Status: short story, complete



"Alright, Bella, it's your time to shine." I said, grinning down at my cousin. She took in a deep breath, nodding up at me and flashing a thumbs up.

"Okay, any more questions?" Kevin, on stage, asked, smiling as the crowd screamed. I lifted Bella into the air, her balancing on my hands. She wobbled slightly.

"Use those future cheerleader legs, Bell!" I said up to her.

"Any one?" Kevin's eyes finally drifted in Bella's direction.

"ME!" She yelled. "IHAVEAQUESTION!" She screamed quickly.

"Okay, cutie. What's your question?" Joe said, smiling. Her knees shook slightly, nerves getting to her.

"Careful!" Kevin said. She stiffened, wide eyes blinking.

"Uh-uh, c-can me and my cousin s-sing with you?" What did she say? I wasn't apart of this!

"Of course!" Kevin grinned. "Come on up here." I dropped her down, cheerleader style, and gave her a bewildered look.

"You're only supposed to go up!"

"I panicked!" She grabbed my hand. "I can't go up alone. Please?" She flashed her award winning puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

"Fine. If I faint, it's your fault." She rolled her eyes, dragging me over. Someone was handing Kevin a guitar, so I yelled; "Wait!" And ran the rest of the way. He gave me a confused stare. "I didn't want it to get in the way." I grinned. He laughed, pulling me in for a hug. Holy God above. I nearly melted right then and there. I hugged him back, letting go of Bella's hand.

"Uh, Bri. Can I hug him now?" I pulled away.

"Right, right. Yeah." I blushed. I shuffled over to Joe.

"What's your name?" He said into the mic, then held it out to me.

"Brianna." I squeaked.

"May I call you Bri?"

"Call her Bri Bri!" Bella called. I shot her a look.

"Bri Bri, huh?" He grinned. "Cute. Very cute."

"Thanks." I said, shocked, as he hugged me. Nick was holding a guitar, but took it off and placed it on the keyboard. He sent me a shy smile, myself returning it. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his going around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest. Unknown to me, he closed his eyes, his grip tightening a little. For a moment, we just stood there. Until Joe spoke up.

"Earth to lovebirds, come in lovebirds, over?"

"Read you loud and clear, Joe. Over." I replied, pulling away. He beamed.

"Are you ready to sing now, over?"

"I think so. Are you, Bella? Over."

"Yes!" She replied, quickly adding, "Over."

"What song, over?"

"Okay, seriously, guys? Stop with the over." Kevin said.

"Okay, over." I said, winking at him. He smiled, rolling his eyes slightly. Bella tugged on my pants leg. I bent down beside her.

"What song should we sing?"

"I dunno! I thought you were picking." I kept my voice hushed.

"I thought you were!"

"I like secrets, too." Joe copied our voices, speaking into the mic. The crowd laughed.

"Well." I started, standing straight. "We have a problem."


"We don't what to sing." He gasped.

"Oh, no." He said in mock horror. "Whatever shall we do, Nicholas?"

"Let the crowd pick?" He suggested, pulling his guitar back on. I ran my fingers lightly over the strings, smiling. I looked up, blushing as he smiled at me.

"Alright, you heard the adorable duo." Kevin said. "What song do you guys wanna hear?" They began screaming out titles, all coming out jumbled together. "This may be a little harder than I thought."

"TURN RIGHT!" Someone yelled.

"I like Turn Right." I said, having heard them.

"Me too!" Bella agreed.

"You know the words?" Nick asked. "All of them?" He was so close, so close. He was leaning so I could hear him, away from the mic stand, whispering to me. I shivered, his breath tickling my ear.

"Y-Yeah." I said. Bella giggled, then said something to Joe.

"Oh, totally." He agreed, winking in our direction. I gave Nick a look of confusion, but he simply shrugged. Joe sat cross legged on the floor of the stage beside Bella, pulling her into his lap. The crowd Aww'ed loudly. The music began, and I grew suddenly nervous.

