Is This Worth Fighting For?


An: Ahhhhhhhh!!!! This was going to be dedicated to anyone + everyone that has commented or suscribed, but I know one of them + trust me after today it would have ended up being about gay pirates +... some other stuff that I really shouldn't go on about in this chapter...
Tah ducks
xoxoxo <3

Dear Diary,

A thing many possess, yet not a 'talent' that many treasure. In the blink of an eye, the skip of a heartbeat or the click of the fingers the temper can be turned on, impatience escalating, mind fixing together the puzzle that will be the next tantrum. The next tantrum that could destroy a household, a home, a friendship, a relationship or even a life.
It may seem extreme, something that of course could never happen, a life is to the extreme, I'm just taking it too far... Well at least you think so. But then again what would you know, you're just a bit of paper in a book, a book that holds every single dark secret I have ever possessed and ever will.
But you're right... I take everything too far, especially this time, this time I've over-stepped the barrier, the barrier that I thought would never break.
He's gone! Gone! And he's never coming back! He can't come back... even if he wanted to... It's been taken too far, so far that everything's been destroyed, never to be repaired.
All because the impatience sprung once too many times. He always did find it difficult... difficult to be able to take my extreme anger when things took too long, it did always cause him to burst into tears, tears that would flow all night and day. The fault of me and my harsh tongue, unable to contain what I really needed to.
One word too far and for days he'd be in despair, blaming himself for everything and anything, even if he had never touched such a thing. He believed every word that came out of my mouth, he was just so gullable when it came to things like that, he'd believe that he was the most useless being in the world, that no one would ever love him and that with the talent he possessed he'd end up on the streets, alone, cold and homeless.
I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to flip so many times that he got stuck in the constant downward spiral of depression, that my words got drilled into his head and all because a drink took too long to get to me or it took him too long to find something that was long ago lost beneath a pile of junk.

I killed him.

I was his supposed 'best' friend, the one he always wanted to please, the one he'd stick by no matter what and the one that truly was his worst enemy.
I'd do anything to be with you Matt, I'd do anything to turn back time and take it away, anything at all. There will never be a price on how much I need you back.
This is the only place I can write anything, they'll take it away though, searching for those key few words that prove I need to be monitored, prove that we had some kind of suicide pact, but no it was all me.
Matt you will never know the other side of me.
