Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Missed Your Skin When You Were East

Just Like Broken Glass To Me

Tonight Jon is taking me out to dinner.

It is also the last night before they go away to record the album.

Six whole months they’re going to be gone.

And I don’t know how I’m going to handle Jon being gone. And I know it sounds strange, since it’s been such a short period of time I’ve been back, but it’s Jon. He’s picked up Aiden everyday from school, we’ve been going to the movies or whatever every weekend, hanging-out with me and Alli and Ryan, and he cooks.

My life, to put it simply, wouldn’t be the same without Jon.

But he was leaving

And I had no idea, yet, on where our relationship, if you can call it that, stood.

Jon still hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend. I would consider us dating, seeing as he sleeps over my house from time to time and we both know we love each other.

Apparently Jon is taking me somewhere fancy. He told me to wear a dress.

Aiden was sleeping over a friend’s house tonight.

Jon was going to be here in a matter of minutes. I was freaking out on the inside. I was so anxious, I was in a panic.

I mean, why didn’t Jon just want to stay here? Why was he taking me somewhere fancy?

I began to breathe irregularly, just as the doorbell rang.

I took a huge breath and opened the door. There was Brendon. I just looked at him confused.

“Well you look all fancy.” He said with a smirk, my knees went a little weak.

I chuckled “What are you doing here Brendon?” Jon was going to be here any minute and was not going to be happy you being here.

“Oh, well I was hoping to see my son tonight.”

“He’s sleeping at a friend’s house. If you really want to go ruin his evening I can give the address and you pick him up. But I’m pretty sure he’ll hate you for quite a while.”

“Fine. Fine. Can I pick up tomorrow at least?”

“Yeah, that actually works out. Jon’s leaving tomorrow, so I’ll be busy.”

“Oh ok…” there was an awkward silence and he looked down at his shoes, fumbled with his glasses and then looked up. “Well I’m gonna go, it’s getting kind of late. See you whenever.” And he turned after giving me a small wave.

I waved back and whispered “bye”

I slammed the door and sat back down on the couch with sigh. Why did men have to be so complicated? Why can’t Brendon just stay away like he said was going to? Or stay like he promised way before that?

I was on the brink on of tears.

Not that I got a chance to cry, seeing the doorbell rang again

I opened the door this time to see what I’ve been waiting for. Jon Walker standing there in suit with flowers in his hands, looking a little less happy then I like to see him, but I was happy to see him all the same.

“Hey Jon, come in. Let me put those in some water.” I said as I opened the door more for him to come in.

He entered, handed me the flowers and followed me silently into the kitchen.

“So what’s up?” I said filling a vase with water.

“Nothing” he whispered out.

“Jon, is something the matter?” I said as I placed the flowers in the vase.

“It’s nothing, I just mean. Well, there is something, but it’s nothing and not really any of business. But it bothers me all the same…”

“JON!” I raised my voice interrupting him, “What the hell is the matter?” I was now facing him.

“Well, umm, what was Brendon doing here? I saw his car pulling out right as I pulled in.”

“Oh well, he just came over to get Aiden, but I told him Aiden was sleeping over a friend’s house. And then he left.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah, pretty much. Oh, and he’s picking up Aiden from his friend’s house tomorrow. That’s it.”

“OK” he sighed. He suddenly seemed at ease. Wait was Jon, jealous. No, not Jon, he doesn’t ever really feel those stupid man feelings like that.

I pushed it out of my mind and walked back to the living room and grabbed my coat. Jon grabbed my hand and led me out the door; I grabbed my keys and wallet on the way out.


Apparently Jon had made some reservations at some restaurants.

That’s way we were now sitting in some private room in the restaurant. He knew I hated being near other people.

We were on our main course. Yeah, it’s that fancy of a joint.

It was some pasta dish covered in cheese, it was delicious.

Jon hadn’t talked too much during the meal. I had talked plenty, but he just quietly nodded. It’s almost like he seemed nervous, which a ridiculous notion, Jon is the most calm, confident person I know.

I finished my meal and looked up at him, still eating. He looked adorable, but still a man. He had let his hair grow longer and a beard had begun to grow on his face. I found both to be extreme sexy.

It took him a couple of minutes to finish and look up at me.

He just smiled.

He took my hands. I got butterflies in my tummy.

“Lily, you know how I feel about you. Right?”

I smiled. It was cute to see him this nervous and uncomfortable. That was usually my role.

“Yeah, that you’re kind of crazy about me.”

He chuckled to himself. “Yeah something like that.” He looked back up at me. “I was um wondering, if you um felt the same, I mean you don’t have to be crazy or anything but you know if you felt like you wanted to be with me, that would be more than enough. And if you wanted to be my girlfriend, like officially. Cause I’m not exactly”

“Jon!” I interrupted him.

He looked up at me surprised.

I leaned across the table and kissed him.

I whispered into his “I feel exactly the same and I would be honored to be your girlfriend.”

The smile on his face was something I hoped would help me make through the next six months.
♠ ♠ ♠
updating :)
please comment.
i know it seems like team jon is winning, but brendon will prevail in the next couple of chapters, so don't be too angry at me.
i love you guys
(i want the same amount of comments as last time)