"Pick up all your tears
Throw them in the backseat
leave without a second glance
But somehow I'm to blame for this never ending racetrack you call life..."

Nick sang softly, watching me. Was I supposed to sing now? He tilted the mic closer to me. I paled, shaking my head. He gave me a worried stare before Joe started, catching the right place.

"So turn right
into my arms
turn right
you wont be alone
you might
fall off this track sometimes
hope to see you on the finish line."

"Sorry." I apologized. He offered a smile.

"You're driving all your friends out
to a speed you cannot follow
and soon you will be on your own
but somehow I'm to blame for this never ending racetrack you call life."

Bella started belting out lyrics, grinning widely.

"Turn right
into my arms
turn right
you won't be alone
you might
fall off this track sometimes
hope to see you at the finish line."

Joe hugged her, matching her smile. He looked at me and I sent him a look, signaling him not to sing the next chorus. He somehow understood, nodding.

"I did all I could
and I gave everything
but you had to go your way
and that road was not for me."

I took in a deep breath, leaning in for the mic. Nick grinned.

"So turn right
into my arms
turn right
you wont be alone
you might
fall off this track sometimes
hope to see you at the finish line."

Nick had messed up a note, I noticed, as I started. Did I really suck that bad? The crowd screamed and cheered and I grew self conscious. I swallowed, messing with the hem of my shirt. Nick's guitar was back on the keyboard and his arms were around me, tight. I froze slightly, surprised, before hugging back.

"You have a beautiful voice." He murmured. I gasped.

"W-What?" I stuttered. "You-You really think so?"

"Mmhmm." He buried his face in my shoulder, and I felt his eyes close as he breathed in. As he slowly pulled back, the surroundings faded away, and it was just me and him. I didn't want him to let go. I mimicked his action; burying my face into his shoulder. He chuckled softly, pulling me closer.

"Shhh, guys, they're having a moment." Joe said into the mic, to the crowd who were making obnoxious noises and yelling. I giggled against the fabric of Nick's shirt. "Yo, Kev, cue the music." Kevin listened and began strumming his guitar. Nick's hands dropped to my waist and he began moving us in circles, dancing. I placed my hands on his shoulders. "You're a wonderful dancer, Bella!" I heard Joe say. I looked over, laughing as they spun in wide circles, hands clasped together.

"Why, thank you!" She giggled. I turned to Nick, seeing him staring at me.

"What?" I bit my lip. He smiled.

"Nothing." He pulled me closer, moving in smaller circles then Joe and Bella. Our dance was, dare I say it, romantic, while theirs was playful.

"You're all really good dancers and everything," Kevin started, no longer playing. "But we've got a soundcheck to finish, you know?"

"I totally forgot!" Joe teased, smacking his forehead with his free hand, his other arm holding Bella. The crowd, which I forgot was even there, was getting restless.

"Oh." I pulled back, disappointed. "I, uh, guess we should go now, then."

"No!" Bella exclaimed, lip quivering. "I wanna stay with Joey!"

"Awww, Bella." Joe said, smiling sadly. He hugged her, rubbing her back as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, Kevin, can't they stay?" He cracked.

"Well." Kevin said. "They could sit on the drums platform." He suggested, nodding at the unoccupied space.

"Can we?" I asked, exited, eyes sparkling up at Nick.

"Of course." He answered softly. I bit my lip sheepishly, pulling from his arms. His hands stayed on my hips for a moment before he smiled and let go. Me and Bella sat down, my eyes not leaving Nick's until he turned to answer someone's question.

"He likes you." Bella sang. I scoffed.

"Does not."

"And you like him."

"I do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Girls." Joe spoke. We stopped, looking. "You're both adorable, but you need to be-" He put a finger to his lips, "quiet."

"Oh." I blushed. "Sorry."

"Sorry, Joey!" Bella grinned. He couldn't resist smiling back before looking to the crowd. "Nick's looking at you." Bella whispered. I glanced at him. Indeed, he was. I cocked an eyebrow at him. His cheeks tinted pink and he turned away. Bella laughed. "Told you."

"Shut up."


