Front Porch Story

Front porch

"Bill we're tired of you breaking the rules." Tre says picking at his toenails.
"What rules? And since when have we ever respected any rules?" Billie asks rolling his eyes.
"You bring Adie with us on tour but you didn't let Lisea or Ana come." He whines.
"They don't live 2000 miles away from us." Billie says hugging me close.
"I'm not so much as coming on tour, as getting a lift back to Cali." I say in my own defense.
"Yeah." Billie says nodding.
"Ever here of Greyhound?" Mike says laughing.
"Umm no." I say laughing just as hard. "Besides you guys are so much fun!"
"Oh you're sweet but I want my Lisea!" Tre whines.
"Fine then, teleport her here." Billie says rolling her eyes.
"You fuck face." Tre mutters.
"Awe you know you love me." Billie teases.
"Not like he loves Lisea." Mike says evilly.
"I can try." Billie says laughing.
"No you're mine, all mine." I say kissing in the space on between the back of his ear and his neck.
"Sorry Tre, I cancel my offer." Billie says wrapping his arm around me and pulling me so all my weight is on him.
"Hey either share her or stop making us jealous!" Mike says taking a sharp corner.
"Fine." I mutter as I get off Billie.
"No, come back!" Billie whines.
"No, I don't want to be shared!" I say shoving Billie playfully.
"Fine." Billie mutters as Tre and Mike put on pouting faces.

"Billie missed you like crazy." Mike teases.
"Yeah I know." I mutter not wanting to bring up the subject.
"No he really did. He'd mutter your name in his sleep." Mike pesters as Billie turns redder and redder.
"Adie, Adie, Adie." Tre says obnoxiously.
"Okay, you had your fun." Billie says warningly.
"He tried to get over you and started dating this real bitch." Tre continues.
"I don't care, I was engaged." I say feeling sorry for Billie who now looks like a tomato.
"She went running out of the apartment pissed off because Billie fell asleep and started muttering your name instead of hers." Mike says bursting out laughing.
"Awe." I say kissing Billie.
"You know the rules." Tre yelps.
"Jeez." I say annoyed. I grab Tre's hand and kiss it followed by Mike's.
"You're bending the rules! Billie got kissed on the lips, we got pointless hand kisses!" Tre yells.
"What are we Governor's daughters?" Mike asks sarcastically.
"I don't know, are you?" I tease.
"Well, yes we are. We actually met at the Governor's ball last summer." Tre says in a girly southern accent.
"So you met at a ball, were you sucking it or fondling it?" Billie asks pervertedly.
"Well, I fondled it, but I don't know what Tre did after I left." Mike mutters more concentrated on the road.
"Hey Mike do you want me to drive you look kind of tired." I suggest.
"Uh okay." He says pulling over.

We switch places and I begin to drive through the night.
"We'll be quiet, sugar booger." Tre says caressing Mike's face.
"Argh get off." Mike says slapping Tre's hand away causing all of us to laugh uncontrollably.
"Oh so you're just going to deny our beautiful night together." Tre says pretending to cry.
"Tre, we were drunk." Mike says trying to repress his laughs but fails.
"Oh sure, that was your excuse for our beautiful night too." Billie says also pretending to cry.
"You two are not the only ones." I say laughing. "He broke my heart too."
"Mike that's a new low." Billie says shaking his head, "Breaking our hearts is one thing, but breaking the heart of someone so immaculate, that's disgusting."
"Immaculate? Yeah right!" I say laughing.
"Your pretty close in my eyes." Billie says cheesily.
"Then you hold me up too high."
"That is SO true." Tre says obnoxiously receiving a punch in the stomach from Billie.
"Hey, is Mike asleep?" I ask wondering why he's been so silent.
"No, Tre's voice is keeping me awake." Mike mutters as I hear him fumble in the back.
"Okay I'll be vewy, vewy quiet." Tre says in an Elmer Fud voice.
"Good." Mike mutters.
"In fact I'll go sleepy now too." Tre says resting his head against the window.

A few minutes of driving in silence and Billie taps me on the shoulder.
"Got any eyeliner?"
"What? Why?" I ask amused.
"Just answer the question." He whispers quickly.
"Yeah, in the pocket of my backpack." I say going back to concentrating on the road.
"Thanks." He says as I hear him rummage around the back. "Ooo, black. Perfect."
"What are you doing?" I ask giggling.
"You'll see." He says mischievously. He comes back to the front and starts drawing a penis next to Tre's mouth. He then moves onto drawing a booger near his nose and a disgusting uni-brow. "Perfect."
"Did you do that to Mike too?" I ask trying not to burst out laughing.
"Yeah, something similar." He says evilly as he goes in back again. "What do you think?" he asks putting his face near mine. I turn my head to look at him and see he's wearing a generous coat of eyeliner around his eyes.
"It looks good." I say kissing him quickly before focusing on the road again. "Maybe a bit before it's time though."
"Perhaps you're right." He says shrugging, "Maybe in couple of years."
"Yeah." I say nodding, "Guy-liner will defiantly be rebelliously cool by that time." Billie bursts out laughing.
"Ha! Guy-liner!"
"Shut-up or you'll wake them up." I hiss.
"Pull over." He murmurs into me ear.
"What? Why?" I ask twitchily.
"Because I want you."
"You always want me." I say laughing.
"But I want you more." He pleads as I pull over.

I step into the back where Billie is sitting; I step over Mike and sit on Billie's lap. I start kissing his neck generously as I move my lips up to his mouth. Billie places his hands on my hips and pulls me, if at all possible, closer to him. I snake my arms around his neck and I feel his hands go up my back and under my shirt.
"For fuck's sake, if you're going to go at it, at least do it quietly." Mike mutters as he shifts his weight and puts his pillow over his ears.
"Moment's ruined, isn't it?" Billie whispers to me.
"Yeah." I say as move to sit next to him, still spooned in his arms. "Marry me Billie Joe."