Status: In progress! We are working on the next chapters for you.

Trying To Find A Place In This World

Scarlet, Will You Marry Me?

Travis told me to get ready for a date tonight. He said to dress nice.

I looked at the time. I should start getting ready. I went to my closet and picked out a hot pink cascade dress from Wet Seal. I set it on my bed and then went to take a shower.

While in the shower I was thinking about the things that could happen tonight. No not sad things all the happy things. I finished my shower and then began to get ready.

I put on my dress then found shoes that would match. I put on my Dolce & Gabbana t-strap heals on. I also put on little make-up and my Chanel No. 5 perfume on. I left my hair curly and put some of it in a slight ponytail. I put on the rings that I got from my grandmother when she died.

She left me her wedding ring. It had a big ruby and was surrounded by diamonds and it was made out of 14kt. white gold. The other ring was a pearl that she got from my grandpa on their 5th year anniversary.

I also put on my Sapphire and diamond, heart necklace that my dad gave me on my 18th birthday and a bracelet that I had.

I was ready to go so I went downstairs noticing that Travis should be getting here soon.

"You look nice, Scarlet." My dad said as I walked downstairs. "Going out with Travis tonight?"

"Yes, I am, Daddy." I said. I'm his little girl while Holly is a mommy's girl.

"He is one lucky man." Dad said.

"And I am one lucky girl." I said. Sure I'm 20 but I still live with my parents and so does my sister who is 22. She is going to move out soon though.

"Scarlet Rose Woods, where do you think your going?" My mother said. Her and I never got along as well as dad and I did.

"I'm 20 years old. I don't need to tell you where I'm going." I said.

"As long as you live in my house you have to tell me." She said. I rolled my eyes. She only treats me like this but not Holly. Holly can live with mom all she wants. With mom it's always Holly this, Holly that. I'm sick of it.

Ding, Dong The doorbell rang throughout the house.

"I got it, Scarlet." Dad said. Dad liked Travis for some reason. I'm glad but it scares me sometimes.

I smiled and waited for Travis to come into the living room. My dad always likes when we sit and talk for a little while. I think he likes that Travis respects him and how Travis treats me.

"Scarlet, you look beautiful." Travis said walking into the room. I smiled at him.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I replied standing up to hug him. I don't like kissing much in front of my dad so we just hugged and sat down on the love seat.

"So what are you two doing tonight?" My dad asked Travis.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?" Travis asked. I groaned. I hate secrets.

"True. I'm sure Scarlet will tell me as soon as she gets home tonight or even tomorrow." My dad said.

"Well I was thinking of having her spending the night at my house if she wants to and if it's all right with you." Travis said.

"No sex until marriage." Dad said bluntly.

"Dad, we won't have sex. I'm still a virgin and plan to be until I'm married." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, alright she can stay at your house tonight." Dad said smiling. Travis and I got up to leave. We went out to his car where he opened the passenger door for me. I got in and we were off to our first destination.

When we finally stopped and I realized we were at my favorite fancy restaurant (can't think of a fancy restaurant).

Travis got out and gave the valet his keys. Yeah, Travis has money.

"Do you have a reservation?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Yes, Williams for two." Travis answered. The waitress nodded, grabbed two menu's and started walking to a table. Travis and I followed hand in hand. We are so happy together.

We sat down and ordered our food. We started talking about life and what we expect for our future and if we see each other in the others future.

"Scarlet, I have a question for you." Travis said.

"Well, Travis, I may have an answer." I replied smiling. My eyes widened as Travis got down on one knee and grabbed a small jewelry box from his coat pocket.

"Scarlet Rose Woods, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Travis asked holding out the ring that I instantly fell in love with.

"I would love to marry you!" I replied putting the ring on my ring finger. Travis quickly stood up and kissed me.

We ate then went back to his house where of course we went against what my dad wanted me to do. Travis and I made love for the first time and it was amazing. Today is the best day of my life.
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Scarlet's outfit
