on,” Ray laughed softly. Christa frowned a little and turned around so she could face him. Ray looked at her, smiling with his eyes as he placed his guitar next to him before he pulled her on his lap and gave her a loving kiss on the lips.

“Oh really, then why didn't you stop earlier?” Christa asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms in front of her chest. Ray chuckled again and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

“How long have you been standing there exactly?” Ray asked eventually, after some comfortable, peaceful silence had passed between them. Christa smirked, and stood up before she bended back down and gave Ray a final kiss on the lips.

“Why don't you try to figure that out, while I go and get some coffee?” She asked in a teasing tone before she walked out of the room, leaving Ray alone with his thoughts.


Bob entered his small house in Chicago and couldn’t help but smile as the warmth enveloped him, mixed with the smell of what he thought to be, perhaps, a freshly-baked cake. He quickly closed the door behind him so as not to let in the cold, and placed his bags down next to the door before he followed the scent. The kitchen, however, was deserted except for a, probably still warm, cake on the table. Bob smiled and walked over to the table, reaching out for the food.

“I thought I heard something. And hands off the cake, mister.” Bob pretended to grimace, caught in the act, and turned to face the owner of the light, playful voice. She’d just walked through the other doorway and was smiling, pulling her sweater closer around her body, as though to shield herself from a nonexistent cold. Bob grinned at her, and within an instant he’d enveloped her in a hug, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“I'm so glad you're home,” she whispered in his chest as Bob held her close, rubbing small circles across her back to warm her up in some way.

“I'm home now. I'm not leaving you again,” said Bob quietly. “For some time...” he quickly added since they both knew that he would leave back on tour eventually. The brown-haired girl chuckled and looked in his blue eyes before she gave Bob another kiss on the lips.

“Now…how about a piece of that cake over there?” she asked knowingly, a small smirk on her lips. Bob laughed softly and kissed her again.

“I thought you'd never ask.”
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Beta : Jinxeh
Couples: Gerard/Lyn-Z; Frank/Jamia; Mikey/Alicia; Ray/Christa; Bob/unknown.