Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Missed Your Skin When You Were East

Fantastic Posing Greed

As the plane descended on a runway in Las Vegas, I let out a deep breath.

I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this. But I needed to be. I needed to get over the past and learn to move on. I needed to do this for not only myself, but mainly for Aiden. He’s 7 years old and he’s so confused on whose he’s supposed to call his dad.

Aiden was asleep next to me, and I hate to wake him up, but it was time to go back. As we walked off the plane and to the gate, I felt as if we were going through a time warp and going back two years to where we left off. But of course that’s ridiculous, so much has changed.
I walked through the gate and I saw Ryan and Alli standing there. Alli had a big old rock on her hand and the other holding Ryan’s hand. They had gotten engaged while I was gone, but she wanted to wait until I got back to get married, I guess she knew I would come back eventually.

The second she saw me, she ran right at me and nearly made me fall back.

“You can never ever leave again. At least not without me” She whispered in my ear, I thought she might be crying, but I brushed it off.


We were at new apartment. Everything felt new and exciting. Though I had brought all my old furniture from my last apartment and even some stuff from my old house in Vegas, it felt like a clean slate.

Alli insisted I had a home warming party, inviting everyone. She said I should even invite Brendon and Spencer, although the guys haven’t really talked in ages, they both broke off into different bands. It only meant things were going to be even more awkward then they could have been.

I was worried about being in the same room as them, let alone at the same time. They both still have the ability to make me go weak at the knees with the mere mention of their name. I mean, Pete is friends with the both of them, and when he would bring up one of them, I would nearly cry. I can’t even imagine myself in the room with them.

I was ordering pizza and Alli made cake for everyone. I’m sure someone is going to bring booze; it was going to be one hell of a party.


These people were driving me crazy. Even with me constantly drinking, it wasn’t enough for me to block out him. Of course he brought her with him, they are married. But he insisted on coming to see his son, who he didn’t call or come to visit the whole time we were in New York. But he did come to the party early.

This party had turned into more than just a house warming party, it seemed like everybody and their brother are here. There were people here I didn’t even know, but I was too drunk to give a shit.

Don’t worry all those out there with their hands searching for their phone to call social services on me, my mom came and picked up Aiden a couple of hours ago, before the alcohol came. She hasn’t seen him since we either, she was more than happy to take him for the night.

Also he’s here. And you have no idea how bad I want to jump his bones right here and now. My constant increase of alcoholic beverages makes the probabilities of that happening very very likely!!!!


I woke the next morning and felt like shit. My head was spinning. I was in my bed and I was fully dressed. I felt a wave of relief go through me, I didn’t hook up with anyone especially him or even him last night. I rolled over, and suddenly I didn’t feel quite as calm when I noticed another male body that is extremely familiar. Oh, how mistaken I was.
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fyi- story is permanently in lily's pov.
also i hate this layout, it will be changing soon. especially if someone makes me a banner (hink hink wink wink)
please let me know what you think and who you think lily's in bed with?????