Front Porch Story

Front porch

"Where's the food?!" Tre yells waking me up.
"Check the box." I mutter as I place my head back on Billie's chest.
"I did, there's none!"
"You have to buy food to have food genius." Mike mutters.
"But we bought food."
"That was two days ago." Billie mutters as he spoons me. Tre grumbles and sits in the driver's seat.
"What are you doing?" I ask still groggy.
"I'm driving to the nearest pit stop, grocery store, or restaurant." Tre mutters as he starts the bookmobile.
"Whatever." I say as I snuggle up to Billie and fall asleep.

"Wake up Adie." Billie whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and blink a couple of times.
"Where are we?"
"Pitt stop."
"Okay." I say getting up and sliding out of the truck.
"Hey Mike, wake up!" Billie says loudly as he pokes at his band mate.
"Wha?" Mike asks yawning. I head to the washroom, Billie not far behind.

"Unisex." Billie says smirking. We both walk into the fairly large stall. He pulls me close to him and locks his lips against mine. I run my fingers up the back of his neck into his hair.
"I'm sorry, but I really have to pee." I say laughing.
"Oh be my guest." Billie says letting me go. I make my way over to the toilette and do my stuff. "You done?" I nod. "Good, cause I need to piss like a camel."
"This should be interesting." I say laughing.
"Not literally." Billie says rolling his eyes as he pulls "it" out and commences on pissing in the toilette.
"It's like fucking Niagara falls." I say laughing.
"Well, what do you want me to say?" Billie asks laughing, "You like what you see?"
"I've already answered the question a million times before." I say nodding.

"Billie! I need to piss real bad!" Tre yells from the other side of the door.
"Just a minute!" Billie yells as he flushes the toilette. We leave the washroom and Tre looks at us awkwardly.
"You were in there together."
"Yes Tre." I say slowly.
"You're breaking the sharing rule." Tre mutters.
"You don't keep your clothes on in public, that's breaking state rules." I mutter as Tre shuts the door.
"Shoosh." Billie says putting his finger over his mouth, "I don't obey that rule either."

"I gots the food." Mike yells from across the pitt stop store.
"Whoot!" Billie yells laughing.
"Where's Tre?"
"Urinating!" I call out.
"Oh isn't that nice." Mike says laughing. "Let's go back to the bookmobile."
"Tre, we're going back to the truck." Billie says knocking on the door.
"Yeah, yeah." He mutters.

"Hey guys the people in the store kept laughing." Mike says shrugging.
"I wonder why." I say laughing at the penis drawn on his face.
"Weird, maybe it's the red neck water." Billie suggests.
"Meh." Mike says as Tre walks up to the truck with black smears all over his face.
"Who the fuck did this to my face?!" Tre yells as we all start laughing hysterically. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you Mike."
"What?" Mike says as he looks in the rear view mirror. "You ass holes!"
"Awe you don't like it?" Billie says in mockery.
"It was you!" Tre says dramatically pointing at Billie Joe.
"Hey, Adie didn't stop me, besides it was her eyeliner." Billie accuses.
"It was your idea and you're the one who committed the crime." I snicker.
"The betrayal." Mike says rubbing trying to rub the eyeliner off.
"It's not coming off." Tre whines.
"You need to use soap and water." I say slowly.
"Fine but this counts as a bath!" Tre says running back into the pitt stop, Mike not far behind.

"Alone again." Billie says raising his eyebrows.
"You horny freak." I say as I start to kiss his neck.
"I can't help it." He mutters as he moves his hands under my shirt.
"They're going to be back any minute." I whisper.
"I know, but let's just enjoy our time until then." He says as his lips meet mine. I snake my arms around his neck and move my fingers up his neck into his hair.

"Sharing rule." Tre says opening the door of the bookmobile.
"Fuck that rule." I mutter.
"I knew you'd say that." Tre said slightly pissed off.
"Think about it Tre, would Lisea really appreciate you making out with Adie." Billie says raising his eyebrows.
"No but you're really pissing me off." Tre says rolling his eyes.
"Where's Mike?" Billie asks.
"He's still trying to wash that gunk of his face."
"We're so going to get you back!" Mike says as he takes the driver's seat angrily.
"Awe, you don't like the eyeliner penis look?" I ask laughing.
"Not particularly." Mike grunts. "Can't wait till we get home."
"When's that again?" I ask innocently.
"Two days." Tre murmurs.