Is This Worth Fighting For?


They say that running away is the wrong thing to do, that the problems will always just come after you, that no matter what you’ll never escape.
How wrong could all that be?
Well it all depends on who you happen to be talking about and what the situation is.

Sean Smith: Runaway.
A young male that had many reasons to run away, troubled school life, troubled home life, bullying, violence and so many things that would make the most heartless person cringe. These had nothing to do with it though, only one person had anything to do with any of it.
Matthew Davies: Love of his life.
Teen love can be interpreted into any number of things, a foolish mistake, a waste of a life or in the odd occasion the real thing.
As always the two males believed that this was the real thing, a thing that was worth giving up everything, a thing that was worth leaving behind everything they knew and a thing that they were convinced needed nothing but the two of them.

Shivers ran down my spine, the cold was biting at me and the thin blanket did hardly any good, his arms helped the tiniest bit, but I was convinced frost bite was coming.
“Sean?” His voice came out as nothing more than a whisper, yet that simple whisper was enough to light up my entire day. “Do you want my jacket? I can feel you shivering.”
He always was so caring, but I couldn’t take it away from him, no matter how much I thought my limbs were about to fall off.
“No thanks... You need it more than me.” Those words were true, but as my eyes flickered over his face I could easily see that he disagreed a hundred and ten percent. “You think we should get going?”
Well it was hardly safe to stay in the same place for more than a couple of hours, even if at times I never wanted to move again, even if I felt that I couldn’t even move.
“Yeah alright.” He simply replied, a groan escaping from him as he scrambled to his feet, a hand was extended and waved in front of my face, obviously wanting me to take a hold of it.
As I interlinked our fingers together, I half lifted myself up and was half pulled up. In a matter of moments my head was resting against his shoulder, my eyes flickering open and shut in my struggle to try and stay awake. Oh what a familiar scene this was for us.

People don’t understand, people really don’t understand. They have no idea how happy I actually am, how this is only a small payment for getting to stay with the love of my life forever and how I could quite happily stay this way forever. At the moment I imagine people would say it was just the honeymoon stage and that in a month or two I would wish that I was back in the warmth of my home, that was if I even still had a home.
The warmth that overcomes me when I wake up in the morning to his beautiful smile or his gorgeous sleeping figure is truly one of the best feelings in the world. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me through the cold nights is unbelievable, no one can ever understand how I feel. I don’t need all the possessions and a place to call home. I don’t need a million friends and a new boyfriend every week.
All I need is Matthew.
The warmth of the coffee shop was pure heaven at the moment, the night had been bitterly cold and I wished that the blanket had been even a cm thicker.
“Sean? I want to ask you something... Please just think about it and give me a true answer...” He cut off and I knew that I had to reassure him for him to continue.
I was being to get worried about him now and I only hoped that he wasn’t going to break up with me or even consider that we go back home. “Yeah, I promise I’ll be truthful.”
My voice had begun to shake and I knew it, oh please let him stay with me.
“Sean... Will you marry me?”