Status: Very Much Active

Devouring You Whole

His eyes caressed her every curb, slowly and carefully, being sure the capture every bit of her.

She placed her middle finger on her bottom cherry red lip, tugging it a little and closing her eyes as she felt the cold night breeze.

He brought one arms arm her waist, carefully wrapping his arm through the silk and placing her on top of the railing.

She looked into his eyes, awaiting his next move as her face moved closer towards his.

He brought his left hand and placed it gently on her cheek feeling the coldness, as he leaned forward even more, noses mili-seconds from touching.

She grinned under his lips and slowly whispered, "catch me if you can", as she slipped from his grasp and fell three floors down.

He cussed under his breath, quickly taking out his gun and pointing it downwards shooting twice.
He had never hated someone so much in his life.


Well hello there.
This story belongs to Moxie.
Vampire Knight, the manga/anime, doesn't.
As much as I shake my fists at God, it's nevah gonna happen.
The character of "Amaya" does belong to me, and is based on Chuey aka Disasterpiece.
Dedication is to her because I have an eternal passionate love for her. :D

Love you, Imouto-chan.
Hope you like it.
