Status: done :]

Blame It


She gulped down her seventh glass of ‘bubbly,’ and tugged on her husbands tattooed arm in an attempt to dance. He tugged his arm back, took a swig of his beer and said, “you go ahead Baby.” She shrugged and made her way to the center of the dance floor. She rocked her hips back and forth, dropped down low, and grinded up on strangers. Pressed against the masses of hot sweaty bodies, she felt beautiful, special, there was no way to describe how amazing the music made her thin body feel. Se swayed her hips in a provocative manner and glanced over at her husband.

“Blame it on the A-A-A-A-Alcohol…”

The blood rushed to her face, he was talking to his ex, that bitch. She balled up her fists, clenched her teeth and stormed over. “get away from my man.” The brunette seemed confused by the others outburst, she simply smiled “hey A-” “I said fuck off bitch,” the red head shouted creating a small scene. The brunette blushed, “I’m sorry I just wanted to say hi, and congratulations on the marriage,” she gave one last glance at the man with dark hair before turning to leave. “That’s right Bitch,” the red head shouted, “"I hope you know, the whole time you were dating Pete, I was fucking him!" Proud of what had just gone down, she dropped herself on her husbands lap. He shoved her off, “what the fuck?” she merely shrugged her thin shoulders “I’m willing to throw down for my man.” He sighed and pushed his dark hair out of his face, She placed a sloppy kiss on his forehead. “Ash back off,” he stated realizing how small, crowded, and hot the club was, he needed air. She backed away seething with rage, “you’re embarrassing me.” He scoffed at the comment, and threw a wad of bills at her, “get yourself home.” He then stumbled out onto the street where he hailed a yellow cab.

“Blame it on the booze…..”

He observed the cab driver a few seconds before getting into the cab, “you have big hair” he said commenting on the drivers voluminous fro. The driver smiled aware of the passenger’s drunkenness, “where to?” “do you mind if my friend shares the cab with you he’s totally wasted,” A thin man with long reddish-brown hair and a lip piercing asked. The dark haired man shook his head, “no not at all.” “thanks,” the man with long hair, said before shoving his friend into the cab. “but Andy I dun wanna go home!” the pudgy man shouted out the window. The driver turned, “where to fellas?” The dark haired man couldn’t remember where he lived, he shrugged and looked at the pudgy man in hopes he knew where he was going. “the Park!” he exclaimed. The buildings seemed to zoom by, the dark haired man snickered as the pudgy man sang Beyonce’s ’single ladies.’ The driver chuckled and sang along, soon the dark haired man felt comfortable enough to join in. The three laughed it up until the cab came to a halt, “that’ll be 26 dollars.” The dark haired man shoved his hand into his skin tight jeans and retrieved two twenties, and shoved him in the drivers face. "keep the change," he mumbled before shoving the pudgy man out the cab. The dark haired man walked over to a park bench and clumsily sat down. The pudgy man stumbled over his feet and sat on the bench. The dark haired man held his hand out, “Hi I’m Pete.” “I’m Patrick, holy crap you’re married to the pretty lady.” “huh?” Pete asked unsure what he was talking about. “Ashlee Simpson, duh” Patrick slurred. Pete frowned and remembered why he was on a park bench at two in the morning with a complete stranger, “oh her.” Patrick nodded and began to sing once more, “You make me wanna la la in the kitchen on the floor I'll be a French maid when I meet you at the door...” “please stop,” Pete said cutting him off. The two males spoke about their troubles, how one was married to a pop singer and trying to make it as a writer, how the other was trying to break into the music industry, and was struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. They had finally run out of things to say and settled for staring at the desolate park.

“…got you feeling loose.”

Patrick turned and took in Pete’s features, his strong jaw, his muscular tattooed arms, the dark floppy hair that looked like it had been cut wrong. He found himself staring at Pete’s dark bushy eyebrows, and how they almost met at the middle, like a black bird ready to take flight. What he liked most about Pete’s appearance was his brown eyes, most brown eyes were dull and common. Pete’s eyes were bright full of life, worry, and a bit of mischief. Pete caught him staring, normally Patrick would have turned away and turned a bright shade of crimson, but the alcohol running through his veins made him feel invincible and gave him the courage to attach his lip onto Pete’s. Pete was shocked at first, but he gave in easily and kissed back, it wasn’t uncommon for him to kiss other males, for he adhered to a strict above the belt policy.

“…got you feeling dizzy.”

The sun was beating down on the two sleeping figures, as mothers warned their children to avoid the drunks. Patrick felt something wet in his ear and awoke to find a stray dock licking him, his hands instantly went to his head, it felt as if a jackhammer were pounding on his skull. Feeling all the movement beside him Pete woke up and felt like everything was spinning. “Morning,” Patrick whispered. Pete turned his blood shot eyes onto his companion, “oh hey, is it just me or is everything spinning?” Patrick nodded. The two man sat in silence until they felt well enough to walk and not topple over. “It was fun hanging out” Pete said politely. Patrick nodded in agreement, “you too man, sorry about kissing you I was just a little tipsy.” Pete gave a dismissive nod, “your voice is amazing by the way.” “thanks,” Patrick answered, turning a slight shade of crimson. “we should hang out again, maybe I could convince Ash to talk to one of her producer buddies for you.” Patrick’s blue-green eyes lit up “really?” Pete nodded, “yeah.” “Maybe,” Patrick’s voice lowered, “I could read one of your books, or you could help me write my lyrics.” The two had an animated discussion on what would be. Pete’s phone broke the discussion, “hello?…oh hey babe….yeah don’t worry I’ll be home soon…I love you too.” Patrick smiled, “so you gotta go huh?” “yeah, but we should swap numbers.” They traded phones and input the information, they said their goodbyes and headed in opposite directions, both men wondering what it would be like to have the other as a friend, yet knowing they would never call the other.
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gah i hate this ending...

but thanks for reading