‹ Prequel: The Dark Witch

The Return of the Dark Witch

And Then I Remember

"Exactly, which is why I don't give a darn about you or you me. Are we clear?"


Neither of us was clear. We're both so far from clear that it's not even funny, it's utterly pathetic.

I allowed my hand to idly brush my lips as I sank down into the nearest armchair.

I'd never felt this way about anyone before. Never touched someone, kissed them, and felt like I belonged, truly belonged. But then, that's when I remember. I remember the tears in her eyes, the horror on her face, and then everything loses focus.

I felt my jaw stiffen, and I swallowed hard, my hand clenched around the end of the armrest.

She betrayed him, the great prat, with me, and she hated herself for it. I could see it in her eyes, feel it. She loves him, Maria loves the prat, and I know it. I felt her love for him and it made me sick. What did he ever do for her? Honestly? Why was he the one….the great traitor Black and he gets the…

I shut my eyes tightly; I could feel rage threatening to consume me. It figures that even in death, the traitor would still find a way to bollocks things up.

Angrily, my eyes shot open. There had to be something I could do. Some way to release this horrible tension that was building inside me.

My head turned as I heard the common room wall open, and I watched Pansy walk in. I felt a smirk form on my face as I looked her body up and down. She'll do.