This whole evening had been surprising, but what shocked me most was that me and Bella got to stay when everyone else left. We were all in their dressing room. Joe and Bella were getting closer by the second. They were just like each other; hyper & loud. Kevin sat on the smaller couch, me and Nick on the bigger one, beside each other. We hadn't been this close 10 minutes ago, I'm sure. I'd noticed him inching closer, but didn't say anything about it. His hand brushed mine every few minutes, but I kept that to myself, too.

"Bri Bri?" Bella asked as Joe said something to Kevin.


"Do we have to leave?"

"Well, uh." I scratched my neck, sighing. "Eventually."

"I don't want to." She pouted.

"Neither do I, Bell, but we have to."

"Why? Can't we stay with them?"

"I wish." I said quietly.

"Bellaaaaa!" Joe exclaimed, grabbing her from behind. "It's the tickle monster!" He growled, tickling her. She squealed. Nick's hand finally grasped mine, using this as a distraction, maybe hoping I wouldn't notice. I did.

"Ahh! Joey, stop it!"

"Say Joe is the coolest Jonas Brother!"

"No! Kevin's the coolest!"

"Whoo!" Kevin punched the air. "Thanks, Bella!"

"Say it!" He continued tickling her. She was crying from laughing so hard. She finally cracked and said it.

"Joe is the coolest Jonas Brother!" Joe stopped.

"Aw, thanks Bella." He smiled cheekily. She huffed, sticking her tongue out at him. "I'll make tongue soup!" He threatened.

"No!" She squeaked, covering her mouth.

"They're so cute." I said, smiling as they fooled around.

"Yeah." Nick answered. "I really don't wanna be here when you two have to leave." He sighed.

"She's gonna be really upset." I said quietly. "I will be, too." He squeezed my hand.

"Come on." He pulled me up. "Walk with me. Talk with me." He winked. I giggled, letting him lead me to the door.

"Where ya goin?" Joe asked.

"For a walk." Nick answered.

"Don't get into any trouble, you hear me?" Joe wagged his finger. "I mean it!"

"Yes, sir." I said, grinning as we left. Nick closed the door with his free hand before we started down the hall. We were quiet for a while. "So..."

"You have an amazing voice." He blurted out. I blushed.

"Thank you." I chewed on my lip as he stopped walking. I looked at him in confusion, head tilting. He released my hand, running it through his hair. I leaned back, against the wall, watching him in curiosity. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah." He answered, walking toward me.

"Uh, w-wanna t-talk about it?" I stuttered as he grew closer.

"No." He whispered, pushing his hips into mine, pressing his hands against the wall beside my head. I gasped. I was trapped.


"Don't say anything." He murmured, making my breath hitch in my throat. I swallowed, moving my hands to his sides, leaving them there. He stood, pressed up against me, for a long while. He had moved his face to my shoulder a moment ago, and I now found him lightly kissing the skin. I shivered. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked.

"I-I.." I licked my lips. "No." He pushed more into me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, voice husky. "Please?"

"Uh-huh." His lips covered mine immediately. My knees would of given out if he wasn't holding me so close. I tugged on his shirt, propping myself onto my tippy toes. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his trailing to my waist. I ran my hands through his curls, making him smile against my lips. I leaned against the wall, arching my back against him. He made a noise against my lips, grabbed the back of my head as his tongue grazed my bottom lip. I parted my lips, allowing him to explore. His left hand, on my hip, went under my shirt and behind me, to the small of my back, and he held me close. I started seeing spots from my lack of oxygen and turned my head, breaking the kiss. He kissed down my neck, to the front of my throat. He continued, kissing down my V-neck. I gasped as his lips slipped under the fabric. I moaned. The hand on my back clenched into a fist and he seemed to be having a mental battle as he kissed back up, capturing my lips. His hand left my back, trailing to the back of my thigh. He pulled it up, hooking it to his hip. Without realizing, I grinded against him. He moaned against my mouth, pressing even more into me. He gripped my hair, pulling my head closer to deepen the kiss, when a voice yelled;

"WHOA!" We pulled away. It was Joe. "MAJORLY INAPPROPRIATE!" He covered Bella's eyes, who was again, in his arms. Flustered, I pushed Nick back, straightening my clothes and fixing my hair.

