Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Missed Your Skin When You Were East

Then We Should Feed Our Jewelry To The Sea

I began to nudge the familiar body repeatedly.

“Come on. Wake up.” I said quite loudly while shaking the sleeping body.

I was so desperate to wake this person up. I needed answers as to what happened and as I can’t remember much, this person would help me a lot.

“Please Please Please wake up!” I almost yelled, still shaking the poor person.
Their eyes finally opened.

“Gee, what the hell. I have a headache worst than ever. And I’m woken to be shaken and yelled at.”

“Sorry, I just can’t remember much at all last night, and I was kind of hoping you could help me in that department.”

“Oh sorry, well last night you had this awesome and Ryan invited me because we’re friends. And throughout the evening I assume you downed mass amounts of alcohol because you were all over the place and slurring and whatnot. So I decided to not let anyone that advantage you, so I took you your bedroom and laid you down and sang you to sleep, though it didn’t take long because you were on the verge of passing out anyway.” he breathed out

“Oh, well thank you.” I said moving closer to him and planting a kiss on his check. I noticed him blush ever so slightly.

“Any time, I wouldn’t want some horrible person to corrupt my lovely Lily.” He said taking my hand in his.

I giggled. Then realized the position we’re in.

“Now what’s going to happen to us?”

“Well, we’re going to go out in the living room, look at the damage from the party, call Alli and Ryan to make them clean up, and we should probably pick up Aiden.”

“As good as a plan as that sounds, I meant our relationship.”

“Well, I figured you meant that, but really that’s up to you and time.”

“Oh, hear you sounding all smart and stuff.”

“Yeah, I read a couple of books while you were gone.”

I laughed. I didn’t know what do to next.

“So what do we do?”

“Well I want to shower and whatnot. You call and Alli and Ryan make them come over here, right now.”

He shot me one of his famous smiles and started to walk out of the room.

I followed him and then turned toward the bathroom. Before closing the door, yelled down the hall: “Hey”

He turned and smiled at me with a questioning look.

“Thank you for everything.”

He then just gave me a wink and walked to the rest of my disheveled house.

All I could think about was how lucky I was to have Jon Walker back in my life and how happy he made me so easily.

After Alli and Ryan had come over, picking up Aiden on their way. We cleaned what felt like days. In reality, it was only an hour or two.

I knew this because Jon and Ryan started bitching about how they were going to miss their “shows”. We decided to take a break and order pizza.

I was happy to be back.

I had missed this. This happiness I had lacked in New York. Granted the Wentzs and Cobra had made me happier than I was when I left Vegas (and slightly more of a party animal), I could never be more haippy then when I’m with my best friend, her soon to be husband, and the two people I love the most right now.

I life could not get better.

But then I remember the stress of life. Like finding a job, getting Aiden into school here, the fact that Alli has no wedding plans, that fact that I want to be with Jon forever, and that Jon and Ryan will be going shortly to record and then eventually tour.

This continuum never ends.

The only thing that makes it ok is love.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's short and fluffy....(too easy for sooo make jokes, feel free to leave yours in the comments)
but yes. it was jon.
comment and tell me what you want to happen.
i love all of you.