Front Porch Story

Front porch

The next morning I wake up next to Billie Joe Armstrong and I was happier than I've been in a long time. I walk over to my desk and open the drawers I dig around through some papers and pull out the skull necklace with Billie's guitar pick on it and I attach it around my neck.
"So it wasn't a dream." Billie says yawning.
"I sure as hell hope not." I say sliding back in bed.
"You kept this?" he asks playing with the necklace.
"Of course." I say rolling my eyes as rest on my back. My alarm clock buzzes. "I have an early course to get to." I get out of bed and make my way to the washroom where I shower and style my hair. I go back to my room and get dressed while Billie watches my every move with fascination from the bed. "You can take a shower if you want."
"Okay." He says walking out of my room in a pair of bright red boxers. Moments later Tanya scurries into my room.
"Billie Joe spent the night!" she hisses.
"Well yeah." I say shrugging as I pull a sweater out of my closet.
"Does Dad know?"
"No, and I don't care what he thinks about him. It's my life not his." I say before Tanya can ask any more questions.
"Does he know about you breaking it of with the other Billy?"
"Yeah, I told him after he got home from work yesterday, he was peeved but other than that he couldn't care less." I say shrugging as I put on my shoes. I look over at Tanya who's over-analyzing me. "What?"
"Way to let the sheets cool Adrienne."
"Shut up!" I say throwing a stress ball at her.

Billie and I head downstairs for breakfast.
"Oh I didn't know we had company." Kathy says tying up her bathrobe. "Wait you're Billie."
"Yeah." He says casually.
"So are you two . . ."
"Yeah." I say before she can finish.
"Well isn't that sweet." She says hurrying out of the kitchen.
"Dear god, he's back." My father mutters as he enters the kitchen.
"Dad." I say in a warning tone.
"No, is this why you left Billy?"
"No, I broke it off before I knew he was back." I say grinding my teeth.
"If you say so." My father says cynically.
"Dad, I don't understand what your problem is. Billie Joe has never done anything to you and you treat him like a disease." I say distraught.
"He dirtied you up! He turned you into some punk rocker druggy."
"Dirtied me up? He's been nothing but nice to me since the day we met!" I say raising my voice.
"What about that day, I caught him all over you?"
"DAD! Did you ever think that it was my choice, he wouldn't have been all over me unless I wanted him to be!" I say this then realize what I said was more information than I wanted my father to know.
"Listen, if I'm causing shit between you, I'll just leave." Billie says getting up from the table.
"No you can stay." My father says rolling his eyes. "Eat something; you look like a damn anorexic."
"Thanks Dad." I say looking him in the eye; I knew that this simple offering of food was the acceptance of Billie Joe.

"So are you touring?" My father asks trying to make pleasant conversation.
"Yeah, our second album and we're working on our third one; we've already got five or six songs." Billie says taking a spoonful of cereal.
"So tell me about the songs on this second album, I've heard the songs from your first album; lord knows it was the only thing Adrienne would listen to for the longest time." I blush as my father says this.
"Really?" Billie says raising his eyebrows, "Well the second album; there's few songs about Adrienne on it."
"All tasteful I hope." My father says warningly.
"Yes, nothing raunchy or demeaning." Billie says quickly.
"Good, good." My father says nodding. I was so happy; their first civilized conversation. After ten more minutes of the conversation I look at my watch.
"I have to get to class." I say kissing Billie's lips quickly, "Will you be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Billie says as I leave the room. "I have to get to a practice at the club anyway."