Front Porch Story

Front porch

"I'm goin home to my baby; I'm goin home to my baby. Oh yeah, I'm goin home." Tre sings in a red neck voice.
"Tre please stop singing!" I mutter.
"Fine." He mutters, "I'll belch the alphabet A . . . B . . . C . . . D . . ."
"Tre your breath stinks." Mike says disgusted, "When was the last time you brushed your teeth?"
"Pitt stop."
"What two days ago?" Billie asks disgusted.
"Yeah, well you're not sharing Adie; I have no purpose to brush."
"That's just nasty." I say grossed out. "Billie, breathe on me to take away the Tre scent."
"Sure." He says as he starts to blow on my face with his minty breath due to the fact he was chewing gum.
"Thank you." I say giggling.
"Sappiest couple EVER!" Mike mutters from the driver's seat.
"Oh you should see yourself with Anastasia." Billie mutters.
"Shut-up." Mike says as he parks the bookmobile in front of the apartment.
"Gotta brush my teeth before Lisea comes!" Tre yells running out of truck. All I can do is laugh.

The rest of us start take all their stuff into the apartment.
"Is that everything?" Mike asks.
"Yeah." I say placing the final bag on the floor. "Okay, I'm going to see Ana now."
"Wait! Can you give me a lift?!" Tre yells as he runs after Mike.
"Just you and me." Billie says raising his eyebrows and pulling me onto the couch.
"You sure about that?" I say laughing.
"Yeah, Tre hasn't brought out Mario in ages."
"Okay, good." I say as I kiss at Billie's neck.

"You like kissing my neck, don't you?" He asks laughing. I just nod and continue. Billie grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head. I run my fingers under his shirt over his smooth chest, I lift his shirt over his head and toss it aside and continue to kiss his neck moving down to his upper chest. He cups my cheeks and kisses my lips passionately as his hands move over my shoulders, down my side and holds onto my hips as our lips remain locked. His hands slide down my hips and he undoes the button on my jeans.

"Who the fuck locked the door?" Tre mutters. "Hold on Lisea I have my key somewhere."
"Fuck." I mutter as I grab my shirt and Billie pulls me into his room.
"That better?" He says pulling me onto his bed.
"Billie and Adie probably went out." we hear Tre say in the next room.

Billie leans over me and starts kissing my lips gradually making is way to my neck. His hands are undoing my zipper on my jeans and pulling them down slowly. Billie's pants are loose on him so I don't even have to unbutton them, just pull them off.

The next morning I wake up wrapped in the comforting embrace of Billie's arm. I swear I could spend the rest of my life in his arms like this. This pleasantness is interrupted by the sound of the smoke alarm.
"What the fuck?" Billie says jolting awake.
"Fire!" I yell as I see smoke rising from a crack in the floor boards.
"Holy fuck!" Billie yells. I yank on my jeans and t-shirt, Billie manages to put on his pants. Underclothes forgotten, Billie escorts me out of the building where all the tenants are standing.

"What's going on?" Billie asks as we meet up with Mike, Ana, Tre and Lisea.
"Apartment below ours caught on fire." Mike mutters as he wraps his arms around Lisea.
"Did someone call fire department?" I ask.
"Yeah, I think I hear the sirens now." Ana says casually.
"Yeah me too." Lisea says craning her neck away from Tre for a second.
"Adie, are you cold?" Tre asks evilly.
"What?" I ask confused.
"What are you doing looking there?" Billie asks just about to attack Tre.
"No reason." Tre mutters as I hold Billie back. The fire truck drives up to the building and the firefighters get to work, meanwhile Billie wraps his arms around me to keep each other warm.

"It's safe to go back inside now!" A fire fighter announces as we all trudge back into the building.
"Oh good the fire didn't spread to our apartment." Mike says checking each room.
"Yeah." Billie says picking his shirt off the living room floor and pulling it on. "It's fucking freezing today."
"Maybe that's because you went outside shirtless." I say as Billie walks into his room and comes out with a black hooded sweater.
"Maybe, but I'm still cold." He mutters. I walk into Billie's room and get my own sweater then make my way into the kitchen where I make some coffee.
"Here this'll warm you off." I say handing Billie a cup of coffee.
"Thanks." He says taking the cup in one hand and pulling me near him with his free arm. We sit on the sofa a while then Tre and Lisea come to join us.
"Oh there's coffee." Tre says excitedly.
"I seriously doubt you need any more stimulants." I mutter as he retrieves two cups from the sink and fills them with coffee.
"Here you go Lisea darling." Tre says handing her a cup and squeezing onto the sofa. I move so that I'm sitting on Billie's lap so everyone is more comfortable.