Status: complete :D



Sam's POV

We had finally figured out what -- or should I say who -- was killing all these people. I went down to the bridge with Andy to stop Ansem while Dean stayed up on top of the hill with a sniper rifle, just in case things got out of hand. Ansem was stronger than Andy, needing only his mind to control people. He had the waitress, Tracey, on the edge of the bridge, ready to jump against her will.Her screams for him to stop fell on deaf ears for Ansem, but to Sam, her piercing shrieks ripped through the night, until Ansem silently commanded her to stop.

"This is just too much fun for Dean to be missing out on!" Ansem declared, having knocked Andy out and pinning me against the side of the bridge, which made me drop my gun back by Andy's foot. "But, then again, Dean always has fun." He raised an eyebrow, looking up the high hill and straight at what I assumed to be Dean; he was hidden so well. "It's my turn." He smirked. "Dean," Ansem spoke in a louder voice, so my brother, perched on the tall mound, could hear him. "Watch where you're pointing that gun. Point that thing somewhere more....shall we say, appropriate." I saw Dean stand and turn the gun around and point it at his chin. I struggled against the force Ansem placed on me, but it did no good.

"No," I whispered. "Please, God, no. Anything but this. Take me, just let Dean live. Please." I bargained, trying anything to save my brother's life.

"God, you're such a pansy!" Ansem yelled. "You can kill all these creatures that you consider evil, but you never stop to think that maybe these things have families, maybe they have children, spouses, or lovers waiting on them to come home, and they never do! Those people are crushed because their family, their soon-to-be family, or best friend never comes back because they're dead!!You don't take them into consideration, and I'm not going to consider you, either. It's time you had a taste of your own medicine, Samuel Winchester!!" He roared.

"Dean, pull that trigger on three," Ansem commanded. "One, two......" He paused, for effect, I assumed. I started sobbing, not able to look at Dean's dark silhouette against the moon lit night sky. "Stop, I have a better idea. Dean, come down here, and leave the gun on the hill." He added the last part with a stern intonation. He obviously knew Dean's intentions.

I was relieved that he was letting Dean live, even if was only for another minute or two. I watched as his form walked down the front of the hill and across the bridge.

"Now what, you son of a bitch? More mind games?" Dean asked in his usual smart ass tone.

"Tsk, tsk. Watch your language, mister. I never gave you permission." Ansem inserted smugly.

"God d....." I watched as Dean struggled, trying to get the word "damn" out.

"Enough of your little games, Winchester," Ansem interrupted lazily. Dean, involuntarily, shut up. "Go stand in front of your brother." Dean did as he was told, trying to fight it the whole time. "Now," Ansem said with a smirk on his face, "kiss him."

"What the fu........freak?! Are you kidding me?!" Dean fought hard against the force that was pulling him towards me.

"Dean, fight harder. You've got to resist!" I said, leaning away from Dean's face.

"I can't, Sammy. It's too strong; I'm not strong enough. I'm so sorry...." was the last thing Dean whispered before his lips softly brushed mine once.

The touch caused one loud crack in the night. Dean was able to pull away. We turned to see Andy, lying on the ground, gun in hand. The shot was still ringing in my ears from the time I got Tracey off the bridge to arriving at the motel.

Dean finally spoke for the first time when we walked into the motel room, number 302. "Sam, I'm sorry. I should have been strong enough. I was too weak to stop what happened. It shouldn't have happened. It's my job to protect you, and I couldn't." His voice was thick.

"Dean," I spoke softly, stepping closer to him. "Don't be sorry. No matter how strong you could've been, nothing could have stopped that. Ansem was too strong, too powerful."

"You wanna know the sad thing about this whole deal?" Dean asked, staring up at me with tears in his eyes.

"What?" I inquired quietly, reaching up to wipe away a tear that had escaped his eye.

"I shouldn't have, but I did. I........" Dean choked.

"You what? You know you can tell me anything." I prompted.

"I enjoyed it. I feel so sick with myself for doing it, but I enjoyed it." He fell onto the bed, his defenses dissolving into nothing, breaking into pieces.

"Hey, shh. It's okay.....Dean, it's okay...shh." I layed down beside him, arms around him, rubbing his back until his sobs quieted and his shaking slowed. I took his boots off of him, picked him up and laid him underneath the bedspread. I went to go to my own bed, but Dean wouldn't release his grip on me.

"Please," he whispered, voice begging, "just stay with me. I don't want to be alone." I laid down beside my brother. I had never seen him so shaken, so vulnerable. I knew he needed me. He turned around to face me and curled into my side. I stared into his eyes. I slowly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. I wouldn't admit it, but I enjoyed it, too. He pulled away with a small smile on his face and fell asleep quickly with my arm around him. I didn't know what this would lead to, and frankly, I didn't care. As long as I had my brother by my side, I could conquer anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to write Dean as a sentimental character for some reason.....and the fact that it actually played into the bridge scene was an added bonus! i uused the same layout cuz im too lazy to make another one :P and comment, please, i would LUVVVV to know what ya'll think!