Front Porch Story

Front porch

I get home after my courses and Billie Joe and my father are sitting on the couch watching television.
"Hi." I say awkwardly.
"Hey." Billie says getting up to kiss me, "I think you're dad is doing some sort of background check on me."
"What are you talking about?" I say as we go to sit on the front porch.
"Well he insisted that he watch the tech rehearsal today."
"Yeah, he wanted to hear us play. He said we were pretty good, it scared me how nice he was." Billie says in disbelief. "Then he told me to stay for supper."
"What about Mike and Tre?"
"He said they were welcome too, but they wanted to have a wild night or something." Billie says shrugging.
"Kids, supper's ready." Kathy calls out to us. We walk into the house and sit at the dining room table.

We eat supper with light conversation followed by coffee and dessert.
"Yes Adie."
"I was thinking about going with Billie Joe on his tour." I say nervously. My father looks over at Billie Joe and nods.
"Okay, I think you're old enough." He says taking a forkful of cake.
"What? Really?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah, I saw them play today, and they seem like an on-track band with a future." He says confidently, "You're going to finish your courses first though, right?"
"Yeah." I say looking at Billie happily.

"Adie do you want to go for coffee or something?" Amy asks me toward the end of my final class.
"Sorry can't, I'm leaving right after this class." I say watching the second hand of the clock intently.
"What? You're actually going on this tour thing with them?!" Amy says in disbelief.
"Well, yeah. I'm crazy about Billie and I want to be with him." I say impatiently.
"When are you coming back?"
"I don't know."
"Alright then bye I guess."
"Bye Amy." I say hugging her as the bell rings. I dash out of class to the front of the building where Billie, Mike and Tre are leaning against the bookmobile.
"Yay we can leave!" Tre says taking the driver's seat of the van.
"I don't think so." Mike says pushing Tre out of the driver's seat.
"Hey!" Tre whines.
"Play nice boys." I say sliding in next to Billie who's already got his arm over my shoulders.