"Bri Bri and Nicky sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Bella giggled, pushing Joe's hand away. "I told you he liked you! Told you so, told you so!"

"Shut up." I mumbled, blushing furiously.

"Well." Kevin cleared his throat. "That was....unexpected." He made a face. "And kinda gross. I really hope I never walk in on one of you making out with someone again." He shook his head.

"Seriously. Poor Bella had to see that."

"Yeah!" Bella agreed. Joe grinned at her.

"There you all are!" A voice said. In walked Mr. Jonas, followed by the young Frankie. Bella became immediately shy and quiet. Joe noticed.

"You like him." He whispered, teasing her.

"Shut up, Joey."

"You like him, you like him."

"Shut up!"

"Nope! You like Fr-"

"Ahhh!" She covered his mouth. "Shh!" A second later, she recoiled in disgust. "He licked my hand!"

"Joseph." Mr. Jonas scolded.

"Sorry." He laughed.

"What have you all been doing?" Paul asked. "I expected you boys to rest before the concert."

"Well, uh." Nick said. "Bri and Bella sang with us and stayed backstage. They're going to the concert."

"Ah." He nodded. "Well, I'm Paul." He offered us smiles. I nodded, returning the gesture. "Is something going on?" He was suspicious, sending me and Nick looks.

"No." Nick shook his head. "Why?"

"Something doesn't seem right."

"Everything's fine, dad." Kevin said.

"Alright. If you say so."

"Hi, I'm Frankie." I heard him say to Bella, who Joe had put down.

"I'm Bella." They shook hands.

"Awww." Me and Joe said. Bella glared, sticking her tongue out.

"That's it!" Joe exclaimed. "I'm making tongue soup!" He charged at her. She screamed, running. "You'll never get away! Mwahahaha!"

"I'll save you!" Frankie ran after them, tackling Joe. Joe fell over dramatically.

"Oh, no! You got me! Uncle, uncle!" I laughed.

"Bri?" Nick took my hand. "Can we talk?"

"Uh." I blushed. "Sure."

"Dad, I need to talk to Bri real fast." He said, pulling me back toward the dressing room.

"Okay." We got the suspicious look again as we turned the corner. He closed the door, sighing.

"Bri, I.." He bit his lip. "I like you." My heart beat sped up.

"I like you, too." He caressed my cheek, smiling.

"You have a beautiful voice and we need a new opening act.." He trailed off. "Bella can come, too, so I thought..."

"Y-You want me to come on tour with you?"

"Well, yeah. If you want to." He blushed. "Do you?"

"Yeah, of course." I nodded quickly. "I'll need to ask my parents and Bella's. Is it okay?"

"It was up to us to find an opening act, so.." He shrugged his shoulder. "I don't see why not." I beamed.

"Wow. I really hope our parents say okay."

"Mhm." He coiled his arms around my waist, brushing his lips against mine. I closed the gap fully, keeping it short. He opened his mouth to object, but the door opening cut him off.

"What's going on here?" His dad asked. "Why are you hugging?" Nick glanced at me through the corner of his eye, an amused glint shining.

"I asked her to be our new opening act." He answered.

"Nicholas, I'm sure she's a lovely girl, but that doesn't mean-"

"She's an amazing singer, dad, really." He interrupted.

"Is she?" He looked at me. "Well, I guess we know who's singing Before the Storm with you at the concert, then."

"Really?" He grinned.

"We'll see if she's amazing as you say." He stepped out.

"Well." I said. "Today was interesting. Come to a soundcheck and-"

"Leave with a boyfriend." He whispered, kissing my neck softly.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh, let me think..." I teased. "You're a good kisser, so sure."

"You're funny." He kissed me. "Very funny."
♠ ♠ ♠
its a oneshot.

it SUCKS. xD