Front Porch Story

Front porch

I wake up six months later next to none other than Billy Bisson. I look down at my ring finger where a newly placed engagement ring was placed a few weeks earlier. "Is this what I really want?" I ask myself as I look over at the man lying next to me. He was a great guy and all. My father approved of him, but I didn't feel the same way about Billy as I did for Billie Joe. I walk over to Billy's desk and take out a piece of paper.

Dear Billy,
I can't marry you, it just doesn't feel right. I mean you're a great guy; you're just not my guy. I'm not cheating on you if that's what you're thinking, I've remained loyal to you but I can't shake this feeling that we're not meant to be. I think it's for the best that we don't see each other anymore. I'm sorry.

I put the letter and the engagement ring in an envelope and place the envelope on the pillow next to where he's sleeping. I quietly leave his apartment and head home. I take the bus back to my neighborhood and walk down the street peacefully. From some distance I see someone sitting on my front porch. As I walk closer the figure becomes clearer. Billie Joe. I shift my bag on my shoulder and run towards Billie Joe.
"Billie!" I yell happily.
"Adrienne!" He yells as jumps off the step to meet me. I sling my arms around his neck.
"I missed you too fucking much." I mutter into his shirt. "Wow you really cleaned up." I say looking over his clothing; not a rip or stain in sight and his hair cut short.
"Oh yeah, thought I should make a better impression on your father this time around." He says laughing. We sit back on the front steps.
"So how long have you been sitting out here?"
"Urgh, about half an hour." He says shrugging, "You're sister answered the door and said you be back in an hour or two."
"So you were planning on sitting on the porch for two hours?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah, sort of. Oh I also brought you these." He says handing me a bouquet of flowers.
"You cheese-ball!" I tease, as I smell them.
"Guilty. So your sister said you are engaged." Billie states awkwardly.
"I was, but I broke it off this morning, hence I'm home earlier than expected." I say shrugging. "So are you touring now or something?"
"Yeah, for our second album, it's called Kerplunk."
"Cool." I say calmly.
"Yeah, I guess." He says shrugging.
"So how long are you in town?"
"Two weeks." Billie says after a moment of thought.
"Good, my semester finishes in one week." I say happily.
"Are you suggesting that you want to come along?" Billie asks smirking.
"Maybe." I say in a teasing voice. "Are you inviting me?"
"You're always welcome to tag along Adie."
"Then I think I'll come." I giggle.
"What about your Dad, won't he call the cops or something?" Billie asks teasing me.
"Nah, he's lost all authority over me." I say as I rest my head on Billie's shoulder.